Logic in Life

Seminar by Captain Bill Robertson

on 1./2. September 1990, Switzerland

Video Part 4 (1:53:18)

Well, yesterday we left you sort of perhaps partially overwhelmed, looking at some of the problems at the world and the game. And you're given some little methods of finding out about outpoints and different things, that you could analyze better, not to be able to get stuck into those things or to be able to see where they are so you did not get caught by them and have your dynamics affected.

Well, let's start off today we're giving you some of the "plus points"... things we can recognize when things are going well. Remember, again, this comes from the Data Series by LRH. It's not a whole course by any means, it's just a part of the technology. But it's the beginning part to get you to recognize how things really are in the game.

So, remember, we had these two situations. One where things going better and one where things are going worse.

We just call it the viability going up and this time goes on and viability going down as time goes on. We had over here, remember you can look for omitted data. Because if that means that something was – someone was trying to hide something from you. Something about the truth of the situation. Or some big withhold that really... when you bought this cassette tape that you listen to while you asleep, it really was going to implant you or make you conform.

So, let's put over here Plus Point, Correct Data, Known.

Now, this is what you expect for instance in advertisement of products. If BMW sold you a car and it says it has 250 horse power and you going up at hill, put your foot on the floor. Pedal on the medal as you said. And you get passed by Citroen 2CV, then you would think, well they gave you some omitted data about this car... that it has 250 horse power. If it is the correct data then you know, automobiles should not be passed by anybody on the autobahn, except the ones that you know have may be more horse power. Yeah, may be Ferrari, you know, Porsche or may be even some motorbikes.

Okay, so, correct data known is very important if you're in business... or if you have to survive, you have to exchange, you have to make some kind of product or service.

I'll give you example in just technology, in a auditing. It is true that we can handle most any problem with a case. But having giving you that, that is a correct datum. But you have to actually receive enough auditing to get that result. I mean all of us would have to have review sessions and as you well know it's not just a review session. It cannot be timed and say, well, we're going to handle that it one half of an hour.

In fact it comes a little bit, determinating on exactly how the charge is arranged and how it comes off and what the person has to get into, to resolve that part of the case. So it can be anywhere from may be a half hour all the way to twelve or twenty five hours but it will get a result.

Okay, let's take the next point, lets continue that example.

True datum and false datum. This means by what we're talking about, the axiomatic truth... exact time, place, form and event.

If a person's in this review session comes across a lot of false data. You know, he's going through the process and he sees, oh, well, "I think it's like this", but did not get the EP. Next few commands changes and changes and changes and he finally says: "Aha! That was because of that and that was false and this is the truth of it". And then all of the sudden the e-meter shows that that area he was looking at is totally clear of mass. You get the floating needle. The person doing the auditing is able to now have that area of this space or time track or whatever, and he's happy. And he has his cognition or improvement of game playing logic. And you have the EP there when the truth is found.

This also makes you understand a little bit more the C/S viewpoint. When you see a person with a lot of charge around, "I know what's wrong with that guy – he's blabla..." or he's this or he's that. Well, the thing is, he must not be at the EP yet. You understand... he's not to the EP on that yet. If you really knew what's wrong with that guy, perhaps you handle what's wrong with that guy, "I really got it now".

Because this also applies to another flow, it applies on his relation with others in the game as well.

You see, what I mean if he's saying there is truth here, but he's very miss-emotional about it and all charged up about it, he does not really know what the real truth is yet.

And it's probably uncountable times that thetans in the games, have operated more on those incomplete cycles of knowledge and caused the wars and destruction and fights and all kinds of problems for themselves and others. In fact, if you examined your histories you'll probably find descriptions of the most successful commanders in the battle and strategic naval warfare of space warfare or anything like that. Usually they fought their battles from a purely logical keyed out viewpoint.

If you had ever seen this crazy world wrestling things on television, you know this "hrrr-hrrr". It's all felony of course. It's all practiced in the gymnasium before they come on the stage, but they do it with this sort of faked up anger and hate and everything "hrrrr-hrrrrr" – the dirty tricks and all that.

This is all a show, you understand, this is not real wrestling. Everybody that's an adult really knows that thing is just sort of a dramatization and they do it as a theatre piece.

But the children, what do they learn from this? Well, they might be learning how not to use logic in their life. That's an example of a product they are selling you on the television and it does not have much logic in it. It is a omitted data about that they already have planned up who's going to win the match beforehand and they practice all the moves and throws and everything so you don't going to hurt the guy. And to have a lot of false data with all the expressions of heavy, heavy effort that they are using to brake the other's guy back, or they hitting in the jaw and everything and really, it's like movie acting. Because if any of those things were true, if the guys would get thrown out of the ring a few times and beat their head on the ring post and everything they would never wrestle again. They would be hugging hospital. So there is an example you can see right on your television set.

We had over here altered importance. Altered importance is also to make you look over here when you should be thinking and knowing that's more important.

Alright so over here you would have "correct importance". And this is very important in this day and age because many people are trying to convince you that certain things are important, that are not as important as other things. A lot of these occur in financial matters.

One of the simplest that comes to mind is that everybody has to have all these different kinds of insurance. And as I used to say at earlier lectures if you really examine the idea of insurance from a game viewpoint, the insurance companies, remember, they are taking one side of the bet, so to speak, on whether your house burns down or you die early or whatever, or you have a crash or hospital problem – remember, they are taking one side of that bet. And they got it all figured out on statistical basis so they keep making money. But look at the side of the bet that you have to take.

