
Thank you for the excellent packaging of Oberholser (the late and very unlamented.) The interest in this bad hat stems from the fact that he blew the whistle on Dianetics when St. Elizabeth psychiatrists were just beginning to use it and were for the first time getting results on patients at the National Asylum. He forbade them to use it but they disagreed heavily and privately used it for many years under cover. This broke up introducing Dianetics on regular channels - May 1950.

Thereafter, a violent and gory attack was mounted. It was begun by Oberholser, went over to George Wash U. Psychology Department at once and there a student of the first Dianetics class (Dolly Jones) also a psychology student, was hypnotized, beaten, told to go crazy, did so and we had to hospitalize her.

We handled it so fast and so well no "Dianetics drove her crazy" could be campaigned and wasn't. This was the first hard flat out PR-Intelligence operation in Dianetics. Her state was not assisted by her husband, Col. Jones of US Army Intelligence, also a member of the first Dianetics Class.

From then on the NY Times Literary Section began an attack and a lot of violent track ran by which included DR. MEYER-ZELIG, a psychiatrist in San Francisco master-minding a kidnapping of me to fly me to St. Louis and be put away. His (Zelig's) plans miscarried.

MILES HOLLISTER, formerly a psych student, got hold of SARA NORTHRUP (really Komknoidominoff) (or ov) and handed her over to Zelig who put her in deep hypnosis, fixated her on the idea I was trying to kill her and spun her in, in which state she has remained since. This caused the final destruction of the HDRF [Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation] as national press only played up her divorce.

GENE BENTON, secretary of the Young Communist League and others, were part of this.

So you see why I am interested in this bad hat Oberholser. He struck the first blow.

You do have evidence re Ezra Pound. It is on pg 29 of "Manufacture of Madness." Oberholser's connection to WFMH has not been picked up in this review but exists I believe in the WFMH rosters.

We get a very out-pointy package on Oberholser: Majored in ECONOMICS. Six wks formal training as a head boiler, membership crossed to Council of Foreign Relations. All the best people and the "right societies" but they are very anti-Man.

Interest in Central-South America - that's a Rockefeller clue.

George Washington U altered and misreports my status to reporters. Once said I never went there now may have another tale.

This ties back to Oberholser by what you've dug up.

He is involved in Judicial degradations according to his works, fascinated with socking people in without trial. Siberia Bill included.

Now, when we hit and wrecked his Siberia Bill, Oberholser must have revived pressure. That funny dead man Brock Chisholm (undoubtedly connected as same societies) is reported by NAMH head SA to have said (1958?) "Scientology is dangerous" and the attack on us suddenly went all out mounting up to the FDA raid and finally all the "bans."

Now WFMH is about to die, most of these old birds are carrion and we are making rapid headway once more.

From all this sorting out of detail I hazard that we ran into and hit a massive plan to escalate the destruction of human liberty by psychiatry and didn't just dent it but are now approaching a total wreckage of their political-judicial decimation of the world scene.

While this is just hitting the high spots it gives us a need. Continue to apply pressure and mop up. Dead agent the wild false statements of the 1950-1970 scene by pin-pointing the general villainy of the agencies concerned (AMA, FDA, WFMH, NAMH, APA and George Wash. U where govt clerks go to get degrees to be FBI, Justice Attorneys, FDA execs and others.)

Be alert that we have not omitted another spearhead that was also involved. Continue to look for NEW opposition and handle well.

This search was a good one. He (Oberholser) was a member of the Club.

Your work is appreciated.

The above 1 to 4 general plan is called to the attention of the GO.

Love, RON

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