Administration Briefing Number 2

by Capt. W.B. Robertson

RON'S ORG, 29/30 AUGUST 1987

False Bridges

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Admin Briefing No. 1 was about THE BRIDGE.

This is Admin Briefing No.2 and it's about FALSE BRIDGES.

The date is 29th and 30th August 1987 or AD 37. I'm making  this tape for the OT Convention on September 19th and 20th.


Admin Briefing No.2 will be about "False Bridges".

By going up the ACTUAL Bridge, one can see where all the FALSE  BRIDGES lead. This briefing is to inform you of how to  differentiate them from the ACTUAL BRIDGE.

This briefing is not so important to people doing the ACTUAL  Bridge, as they have already chosen the correct path. It is  important to those who have chosen a FALSE Bridge, or who are  still undecided about how to progress toward OT.

You do have the right to choose for yourself and learn by your  experience. The intention of this briefing is only to warn you of  traps, tricks, and about a course of action ( or inaction) which  could be very costly and even damaging to your health and  survival, as well as your bank account.

So let us start by giving you the "Rights of a  Thetan".

They are:

  1. Right to your own sanity
  2. Right to leave a Game
  3. Right to make or choose (or not) your OWN GAME to play.

I'll state those again:

  1. Right to your own sanity
  2. Right to leave a Game
  3. Right to make or choose (or not) your OWN GAME to play.

Number One, Sanity: Anything which makes you less sane will  affect your self-determinism and cause you to be more  other-determined. Implanters, and people who are the effect of  them and who try to 'copy' them, are dedicated to making you less  sane. What is this mechanism in terms of the Bridge?

Implanters try to shrink your awareness and make you believe  you are only a 'little part of theta' or are only a 'little part  of existence' such as 'a body'. Or, they say: "We are all  ONE and must listen to what the ONE says - the 'Great God of Good  Sense' of our shared experience and Spiritual Endowment."  This is Group Think and causes agreement on an automatic  stimulus-response basis, according to what implant is being used  or keyed in at that time.

Implanters also try to suppress your native abilities by  inating them or only 'conditionally' validating them as:  "Well, you may experience that - if you take drugs", or  "Our Drugs". (And pay a lot for them, of course). And  then they continue on with other methods - including taking over  religions or philosophies and twisting them into clever traps.  Whatever their action is : TO SHRINK OR REDUCE YOUR AWARENESS AND  CONTROL IT, AND MAKE YOU CONFORM TO WHAT THEY (as 'STATUS  AUTHORITIES' of course) SAY YOU SHOULD THINK OR BELIEVE OR DO.

I'll give you that again:



Now, Rights of a Thetan No.2: The Right to leave a Game. This  is very important as a Thetan's Right, because Implanters and  their copy-cats WANT TO TRAP YOU so YOU NEVER LEAVE THE GAME or  even find out what it is. This is why over the eons and other  games there have been FALSE BRIDGES.

The implanters can't stop a person from improving or wanting to improve himself, as this is one of the key  purposes in the real game that the thetan agreed to. He did  agree to improve himself. But they can use his desire to  improve to lead him into a FALSE BRIDGE. One that promises  improvement, but in the end, it's a trap. The improvement, to  some small degree, may even exist - to bait the trap - but the  end result is the same - A TRAP. And it will be expensive too, as  implanters know they must also reduce the energy and financial  power of those who could oppose them.

Now the key to the ACTUAL Bridge is EXPANSION. Of awareness in  time, space, and the expansion of the Ability to play a Game. It  will also validate you and your individuality and playing  ability.

The ACTUAL Bridge is based on the fact that a thetan was big  and powerful and wants to improve his Knowledge, Responsibility  and Control to regain and exceed - EXCEED that original state. In  fact, he wants to obtain No. 3, The Right of a Thetan No. 3 - the  Ability TO MAKE OR CHOOSE (OR NOT) A GAME. This is a very high  ability which very few on Earth have been successful at. One  major reason for this is that when a thetan was powerful, he did choose a game, and has been playing it ever since - more  and more unaware of it through the mechanism of implanting,  not-is, invalidation and suppression.