You actually are convinced by the insurance salesman, that you are going to have the accident, you are going to have your house burnt down, you are going to have a crash in the car, you are going to need to go to the hospital. And actually they making you pay them, on the fear that you have that it will happen. And that you will somehow win some money if you do get in the car crash, go to the hospital, house burns down. So insurance company have to first convince you that things go like this. In your game. And then they get you to give them the determinations... that only with their help, once this happens, can you get back on this. They put you in the crazy situation of betting against yourself and your viability. From what we're talking about here in the game, that it has to be viable and so on... that is incredible altered importance.

I'm not totally sure but I can analyze that insurance companies actually know that people, who take their insurance, are going to do one of two things. By talking about these things they are going to avoid or try to fix it up if they happened. They are going to actually key-in a chain of these, on the guy, which makes him more predisposed to have such an accident. And they well know that the guy will do either of two things. If he's more at effect, he will key in and if he's more at the cause he will going to try to avoid that from happening.

This whole thing was not a situation, until they tried to sell the insurance and got him restimulated on this. So they make them bet against themself, but they also make him resist the key-ins... more. But nevertheless they fixed his attention on that area of either having or avoiding accidents or house burnings or car crashes or whatever, and they've totally taken his attention off what he should be doing in the game and putted into this area of avoiding or when does it going to come – unviable actions.

I will continue with that example, but I'll use the next one. Altered sequence. Correct sequence... of events.

Actual example with the insurance company guys. When I graduated from University, my name appeared on the list of people who graduated. All of the sudden I was deluged which means overwhelmed by letters, mail and people knocking on the door, trying to get me interested in credit cards and joining this club and that club and all these different things and insurance companies coming.

In other words, they thought that I fit the idea of the guy who's going to go from University and make money and they were already in there, willing to take some of it before he has even made it.

I mean this was within one week of just having your name appeared at your graduated. Never before anybody ever came or sent a letter in a... as soon as that name got out... pam! It start coming.

I did not get fooled by any of these insurance guys who showed up at my door one day. And so I decided to have a little go around with these guys. They wanted to sell me a life insurance policy. "You only pay so much per month and all of this, if you die you actually get this... something like this, you get back this much..." They came up with ten-twenty minutes of how great it was. And they were telling me also that most accidents occur in the home. They were in my house at the time. That's scary.

What they did not mention was that most minor accidents occur in the house, but the serious ones don't. And they always have these little small prints, you know... 500 dollars deductible, which means, if it does not cost more than 500 to fix you broken wrist or something then they don't pay nothing.

And that's what they don't talk about... home accidents never cost more than 500 dollars. You cut your finger with a knife... you burn it on a stove. It does not cost much to fix it.

They were talking about the sequence of events when they don't have to pay. And trying to make you afraid, these things are going to happen. At that time I was really into a few other activities, so I asked the guys... "Wait a minute... Now... does this policy cover me when I'm scuba diving? You know, when I go scuba diving under water... with those air tanks?"... which was relatively new at those days. This was late 50s. Cousteau [*] had just invented aqualung. They were considered very dangerous in those days. And the guy sort of looked down at the floor, you know, and he said, "well, oh... it's a hazardous activity, we can't... we don't cover that, you'd have to have special insurance from Lloyds of London to cover it". I said: "all right, I'm thinking of having bought a parachute and thinking of taking sky diving, does it cover me when I jump out of airplanes?"

[*] In 1942 Jacques-Yves Cousteau and Émile Gagnan designed the first successful and safe open-circuit scuba, known as the Aqua-Lung.

And the guys looked down to the floor. He said "well no, it's a special risk, you have to get to another company".

I said... "well, I also have two motorcycles and went on my race in events to the woods and everything like that... and would you cover me if I, you know, hit a tree or something like that in a woods?"

Also they said... "no, no, that's special racing insurance and only two companies in America will insure you like very high level".

I said, "well, does it cover me when I'm just riding my other motorcycle on the street. I sometimes like to get out there and go 100 miles an hour... thought, I must tell you that... does it cover me on that?" You have to remember, in a 50s it was the time of Marlon Brando... the wild ones. And they... "Wait a minute, brrrrr, well, brrrrr motorcycles... we haven't classified them yet... how to insure them and especially – oh, by the way if the accident is caused by braking a law, like a speed limit or something like that, we have no liability".

So, I looked at the guys, and I said: "Hey, you have just told me that 80- 90% of my life is not insured, because that's what I do 80-90% of the time!" And then I got a little mad at them and I said: "And you are telling me the only danger covered is when I'm sitting in my house talking to assholes like you?" And I said: "Get the hell out of here!" That was it. Alright. I did not evaluated the whole thing at that time, that's why I was angry with what they said.

I did know that this was their whole game. It was sort of a game to make you bet against yourself and I only figured that out later.

Dropped out time. Let's talk about that. You know, by moving the event that you said here... into here, and in saying you said it here or just taking it out of context of something you've said back there and making you akt to be an idiot. So, correct time. We just call it correct time – and that would be again in the idea of truth which is correct time, place, form and event.

Well, I already gave you example of that. Correct time... it's often very important to know. In fact on a ship for instance, you always keep a logbook of everything that happens in the right sequence.

You have the time noted and what happened. Time noted... what happened... and that gives you a sequence of events with correct time.

Now, in a crazy world like this, this could be very important to keep such a logbook for yourself. Just a little daily logbook. Because you may get someone coming if you're in business... any kind of 2D problem, divorce, or something like that and they say something like that... "You're over there and doing that with that person and that's why I did this".

See... because you're doing something wrong and therefore the women decided to divorce you, or the business guy decided to drop you as a customer or the other way around... he decided not to be a customer for you anymore.

And what you find out that when they filed for the divorce or they wrote you a letter to say they won't going to buy any your products, was before that event that they're talking about. Happened before then. Because you look in your logbook and say – Hey! Their letter was dated this and, you know, I was only sitting out drinking with that women the next week. So, that isn't the real reason. Right away you can then start looking for the other out points from the other side and find out that maybe in the divorce case of the wife... the wife had been going out with the lawyer for 7 months before that.

