
States Having Sterilization Laws in 1956


Dates indicate the year in which the law was first passed; later revisions or amendments are not shown.

Sterilizations Reported

Per 100,000 Population




New Hampshire





North Carolina






West Virginia


























North Dakota



















Sough Dakota





South Carolina









Types of State Laws




Both (3)









































































































New Hampshire






*North Carolina






*North Dakota


















South Carolina






*South Dakota
























West Verginia












  1. Consent of defective person, spouse or guardian required.
  2. Consent of defective person not required.
  3. Law contains provision for either voluntary or compulsory.
  4. Law contains provision for Individuals outside of institutions.
  5. Authorization agency for sterilization operation. (Other states' operations passed on by designated agencies.)


Sterilisations Reported in the United States
to January 1, 1957

(click to enlarge)



The Board of the English Eugenics Education Society 1915-1916. Ploetz was an elected Vice-President


(click to enlarge)

Nuremberg rally. How many of these people later served as guards in the eugenic death camps?



Law for the prevention Hereditary Diseases in Posterity


Two months after the Nazi seizure of power, the racial hygenists show their hand.


Human Hereditary Teaching and Racial Hygiene




Professor Lenz bases his work on the "scientific" works of such authorities: Stoddard, American racist; Ammon, German racist; Darre, later Nazi Minister of Agriculture; Gobineau, French racist; Grant, American racist: Guenther, crude German racist: de Lapouge, French racist and racial hygienist


Archive for Race-Hygiene

On the Development of the third Reich since the Seizure of Power by our Fuehrer on January the Both 1933.

This short synopsis which is directed mainly at our foreign reader can only serve the purpose of pointing out the most important advances directly or indirectly concerning our areas of Racial and Social Biology and Racial and Social Hygiene. These are areas which Adolf Hitler has pointed out to be the most important foundations of our racial and state life.

The reforms began with the passage of the law for "The Prevention of Hereditarily Ill Descendants" on the 14th of July 1933. According to this law, anyone who is hereditarily ill can be made barren (sterilized) when in the view of medical science it could be expected on a high probability that his descendants would suffer from grievous physical and mental hereditary defects.

This was followed by "The Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor" on the 15th of September 1935. By this all marriages and extra marital relationships between Jews and citizens of German stock or related stock was forbidden.

This was followed by the "Law for the Protection of Hereditary Health" of the German People (The Marriage Health Law) on the 18th of October 1935, whereby a marriage could not be undertaken if one of the betrothed is suffering from a contagious illness whereby severe damage to the health of the other party is to be feared. Also when one of the betrothed couple has been incapacitated or is under tutelage, or when one of the betrothed couple without being incapacitated suffers from a mental defect, which makes the marriage undesirable for the racial community and when one of the betrothed suffers from a hereditary disease by the definitions given in the "Law for The Prevention of Hereditarily Ill descendants." Before undertaking the marriage the couple must prove by attestation of the Health Office, that no reason exists for the prevention of the marriage under law.

The diligent enforcement of these laws has been made easier and more possible through supplements, regulations and commentaries, and their application has caused many beneficial results for the populace, results whose full effect will be felt in the future.

Further racial hygienic measures were the marriage loans and child support laws especially for families with many children.

These have led to an increase of the birth-rate which was declining strongly.

The education of German Youth in mental, spiritual and physical respects is being undertaken more and more independently of religion and alien racial influence, and is more under the control of the state. This ensures the growth and the preservation of the national-socialist spirit, which is already influenced to a great degree by state and party organizations.

The Jewish part of the population which influences our cultural life so strongly, and often even controls it, has been driven back strongly in the Wehrmacht, in the economy, in the judiciary, among teachers of all kinds and levels, in the press, in the theater and in the film industry.

Unemployment which was burdening our race so, heavily has been done away with except for relatively small sections, and the position of the working classes especially as regards health, economy and social services has been greatly improved.

The safeguarding of our race in its racial progress was further assisted by the withdrawal from the League of Nations and the daring declaration that made null and void the Treaties of Versailles and of St. Germain, steps which made strong protective measures possible for the German Reich such as the creation of a large modern Wehrmacht, the resolute occupation of the Rhineland by German troops, the German - Japanese - Italian unification against Communism and the creation of the "Axis" German Reich - Italy and finally the wonderful reunification of Austria with the German Reich. This brought about not only an increase of military, economic and cultural possibilities, but above all it realized the old desire of the Germans in the Reich and in Austria to be united for all times in a Greater Germany.