There are three aspects to this "downspiral" in the  game. One is other-determined, another part is self-determined,  and another is the pan-determined aspect. On the ACTUAL  Bridge, the other-determined aspect of the downspiral must  be handled first - then the self-determined, then the pan-determined. This is the way out of the confusion and the uncertainty about  how one did go down the spiral.

The FALSE Bridges hide the "other-determined"  aspect or invalidate it. (Such as saying: "OT 3 was  only Ron's case"). And then, they pretend to give you  'self-determinism', when it's really more and more  other-determinism, and then they pretend to give you  'pan-determinism', IF YOU CONFORM. The highest form of  'pan-determinism' on the FALSE Bridge is to "Become One with  the Universe". I say, isn't that nice? This is actually  REDUCING a thetan's awareness to Tone 0, which is DEATH on  the Tone Scale and BEING MEST. (MEST is matter, energy, space and  time). It's even downscale from 'Being a Body'. Well, that's the  way the FALSE Bridges go.

What is this MEST Universe anyway? Well, it's a complex  composite case made by all the players in the game. One runs his  own part of it out at OT 13 on the ACTUAL Bridge. So to  exteriorize a thetan INTO the MEST Universe as an Upper OT Level  is a TRAP. The REAL Bridge exteriorizes the thetan FROM the MEST  Universe. He becomes BIGGER than it. Then he can handle his part  of his responsibility in it.

I'll just repeat that again for anyone that didn't get it: So,  to exteriorize a thetan INTO the MEST Universe as an "Upper  OT Level" is a TRAP. The REAL Bridge exteriorizes the thetan  FROM the MEST Universe. He becomes BIGGER than it. Then he can  handle his part of his responsibility in it.

Let's also look at Axiom No. 10: "The Highest Purpose in  this Universe is the Creation of an Effect". Well, that's  very easy for an OT to do. In fact, each OT did do it. So what's  the 2nd Highest Purpose? Of course, "To EXPERIENCE the  effect" - and that's what he has been doing ever  since.

But there's more: What's the 3rd Highest Purpose? Maybe,  "To PROVE the Cause of the Effect". And here you have  theology, religion, philosophy, and some science theorists.

And the 4th Highest Purpose is: "To PROVE the  EFFECT." Here are your run-of-the-mill scientists. Always in  the lab "proving the effect" over and over and over  again.

Ha! Now the implanters join in: "Let's create a FALSE  effect" - as the 5th Highest Purpose - Oh! - and  "EXPERIENCE THE EFFECT of the False Cause." You see?  Create a False Cause as the 5th Highest Purpose and Experience  the Effect of the False Cause as the 6th Highest Purpose.

Now, the FALSE Bridge of the implanters comes in and gives  "PROVE The False Cause" and "PROVE The False  Effect", as the 7th and 8th Purposes.

Now, as I say, you don't have to agree to all these  purposes. They are purposes that are floating around in  the Games and in that order of priority. You can see  "to PROVE The False Effect" is the last one and  "PROVE the False Cause" is the 2nd to the last, and  these are the ones you will find abounding in the  literature of implanter-influenced thought. Here we get  psychology, psychiatry, mysticism, occult science, and other  squirrel practices. You all know examples of these in reading  line-plots of different Implants. These FALSE EFFECTS come from  CASE that the implanters have carefully put in on the thetans in  the games, so that they will believe these kinds of things.

Scientology starts out at Purpose No. 2, "Experience the  Effect". Right in there! Let's experience! Let's get back to  what we were doing with the thing! And they do it with  processing, objectives, and TR's to be able to confront it. Then  the ARC Triangle starts cutting away FALSE causes, effects, and  other-determined 'proofs' the person was subjected to. Then on OT  levels the KRC Triangle gets at the Cause and Effect points and  enables a thetan to regain his abilities.