Or for six months the customer had been in comm and taking some courses in another subject like Avatar or Dyanesis, if it was in the Free Zone or something or somebody said that.

Your plus viability vector can then, on making sure you have all your plus points, and if you have a records of the sequence of events and the time. Can be very much of a not only survival action, but it can be also very much of viability action.

Okay, we had a wrong source over here. And we have correct source over here. If you keep, for instance, a file, it is very important business, any kind of business, of letters and correspondence and notations of what people said in what time and so on, and you put it there... you call it central file for the business.

And somebody comes along and says... "Well, I heard that Joe said that he didn't have any fun... didn't have any wins over here". And you look and you say... "Wait a minute, it does not sound right- does not sound right, wait a minute"... so you look in the file of Joe and you find out that he had reported in one of his letters to you, that he heard another guy saying that. And that was the other guy that said... "Joe said it". You see what I mean? So, you can then identify the correct source for certain statements.

Well, this is very important also in terms of financial things. Did he pay or didn't he pay? So you have a financial record as well. Because many people, if they in a hurry or so, and they say... "I don't remember whether I paid that or not". And if you have the file on that... when they did pay... you would put it into your notes as... "Ok, they paid for that". Then you can actually tell them... "Yes, you are correct source of that... you did pay". In other words, now you can help other people fix up the outpoints in their lives, because they did not keep the records of whether they paid or not.

And also whether you pay. It's like... if you note in your little book and you say... "I paid 2000 Marks for a new HiFi system to be delivered Tuesday". And when they delivered the thing Tuesday and the guy hands you a bill saying... "Now you have to pay for it". You go... "Wait a minute here... I have a receipt right here in my file, it's already paid". "Oh, sorry sir, yes that is our receipt and that is the salesman. He signed here... yes, it's ok".

A lot of guys, who are crooked in business... they don't come in and burglarize your house. They just working on the basis that most people don't keep their records. And if they just make a mistake enough times... with a with a bill or so on... unhonest mistakes... then some percentage of the people would be so abberated and have so many out points in their lives, that they will not remember and drop out the time and have false data... omitted data about it and they will just go...  "Okay, here's a check, I pay for it now".

And I'm sure that businesses make a lot of money like that on the side, you know, extra. Because some people, even when they realized they've paid twice for this, they are a little embarrassed to go back to the business and say... "hey, I've paid twice", and to have everybody's look at him... "You must be stupid".

I think you start to see that if you want to keep on the upward viability trend, it is better in the game to use the plus points and to keep your little records of things, because there's lots of people that are dramatizing this, either from an honest mistake basis, all the way down to criminal.

I'm just giving you a little summary and this is not all of the plus points and this is not all of the out points. LRH put a few more into the Data Series, which you could look up in there.

These are the most important, though the most usual once.

One other thing I must mention about this before we go to another aspect of how you can be more viable. And this was a hard datum to grasp when LRH said this. It's not written exactly in the Data Series, but I did the internship under him.

And I want you to really understand this, because to me, this made all things possible. Remember what we said... the guy is going through the game trying to make it towards this ideal scene. But that in any point you can evaluate the existing scene. And find out what's happening there and find out if the curve is going down or going up.

And LRH has another word in the Data Series called "situation". What is a situation? And by the way, a lot of people do not maybe see their entire ideal scene of the game, but they do know ideal scenes such as... "Well, I want to live in a better house" and "I want to have a better car" and so on. They have some ideal scene there moving toward the real one they made for the game.

It's not in terms of money or houses or cars, but it's in some type of lifestyle.

This will cover both definitions of a "plus situations path" and a negative one. It would be this definition: "A major departure from the Ideal Scene"... because the ideal scene is up here and he's going away from it. The plus situation would be a major improvement toward the ideal scene. It might even be that the statistic went more toward that in this point. So if you want to evaluate that to find out how to continue that.

The interesting thing that LRH said and this is what really amazed me at that time and now I realize, of course, it is true... very true.

"Every time you find an outpoint... every time... just one...  behind that there is a situation".

And what is the situation? "A major departure from the ideal scene".

And on the other side... "Every time you find a plus point... just one... there is a major improvement toward the ideal scene".

Now, I used to think when I was doing the course... "Well, you find all these outpoints... you have to analyze it down for where they came from and you narrow it down to find the situation and the 'why' for the situation".

So I thought for every situation there would be maybe hundreds of outpoints... and at least you would find 20 or 30 to get enough to judge exactly what that situation was.

And therefore I thought that the only time you would need to do evaluation or have a real situation, would be where you had a whole bunch of out points. But I thought also before this, that if you only saw "one" outpoint... it wasn't too serious.

Video Part 4, (1:53:18)

Remember what we were talking about the other day... you are the tourist and they give you the wrong change. The omitted data is the extra 10 Franks he did not give you.

And since you only saw the guy once and that was the only out point that appeared, you would not think to do an evaluation and find the "situation" in or underneath this, you see?

When I heard that datum from LRH I thought... "Oh god... look how many out points I've seen in my lifetime!" I said... "Wow, that means there must be incredible amounts of situations hanging around underneath everything".

And later, after doing a lot of evaluations and more missions, I realized, what he say was actually very true. That you as you go through life, or only evaluating whether it's a valuable important thing, to follow off these outpoints and find the situation or not... how closely does it affect you.

But at first I had the idea... "God, I see an outpoint I have to investigate... find this the whole situation... get the why... do a handling..." I thought: "Oh my god... all my life I would be doing nothing else but evaluate".