These are some of the major points of the stupendous achievements of our Fuehrer and his faithful followers!

Through his deeds Hitler moves up into the ranks of our greatest leaders since oldest times!

Our people have realized this and are devoted to him with grateful hearts. No German prince, no German king or emperor has ever been loved so passionately by his whole people as Adolf Hitler.

Alfred Ploetz.                     Ernst Ruedin

Ruedin and Ploetz speak for themselves. No comment.


On the Occasion of Adolf Hitler's Birthday.

On the 20th of April our Fuehrer will be 49 years old, ten days after a plebiscite in the old Reich and in Austria which brought him the unheard of figure of 99 out of a hundred votes.

Anyone who has been involved in the enthusiasm of our people or who heard the reports of his friends in the old Reich and in Austria knows that the hateful and suspicious doubts raised about the honesty of the polling belong to the realm of the grey fable. if ever our people were unanimous (except for minor sectors}, then this is the time.

We wish for Adolf Hitler from the depth of our hearts that fate may grant he keep leading Greater Germany to the bright heights of peaceful development!

Alfred Ploetz.                     Ernst Ruedin


The War Forced Upon Us and Racial Hygiene.

A modern war whether carried out victoriously or not, brings about, as every racial hygienist knows, the horrible contra-selection, and destruction of the flower of youth at the beginning of its reproductive period. This mass-death causes not only the loss of the individual's cultural achievements [but also the potential of all his descendants]. This damage, which can be rectified only through efforts, is balanced only slightly, by the selective elimination of interior types, which improves the hereditary mass of the race. Wars where hunger and disease, as strong selective factors, have eliminated the severely ill and the organically detective, are things of the past. For in today's war hygiene and food distribution organizations in most of the civilized nations are so perfected that the genetically deficient and ill are not as severely handicapped as in earlier ones.

The counter-selective effects of a modern war are only strengthened today.

One would think that such decisive considerations concerning the future of civilized races would have prevented the present war. For decades and especially since the foundation of the Third Reich, German racial hygienists have never left any doubt in the minds of other cultured nations and above all England and France, that a war between them would encompass, apart from all other horrors, a mutual racial extermination. For this reason, peace, a peaceful co-operation-yes we can go so tar as to say a peaceful productive competition of all culturally creative and related peoples-would be in their interest. Even German scientists, politicians and statesmen have never tailed to point out their ideas in their diplomatic negotiations, in economic and trade conferences, in international scientific and other meetings and congresses, and made attempts again and again to ensure peaceful co-operation.

A cruel fate has disallowed their success. Disastrous misguidance by a section of European politics has created a relatively small but powerful and ruthless stratum of English and French people who are jealous of the efforts to achieve freedom and liberty for the German People. They have come to power with the imperturbable intention of regaining full hegemony over the German People again and to strengthen it to a point of total military, political, economic and financial unconsciousness in Germany.

But the national socialistically united and thoroughly organized Germany will answer the war forced upon it and solemnly declared on it by the English warlike classes and Jews and the corresponding French classes. In Germany, led by the purposeful urge towards freedom of its Fuehrer and in which all its classes will remain faithful in this struggle for victory, there is but one common goal: Fight the war forced upon us to the point of absolute security of our territory. Certainly, we still think in terms of racial hygiene because we want an eternal Germany. Therefore we will win as tree people and will continue to live as such. Then, and this is our firm hope, we will be able to make good the damages of war to our people, through an even more consistent policy of racial hygiene, in peace.

Alfred Ploetz.                     Ernst Ruedin

Ruedin and Ploetz once again.


The Perfection of Great Germany

When in March last year, Austria was united with the German Old Reich, few anticipated that the reunion of the Sudetenland with the new Reich was forthcoming, and the true Great Germany would be completed.

In spite of the greater political and military difficulties, the integration of the German sections of Czechoslovakia into the German Reich succeeded in the relatively short time of a few months. There were no losses worth mentioning, to the civil population or the advancing German army. Over 98% of the votes cast were for the annexation.