You may have seen in "Sector  9" the attributes of the Markabians - they love  STATUS, CONFORMITY, MAINTENANCE of CONTROL. Well, this forms an  'SCM' triangle to suppress a thetan. It was developed by  the implanters to replace the KRC Triangle. STATUS, CONFORMITY,  MAINTENANCE of CONTROL.

Now to replace the ARC Triangle - did you know there is  another one laid in there on the track? Yes! Their  "ARC" Triangle is AUTOMATICITY, GROUP AGREEMENT AND  ADMIRATION. It's a super-suppressive triangle, and it makes a  person into a stimulus-response mechanism, actually.


So, you don't just "cog and pop out of the games",  as do so many Americans tend to believe. OH YES! And they search  for Bridges that promise this.

It's an actual gradient to disentangle  Other-determined, Self-Determined and Pan-Determined purposes;  Own Universe, Others' Universe, Agreed-On MEST Universe, etc,  etc, and, of course, the Dynamics. Of which there are twelve in  the games. You all know the eight? Yes, there are eight. And 9 is  Aesthetics, 10 - Ethics of Games (necessary, necessary, very necessary to handle the implanters, who try to stop you from  getting your Rights back), 11 - Tech of Games (of course, The  Bridge is the Playing Field of these Games of Completing the  Current Games), and of course No. 12, Dynamic Twelve,  Administration of Games. And above that, there is a Games  Dynamic, and above that, you as a Source of Games and all other  components of them. Yes! You did do it for your own play  and experience.

Now the Implanters, seeing LRH heading up a movement of  thetans to explore and insist on their rights as thetans and get  on to these upper key Dynamics of Games, well, when they saw that, they HAD to take over the CHURCH to prevent it from happening.  They used their OFF-PLANET Mest Beings, the Markabians, as a  "lower-level org" and did so. By 1980, no Old Timer or  friend of LRH was safe, not even his family. But LRH had expected  this. He knew the intention was to take it over and put a  FALSE Bridge on the top of the existing one. So he left a  "carrot for the donkeys". A "carrot for the  donkeys". (You know, a little stick out in front of the  donkey and you lead him with the carrot, so he keeps moving in  that direction.) And what was this carrot? Well, there were two  of them actually, Money and Status. Oh, they fell for it TOTALLY!  They're still wrangling about it in the United States!  (Wrangling means arguing, fighting, legal battles and so on).  They are still fighting about it, and that wasn't even the  valuable thing he left! They also think they have the Tech  - but they do not. They have a "FALSE Bridge". Yes! LRH  made sure the necessary Tech was spread around to those who could  use it. It was all there. Put it together. Apply it to  what you find, and there's the WHOLE BRIDGE! Why can't others do  it? Well, possibly they are working on the No. 3-8 Purposes given  before and they are not on the 1st and 2nd, and thus are not on  the trail of reaching for Source.

Well, what's beyond the Physical Universe anyway, and  what happened before the Physical Universe?

These are two very interesting questions.

If your Bridge, that you are on, can't answer this with  certainty and processes to resolve it with big cogs and gains,  well, I'm sorry, you must be on a FALSE Bridge. These little  questions are resolved on the ACTUAL Bridge very simply at OT  12-13 and most people know a lot about it, even before they get  there.

Well - if your case progress is stopped by Body  Problems, Somatics, High-Stuck TA, Headaches, Grief, a "not  being able to get through it or audit", or some Unreality,  Funny Thoughts, Evil Intentions, Unclear feeling, Illogical  Compulsions, Feeling of "being on Two Time-Tracks at  once", etc, etc, - then come onto the ACTUAL Bridge and find  out what the Game is all about.

You can, of course, choose another one, or wait for a very "reasonable sounding" one, that might come out soon, but realize: WE ALREADY KNOW ALL ABOUT THESE  BRIDGES AND WHY THEY DON'T WORK.