I mean that could be as simple as here in Switzerland. They keep the place pretty clean. You go for a walk in the woods and you find the stream with garbage dumped in it. That's another outpoint. It's called "incorrectly included data". So in Switzerland an "incorrectly included data" would be "garbage in a middle of a nice clean park". You say... "Well, the Swiss countryside... they keep it very clean"... and all of the sudden you go bam! And you find this dumped garbage. Behind that, there will be a major departure from the Switzerland "ideal scene". You understand? It's not just as simple as finding "who did it". You see?

For example this guy who gave you the wrong change. I'm talking about the situation that could lead you to investigate... You say: "Okay, I will pick up the garbage, because I going to live in this town for a little bit". So you start gathering data about this restaurant, and about this guy and about who owns it and what the town is doing about thieves and tourists and everything. You will be amazed on what you find. You may find out that this whole town is being used as a refugee place for criminals, who just came out of jail. Look, here's several examples which could become the "why".

And all the tourists are ex-convicts. And it's the headquarter of the biggest drugs smuggling ring in a whole country. Or on another thing... the town's educational system... they could not afford it anymore because tourism went down. They did not find the "why" for the tourism going down, so they stopped giving money to the schools and now the kids grow up watching criminal shows on TV... and they decide to duplicate that... Or you might find there's a top businessman or politician in a town, the mayor or somebody, that hates tourists. Because of this, anybody who does not speak their language and doesn't obey the exact rules and regulations of that little area, they are enemies!

And they have a whole sort of unwritten laws that everybody like that is "fare game" and you never get prosecuted for doing anything to them.

In other words, what you find behind one outpoint, will be an enormous situation which affects the entire town and it's prosperity and its viability. And this is what I've noticed in doing evaluations on areas where it was required.

Just like in the examples I gave other day of the oil crisis. And the Goteborg Org-mission. You see, you only need one outpoint and it goes into this entire thing that is effecting the viability.

See, all I did with that "correcting the change" was correcting an outpoint. And you can do that in your life on these minor areas, where it does not affect your whole dynamics. But realize this... if you eventually are going to take responsibility for the whole game or all of the dynamics at some point along the way, those situations will have to be handled. You may have to wait until you have a person come – that's in the Free Zone – that lives in that area... and he will be the interested missioner to handle that.

I'm not saying you have to go and handle them all NOW. You don't have to take every outpoint you find and go through the whole thing - that's what I thought at first, you see, wow, but just keep it in mind... "Aha, there is an outpoint in that area, when we have somebody to handle it, we will handle it".

You're lucky to live in Switzerland... not lucky, no-no-no... You have chosen to live in a more viable area. Because, if you travel around a lot, you realize there is becoming a scarcity of viable areas to live in. High interest rates. In some places. Where it used to be very nice to live. A lot of people having to sell their houses and going bankrupt in some areas. A lot of businesses... small businesses especially, going bankrupt. And in some countries even worse... larger businesses and banks going bankrupt.

And more and more criminality being found among supposedly reputable businessman. I mean, you go... "waah, it's not many places to live where this is happening anymore".

I don't know how much news and satellite television you get from other countries, but from the data I have as an English speaking person... at a moment I can't – unless I do eval to find one – I can't actually think of one English speaking country at the moment that I would like to live in. One of the largest companies in England, Guinness... brewers, they just found the top guy ripping off some five billion Pounds... put him in jail. Guinness, brewers. And the opinions of people they interviewed about this in the business community, were just like the Doctor Death things. One guy would say... "Oh, I think it's too severe, because they are very reputable and status oriented"... status people in the society. "We should not hit him so hard". And another guy interviewed would say... "Hey! That was a very light sentence for the guy because just a guy who cheats on his tax or something... or his income tax... he may get 10 years in jail for 2000 Pounds cheating... and this guy cheated on millions of Pounds and he only got a year". You see? Living in a society like that, where is no idea how to evaluate it, they have a little viewpoint of it but they don't DO these things... they don't find these things and find out what is really behind it all.

That may be just a tip of the iceberg, in other words there may be thousands of businessman in England totally ripping off the taxpayers and all the investors and everything. So you see what I mean. I can't find any English speaking countries where there is not some really horrible non viable situations going on.

Now, again, I find it fortunate that I live in Europe. And that I can speak a little bit of some other languages. But the most English speaking people they HAVE to live in English speaking countries. So, all these people are condemned, you might say, without having any logic of life... or very much they are condemned to live in a place where it's going like that. And they can't do anything about it.

Now, we have evaluated many of these large, large scenarios – you know about them from the Sector 9 book and from UFOs lecture and from the other Teegeeak book and so on...

And this is based on another aspect of logic and data series that there may be what is called "echelon evaluation is necessary". Echelon means different levels of evaluation. And that if you evaluate the top echelon of a series of levels. Or it leads you in your investigation to find these top echelons, then when you do the evaluation and find the real why and start the handling then you have a much better chance if you can correct the top scenario. Then it will have an effect to start off handling of the other levels. And that with not so many resources or not so many people available or not so much money available to do all these things. You can make a more rapid change by handling the top echelons first, rather than spending all your time trying to handle the little ones down here.

But there is a problem with this. The handling top echelons is an idea of OT projects and missions.

The other side of that is... if you don't at the same time, provide some handling for the people who are keep getting fooled by all this stuff then, you won't make a permanent or long lasting change in the way the society is operating.

Because you have to realize, they did not recognize in the first place that the guys at the top levels were controlling the scenarios.

So... even if you somehow got these guys to be replaced by very good viability seeking people, the guy is now at the bottom of the thing – they could not recognize them either.

You see what I mean? So you have to start a handling at both ends. You have to handle the individual and you have to handle the scenarios in the groups and organizations at the same time. And that is also part if you do evaluations on several levels. You should be able to make a handling that handles the outpoints and the situation on all of those levels.