Apart from the 6.5 million Austrians, Great Germany has now won an additional 2.5 million Germans, and now the actual racial block of the Reich counts almost 80 million racial comrades. The military, economic and cultural gains are evident, just as the direct and indirect advantages are in the field of racial hygiene.

Again, as success shows our Fuehrer has set with an unerring statesmanlike view the time and place of political action and staged the interplay of his faithful followers so surely, that everything we said about his tremendous deeds in April last year is now even more valid.

Through his deeds Hitler moves into the ranks of our greatest leaders since oldest times Our people have realized this and are devoted to him with grateful hearts. No German prince, no German king or emperor has ever been loved so passionately by his whole people as Adolf Hitler.

Alfred Ploetz.                     Ernst Ruedin

* Archiv 1938, Heft 2, S. 186.

Ruedin and Ploetz praise Hitler as the greatest Fuehrer since the oldest times.


Duties and Aims of the German Society for Racial Hygiene

By Prof. Ernst Ruedin

The foundation of the German Society for Racial Hygiene was back in the year 1905, when Alfred Ploetz, the founder of German racial hygiene and today honorary member of the Society together with a group of friends, to which I also belonged undertook the first attempt in Germany to create a spread of the principles of racial Hygiene through the organization of societies. In spite of our constant endeavors to inform the public that it was about time that something was done about the race, in spite of our references even at the beginning of this century to the cultural-creative value of the Nordic race and the drastic danger of the decline of the German birth-rate and the spoon-feeding of all hereditarily weak, ill and less valuable, which is contrary to nature, our ideas could find no recognition in authoritative positions. Even if our movement succeeded in silently and slowly winning over the brains and hearts of our best Germans. the lack of organization ensured that no racial hygiene measures could be taken. The importance of racial hygiene has only become known in Germany to all intelligent Germans through the political work of Adolf Hitler, and it was only through him that our more than thirty-year-old dream has become a reality and racial hygiene principles have been translated into action.

This article is to give expression of our deep gratitude to our Fuehrer before the whole world.

Today the road to racial hygiene is clear. However, we have just taken the first few small steps on it and there are many many more steps to come until the major goal of racial hygiene is accomplished. Racial Hygiene is no fashionable thing, It must accompany a race at all times so it can always remain on top. To organize our People and our Race in the future in accordance with the views of racial hygiene, to provide people with the implements the spiritual and moral equipment which are needed for this fateful journey is the duty of the German Society for Racial Hygiene, together with other organizations which through the offices of the Reichsminister Dr Frick have been newly organized along racial lines

Ruedin once again...


The Fuehrer thanks Ruedin.

In his career Ruedin has had no shortage of well earned honors and just recently he received the Goethe-Medaille fuer Kunst und Wissenschaft (Goethe Medal for Art and Science) "In recognition of his achievements in the development of German racial hygiene."

The Reichsminister of the Interior Dr Frick sent him the following telegram of congratulation:-

'To the unceasing pioneer of racial hygiene and the meritorious protagonist of racial hygienic measures in the Third Reich I send my sincerest congratulations on his 65th birthday May you be able to continue your research for the benefit of mankind for a long time to come.'

The Wiesbaden Congress of German Psychiatrists Neurologists and Internists presented him with the Erb-Medaille.


Sterilization in Mainfranken in the years 1934-1936


One of the publications of the Racial-Political department of the NSDAP, headed by Ruedin's colleague Dr. A. Guett.


Hitler Revisits his Former Prison

Behind him in the grey eminence Dr. Karl Brandt.



Transport Lists.

This is what the transport lists of T4 looked like.



Dr. Adolf Wahlmann

Hadamar murder chief.



Hadamar Institution

Quietly and Peacefully ... they died here

Front view of the Hadamar Institution


Ward 1B, Hadamar Institution



The Killing Centers



The Medical Machine of Destruction

Based upon: Chart, signed by Dr. Karl Brandt, undated, No-645, and Taschenbuch fuer Verwaltungsbeamte, 1943, PS-3475.



Extermination Camp Treblinka

T4 plan of a death camp. The buildings are situated in an efficient manner



Cont. Appendix 2

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