The most effective in stopping you, of course -  that we know of, is a FALSE Bridge that promises you a way to OT,  that is very expensive, and gets you to a state - well - where  you can't ever report how you have been trapped. But, of  course, FIRST they will make you MONEYLESS and in a condition of  INDEBTEDNESS. But then they will get you to the state where you can't  ever report how you have been trapped and it will exist  for longer than ever before and you might even become  "One with the Physical Universe". And, of course,  that isn't saying very much at all, because look at where the  Physical Universe is on the Tone Scale! Well, that's the kind of  Game that nobody wins, except the Implanters. So don't  fall for that one.

It's a Bridge that makes you feel good to be "in debt and  out-exchange", because you are convinced you can soon  "Blow" to OT and not have to pay back the money. You will, of course, also drop the body to "Prove it".  The proof is: of course I went OT! I didn't have to pay the  money. Anyway, some people are expecting something like that, and  they are waiting for it. And what a great way to go! Ha! Use up  all the money, have a good time, and then drop the body and never  have to pay it back. Little bit out-exchange, though. But they  think that doesn't matter, because "I'm going  OT". Well, eventually we find them on the bridge, you know?  They are not OT, they are stuck in the Mest  Universe. It's the worst fate that could happen to a thetan.

Well, you say: "What! How do they know all this?"  Well, we know it's a FALSE Bridge - that one I just  described - because it's been done before. And by going up  the NEW ACTUAL Bridge we have, you will find these thetans and  free them. They were caught in it, trapped forever, and they were still trapped, until we showed up. And many,  on being freed, stated, as their first words they have been able  to communicate in eons and eons and eons:"WOW! What a TRAP!  I want my money back!"

And, I'm sorry to say, there wasn't anybody at all on levels  past that had actually completed anything. I mean, there were  people that were stuck there. And there were beings that  had gotten into other practices and maybe thought he was there,  but he was really stuck well into the Mest Universe, and into  the Games.

Well, I'm sorry to say, there isn't any other way out. The only being that we did find, and you will find, on going  on up there (besides the other people that have already gone up,  of course) - you will find Ron there, because he is the one that  left us the Road Map for the way out and he and I and any OT  invite you all to do the ACTUAL Bridge and Play a better Game.

Now, some News from the Games Master Level.

There is now a series of issues which takes you to your own  PERSONAL IDEAL SCENE. It's called The Games Series Course and  it's done right after The Games Master Course.

And then, on the Games Basics Course just above that, is the  answer and handling of what does a thetan, or OT, do when the  body is asleep? Do you know you can become 100% aware of  your actions 24 hours a Day? It's quite incredible why the  thetan chooses to "not recall" what happens when the  body is asleep! We now know all about it.

And as a finishing touch, there are Source Operations Issues  which give the final handlings to any mysteries why we are here  at this particular point in the game. It has to do with your OWN  application of Pre-Logics Q 2 and Q 1. That's Pre-logics 1 and 2.  If you don't know them, you will have to look them up, because  they are already there and have been there since the early  1950's. And, at this level - Source Operations Level - it has to  do with your OWN application of that as a self-determined Source. And how you may have deliberately chosen to limit  your OT Abilities! It's also quite incredible.

So, there's plenty of room for more Players and Games Masters  at the top. There is a New Civilization to put here, a new game  with FUN, WINS, and ACCEPTANCE by all. Of course, it's so BASIC  and TRUE to the nature of a being. And it will PERSIST as  long as you CHOOSE to make it or play it. It will persist, that's  your 3rd Right as a Thetan. Enjoy it.

The music you heard before this talk was an example of what  two OTs can do on Dynamic 9, Aesthetics.

Now you will hear another example, but just before I end off,  I want to thank LRH, or Elron Elray, for doing what he did to  help us all out of the trap.

And I welcome you all to this most exciting and interesting OT  Convention, AD 37.

Thank you very much.

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