But the first thing you realize when you try to do a handling is, that usually you need resources to do the handling. We've talked a lot about how to find out what's really happening but how do you handle it once you know what it is?

I think that possibly to get it really understood you have to do the Data Series Course. But I can give you a little idea. It does not necessarily mean you have to have a lot of resources just because the situation is big. And it does not necessarily mean that just because the situation is small, like in a town and educational system problem... You may need more resources to handle that, then you do the handling of the oil crisis. You might have to train up some new teachers for the school and set up a better system.

Where is at the oil crisis level you just may need to bluff a guy and blackmail them and get what you want. You see what I mean? So, just because of the size of a situation or the size of the echelon of what you're handling... you then have to also evaluate on the handling... how much resources you do need to handle that.

You also have to have time to handle it. And you also have to have in terms of resource... that means people and money and the necessary transport and whatever machinery you need... see? And you also have to determine how important it is... what is the need to handle it right now.

Just like you pass through the small town and the guy gives you a wrong change and you don't need to handle that now, you don't live there, you're not setting up a Free Zone place there, you can just do the outpoint correct and... "Okay, that area, some day, we handle it".

So, just so you understand that the last thing I will tell you about this – what LRH taught me – is to realize this, that evaluation itself is a technology. It's very rare on this planet and it's a very skilled activity. So, do not think that you do evaluations for no exchange. In other words... just like auditing is a skilled activity... you're expecting the exchange for that. So also is evaluation, because it's like auditing situations on other dynamics. It's very has similar EP. People... when you get the right "why"... put the handling in... they get VGIs.

You restore their ability to play the game better. The area starts moving towards more viability... game or dynamic or auditing – parts of the game.

In your handling you should also work it so that you do get exchange for doing an evaluation and a handling. Therefore you can, by doing a handling of a bad situation, increase your viability. And that is one of the things you have to look at when you go to handle something. Is this going to increase my viability? Or is it going to take my time away from doing something over here, which is viable. Should we wait until there's somebody in that area to do it. So I can benefit from it. Or should we set up a team to go in there like missioners, to handle it there and get the exchange. Or in the case of the small town... should we just look for a really honest man living there, give him the whole evals and let him handle it. And that will only cost the price of a letter. And you can put at the end to say – if the town increases in prosperity next year because of what I wrote you in the letter and because you will handle it, because I know, you're honest, would you then please remit my fee, which is, you know, hundred thousand Franks or something.

You see, in other words, you should make sure that you are rewarded for putting in a very high level game technology helping other people like that. Otherwise, the guys who are ripping off the town are the only ones that's going to make the money and you won't be able to operate there. So, you can see that you have to use your logic and you have to use your intelligence in this whole procedure of evaluation all the way from the beginning to the end. Because you as the evaluator are also part of the evaluation. You are also an echelon.

In actual fact by doing a very good evaluation and doing a very good handling you are putting yourself at the source point of handling this area. Another way to look at it would be you C/Sing the area. So you do have this responsibility. So you should get rewarded for that.

The guys that are running it today they are the crooked guys – they get rewarded for it. They making it to go down. So if you make it to go up, wow, you should get rewarded.

Do you get the scope, the importance of this evaluation tech and why it stands above and it stands outside of policy and technology, which are merely the evaluated handlings already for organizations or groups and for cases. And that this is the way that players – unaberrated players normally would play a game... with their logic, they would use their logic to make things go better and they would use these principles.

And as I said yesterday, this is not LRH's idea or opinion or some science fiction story. This is the logic of how to live viably, based on native qualities... the original qualities of a thetan playing a game.

And as LRH said, it is not native to a thetan to think in outpoints. And as I explained it the last lecture... it's because most of the games before, were not interfered with and so the most you had to do is reinforce the plus points. Yes, in this game you must also handle the outpoints. And this is because so many were put in by the interference in the game and people are not used to this in a game.

You see, remember in the last lecture I gave you the example of a football game where they were shooting the players from the top stair and they were poisoning the water of the players and all that. People who go to the football game are not used to handle all that stuff.

But this is the game we are talking about. It would be great if everybody could operate like they did in other games which were much easier. And will try to make it, bring it up to that level again. But in the current part of the game the existing scene right now you have to learn all about the outpoints as well as plus-points to be able to handle this planet or this universe or this game.

So, let's go to another aspect of logic in life. And that is the "stable datum" and the "confusion". Now, again, this was brilliantly already written about in Problems of Work by LRH. And other places, tapes, so on.

But this may explain to you some of the difficulties you run into with handling other people in the game.

Now, here's the confusion. And because people are logical, they try to play the game logical they don't think they like this too much. So, they try to handle it by encircling it with or putting it outside, which is stable datum. The stable datum itself does not have to be true. This could be for example... a guy thinks... "Oh, well, the people he does not understand making him confused"... listening to these people and all he says... used a stable datum: "Oh, they just crazy". I mean, that could happened right here, somebody listening at the door, you know, and they don't know nothing about what we're talking about, they haven't been to the earlier lectures, they have no basis of training, TRs or anything like that and so they hear this... "what-what-what, they are crazy". That handled us!

And I have experienced people in Europe, noticing that I was somehow different from the normal people they had around there and I could feel them thinking... "Ah, he's a foreigner, I don't understand him". "And that's why, because he's a foreigner". He does not understand. There is a confusion and he says... "Oh, he's a foreigner". That handles that.

And therefore, the difficulty you may find with people in your association... and trying to get acceptance in a game... it is... they have a lot of confusion, covered up by a lot stable data.

Did you ever try to disseminate to someone that has a lot of this? You come in with a little workable truth here... very simple... like communication formula or something... and you start to communicate it and what he starts to do is knock this stable datum out and pump you the confusions that go out of the guy... you see. So this starts going "shake-shake-shake", and this starts to go "theer...." all over the guy. And you can actually see it physically. When you start putting in some little nuggets or a little gyms or diamonds of truth you may see the guy start to vibrate a little bit... That's the stable datum shaking. And you see his eyes start going... looks all around here... full with fear, you know.

And may be shaking in the body... uncontrollably. That's the confusion started to come down now and spread all over.

Have you all experienced that sometime with people? It's like you shaking a stable datum and then you punch his blivet up here. I don't know if you know what blivet is. It's a rather nasty funny thing in America. They have a definition of a blivet, and it's ten pounds of shit it a one pound bag. Ten pounds of shit in a one pound bag. Over here you say 5 kilos... but there's a lot of pressure in there... you see... and when it comes out it's not pleasant.

So, that's exactly what is happening when you puncture or shake the stable datum...

Remember this stable datum was to hold this blivet together. You puncture it with a little truth and booomm...

Now, when you have this situation, with your people or with just people in your environment, your dynamics... you have a bit of a problem there. How do you handle this? How are you going to handle this? Well, realize this... that the guy has put the stable datum around something, or he's holding confusion back with a stable datum.

The first thing to realize is use a gradient scale. The second thing to realize is watch the indicators of this guy. So you can judge what gradient to use.

Do you realize if any one of us could inject more truth into a guy in 20 seconds of communication, we could explode all the stable data and he would just go wow... dazed... like that. And since he did not accept your stable datum or the truth... he did not get to that... he was just still covered in all the confusion. He just sort of goes away. He's worse off than he was before. Or maybe after a little while he may think... "Maybe that's right what he said". But on – but on the other hand he might say – "ho, that guy is crazy, I don't want to talk to him or anyone". Depends of how much of this you puncture, how much of this is spreading out.

So, what you want to do is use your gradient and try to gradually move this stable datum, while he accepts another one. There is a confusion being held back. But you give him a stable datum that would help him resolve the confusion. Be very careful on a gradient not to puncture this and let it explode all over.

You see, I give you an example of that like, say, the guy keeps saying "I can't talk to my wife... you know, she is bla-la-la-la-la my whole marriage is braking up la-la-la-la-la"... he's going into this, you know. But and it ends up with the stable datum to stop all that confusion, he said... "All women are bad. Can't trust them". And then he says: "Okay"... because he just did that to stop confusion with a stable datum. He's got a confusion on personal relationships in the second dynamic. He also has a stable datum to stop all this by saying "all women are bad". That handles that.

Then you could use a gradient. I mean, stay right away from what he's got there and just use a sort of... "Hey, you know, I knew woman once who was not bad". You see, you're not disagreeing with him. You're just saying out of all this generality... "Oh, yeah... I remember ONE". And there, by moving it off of his case... talking about in the past, or there is some other example. You could start it a little story, saying, "you know, you could really TALK to her. If she would listen, she could listen. And she would talk back very logically and very sane and it would make sense, so I could understand". Even though we had different viewpoints about things I could understand. "I really liked that person, you see". Bring a little affinity there. "And we used to have a good time together, experiences together"... some reality, you see.

By this time you probably got the guy looking... "hey, maybe there is another stable datum here!" You see? You got his attention... now... "hey, maybe there is another stable datum. Not all women are bad, but maybe there is one or two that's okay".

And then you come up with the magic button... the secret. I once met a guy... when I told him this story he said... "Well, look... the secret in all that story is... if you can get the correct communication going between the two people, you can make other women into that same category, you can make them, have reality and understanding with you". Now the guy gets interested. He says... "hey, you mean there is some way that you can maybe handle some of this stuff". You say... "Yeah, I know place where they can train you at first to do this communication right and then"... See? "And you can then use what you learned there to get your wife to do the same thing". The guy first thinking... says "Yeah, that's right. I never had a solution to this. That's why I always used to get angry and I never had a way how to handle".

So, you've slipped out of this stable datum and now replaced it with another one, that maybe there is a way to handle it with communication. And then, of course, you can get them into the comm-course or whatever, but the point is that now the guy can start viewing the confusion as something that's possible to handle.

So, you can see, he has a gradient here that you can use very cleverly by giving examples or telling a little story... but just don't puncture this guy. The blivet is right in front of you... because otherwise you don't make any result. You don't make any increase of viability with the guy. You have to realize that you are dealing with confusion, held back by a stable datum, and it's resisting anything you want to put in to help him play the game better.

I mean, if you don't know the gradient, just ask... "Hey, you say all women are bad, tell me about that". You got to get more data to know what he's holding back. Because that stable datum 'all women are bad' just puts him out of communication with half the players in the game.

We're not talk about auditing here. We are talking about "in life handling" of some good person you meet. And you want to help them.

Part 5 (1:55:30)

And there's an application. And you can do it very skillfully. You know, like a Data Series evaluator. And really enjoy it and say "Wow, greate, this guy's now, he's got a new stable datum here and he wants to get some more data on communication". You see what I mean of a application on a gradient?

It's not just applying it with force. You don't come in to the guy and say... "You say all women are bad, yeah, well, how many times on a track you've been a woman and how many times you killed them and how many times did they kill you..." You see the guy go down. That guy goes crazy. I mean, it's a good way to get rid of a heckler if you don't want to help them. But it's definitely out tech in terms of help.

One of the things that people think and I might as well warn you about this right now... this is that just because they've been audited, they know how to C/S. I mean it's not even true at the next level up... just because you can audit, it does not mean you know how to C/S.

Because C/Sing is the application of the Data Series with the knowledge of the Tech to a specific case. And believe me, there's something to know about that. And I always make sure that the C/Ses I train are very well understanding that.

Fact is that auditors can audit and they are very valuable people. They want to help people. But when I first started up in Europe, I found many auditors, trained auditors, Class VIs, Class VIIIs, Class IVs... trained auditors. And when you talk to them you found out, you have a certain percentage of failed cases they could not help. And some of them were not running right and they did not know what to do with them and so on. But they know how to audit. They did not have correct analysis on the case and which process to do next. In fact the analysis of the case has to come first because you can't say what process to run until you know the exact analysis of the case. And that requires knowledge of evaluation. The Data Series. It's the same thing... out points... plus points... what is the reason here... pa-pa-pa-pa.

We're not talking about evaluating FOR the pc. We're talking about evaluating the DATA that is already in the folder, that already came from the pc or maybe we get some more, but we evaluate that with the Data Series to find out where he is, what is necessary to handle, what do we do next.

And this is a skill, this is a very high technical skill to be able to analyze the data about cases. And I tell you now that a lot of the auditors, that were not C/Ses were guilty of... remember... we talked about it before... the hardest thing to find is the omitted data. And instead of maybe doing a DofP interview or looking into the folder to find the omitted data... they put their OWN stable datum up, to hold back their confusion about the case. You might call it dubbing in an opinion... "I think that the guy needs to run..." just because they happen to know another process... He says, "I think the guy needs to run... he hasn't run that".

But that's nothing to do with it! It's not think, opinion, and put in a stable datum and 'let's try it'. No, if you are going to try to make the person better and going up the Bridge at a very economical level for him, he would need the minimum amount of a auditing to get the result. In other words, we are not just wasting auditing time.

To do the right thing, no matter how long it takes, the right thing will resolve the case. The wrong thing will just cost him money and you won't get the resolved.

The person that knows how to apply the technology, can also make a mistake by not putting the analysis, the Data Series analysis part of a thing to get and trying to do C/Sing when he is not trying to do it. And by not recognizing that the person is a player in a game and he want to be able to play the game better, therefore you should move him in auditing toward more and more self-determinism and pan-determinism.

Do you know that there's people outside of the Free Zone. They criticize us because we don't audit the people enough. We let them go into Solo too soon, you see. Huh? We don't let anybody to do anything unless they are ready for it. You see? He's at the right place. Then he gets the right training and then he's ready for that. And if it requires that he gets audited on certain review things, we do that. But as soon as possible we try to get him back doing it himself. After all, he is the one who is trying to learn to play a game better and he's learning a skill of how to handle himself through the game. And the more confident the solo auditor becomes, the more he may want to be trained to audit others.

But there's various people in the outside on the edges of the Free Zone that are trying to say... "Ha-ha... this guy needs to be audited another 500 hours on Grade IV or Dianetics" or something like that. Without any evaluation, without any C/Sing... It's just a stable datum, you see? And I'm not too sure that that stable datum is in the full interest of the pc, because I understand that all the auditing is done with the auditor pc, pc paying for the auditing and all that, even though some of them are already on solo. So if you are confronted with some situation like that or have friends, that had experience with that kind of thing, just tell them – logic in life... "Hey, you want to find out about that, write to the C/S", you know, "write to somebody that knows about that".

Or "this guy over here has very good results. He did not have to do all that, so I think you ought to write the C/S he was using", you know. You can have a line, even if you not the technical expert yourself. You can put the guy in touch with them as another handling in life.

I give you an example. See, you guys like to have a little inter-org gossip every now and then, I'm sure. Well, I'm just telling you some facts here that is not to be misconstrued. It is not criticism. I just say, I will tell you then how I handled that too.

This is from the Danish Org. I got a letter from a supervisor there. From the course supervisor. I already trained two people to be C/Ses up there, actually 3. One of them is now like senior C/S, but I trained two others to work in the Org.

And this course supervisor, somebody I had trained, who had worked in the Sea Org and knew Orgs, wrote me a letter, and said... "We have a lot of auditing going on and people getting wins and the C/Ses you trained doing very well. But we don't have many people asking for training and absolutely nobody is wanting to do any project type things or go out and do something in the society or any type of OT projects".

And then their solution... see... they had to hold back that confusion... they had a stable datum. They said... "We need you to come up here and talk to us". And then as a little side note it says... "But you realize, in Denmark due to taxes and all that costs, we could not really pay you very much to do this".

So, here I had a little situation and they were calling on me to BE the handling. So I just wrote them back, because I had data on this place, from many years.

And here with some of the datum I had on them, which I then wrote back in a letter and put the handling back on them. This was the datum.

The first one was, that the first time we had produced Sector 9 books... when we went to that org they were locked up in a safe as being too hot. Never let anybody see them. Later on Maria had to go up there... because I did not get any money for this book... she had to go up there and get them to open the safe and bring them back so we can sell them to people in Germany or England or something.

Since that time and since this supervisor had come in and they had even reorganized the place a little, they had ordered NO Sector 9 books and NO Teegeeak books. Also, they had never, except for the C/Ses, who came down trained and bought some tapes, they never even ordered any music tapes, even the ones about Sector 9 and Galactic and so on.

Since the lectures in the beginning of this year about UFOs and the dynamics and all that they have not ordered any of those! Neither from Switzerland or Germany. Although Maria had written them many times, that if you can't afford to have the lecture there live, you can buy the videos and give the lecture there and instead of German translation you give a Danish translation.

Now, that's a lot of omitted data, all of which is very necessary to understanding what we're doing.

The Danish society is very socialistic. They take care of you from birth to the grave. And you don't have much fun during that time. You can't buy a foreign car, for instance, costs too much.

Very high taxes. Even higher to run a business in there. The only way you can survive is to do criminal things like black market and so on.

So, I had this background and in the letter it says, nobody is doing training and nobody is doing any projects.

So I figured, that most of the auditing they were having to do in review was, because the people in their lives were being hit by illogic all the time.

In other words the C/Ses were C/Sing to become more self determined, more able, more free. They walk out the door... in life it's someone who can't be free... he got to pay 90% of your taxes to the government... your money to the government, and you can't do this, you can't do that, you can't expand, you can't get more viable.

So it set up a little circuit like this, almost an automaticity, remember, we talked about automaticity.

Person, who come into the auditing session gets some truth. Walk out into the confusion, suppressive and a bit down in all kinds of expansion. Get keyed in on some of these dynamics. Because he can't expand.

Just expanded here and then he walks out here and – prthuuu. But he has stable datum that he can always go back and get more auditing. So, the reason they were having to do so much auditing, was that they were just doing a thing like this on this guy, actually producing a roller coaster situation. Smart.

He gets the session, he gets up to here, he goes out to society and gets down to here, he comes in there in other session gets up to here, then he goes down to society – goes down there. You see?

That's because they were only doing 50% of a possible 150% of auditing, training and application! LRH says there's 150% gains possible. Now, that gets you really expanding.

But in Denmark probably this part here was totally missing. So, I wrote back, I said... "I would like to know why you running the Org in only 50% out of a 150% and you only getting 1/3 of the effect you could get out of the technology". I listed all those things I just told you and recommended them right away to set up an Org program, to start getting them data about scenarios, data from Sector 9, data from Teegeeak, get the videos, let them know what's happening in the world, let them start evaluating their own lives.

Get people to quit being the effect of their third dynamic society and start to handle it. And by the way, they do have the resources. One or two of the people that are associated with that Org and who are on the Bridge on a very high level, have been in the government of Denmark. Have actually been in high political positions. They know people, they have the connections. They are in a banking business... in some big multinational corporations. They HAVE the resources there to handle this.

But even those people were doing this cycle. Because they were hitting the same barriers.

No training, no application. And no data.

So, we will see what happens there. I have not got answer back from that letter, but I'm sure it started some bells ringing and some ideas happening.

So, there's another application, ok? Of Analysis, Data Series, try to do a handling.

And like I say, not all of the situations you run into are just because people don't have the Tech. They HAVE the Tech! They do it right, they do it quite well! The success stories I've seen right after session, are incredible. Very good! But you see, what's happening? They are using only this part as the solution to the rest of their dynamics and the rest of their life. And even though the stable datum is true, it's not aberrated, not a generality. It's a technical datum. They know that auditing works and get it handled. The Org does that fault by NOT giving them the training and application with which they can change the dynamics around them. They essentially are keeping them only getting better on may be the first and second dynamic, and the seventh... and the technical dynamic. A few dynamics are improving.

So they better off than others, but they are not making the ideal scene on all of them.

I just wanted to give you that example. Just because we are starting an Org or get a Free Zone going, it does not mean that everybody's going to do all of the balance of Tech, Admin, Ethics, Data Series, training, application and auditing – all in a right balance.

By the way, at that point I better call a lunch break, so everybody gets a coffee and so on because I now find out it's 13:53. Okay? Doing ok? Audience: Yeah! We come to the last part after lunch. Give the time, please, what time we come back?

This is part four of logic in life lecture.

The next point of application, that I'd like to give you as a useful thing for you in your life, is in your own personal life, when you do evaluations or handle people. You might want to understand rating of data sources. Now, you probably won't find this in Policy Letters. You will find this in Guardians Office Issues.

But since everybody says, there is no more Guardian Office, it is called something else now, you won't find it. But it's partly also taken from Intelligent Service usage. Anyway, let's just put down A-B-C-D 1-2-3-4. A-B-C-D 1-2-3-4. So, over here we have the rating of the source of the data (A-B-C-D).

And the data itself (1-2-3-4). Now, what we are talking about here is how reliable is this person as a teller of the truth, or even observer of the truth. So you might say A would be what we call honest. Good observer. No reason to lie and down to the bottom we have probably dishonest. Poor observation.

Because, remember, a guy who is very down tone quite or on the lower level on the awareness scale, he would observe the same thing as somebody else but get a different interpretation of it. If two people are dancing close, he might think they are fighting. You see what I mean? Or if he's really down tone two people may be fighting and he thinks they are making love.

In between there, you could put whatever you want as well, this guy generally honest... honest and okay observation, but can be influenced.

This guy might be questionable honesty, uh observation sometimes reliable. Depending he say it's in area of non-personal interest. This could be sort of like a bookie, the guy who's always betting the horses and you can't really trust anything he is saying about the horses.

But if you talk about the Mercedes car he has out there, he has no business interest in that, it's just his havingness. He may tell you the truth about how fast it goes and what not may be right with it or whatever. So, he sums up a good observation and questionable honesty, because he might make you bet on a wrong horse so he takes your money.

And may be in this case number B, it would be a guy who is generally honest, as long as he's not influenced by his mother or by his boss and then you can see that he says what they want him to say.

So, then you rate the data itself as to be first hand. Well I could say what plus points time, place, form, event...

This does not mean the data itself is a plus point... could be out point data. It's that the data itself was observed by the guy. It was observed first hand by whoever it was. And he gave the time, the place, the form, event, even if it was an out point. He said: "I saw the guy lying, right in front... he was lying to that other guy. He was telling the false datum to the other guy. But it was three o'clock in the afternoon, I just noticed the clock there. He was standing on the corner of these two streets. The guy walked up and they talked for five minutes and I heard him say..." you see... good observation, plus points of the time, place, form and event.

And this would be sort of what we call it second or rumored data. No guarantee of accuracy. In other words this was not data the person observed himself. He heard it from another, and you don't know how many people that person heard it from. And then you have in-between there a little gradient. This might be second hand... second hand but told, but reliably told. Or... In other words, the guy who was giving you the data, says: "I was there when he told me about this and I even took notes and I recorded it".

And realize, it still is not out point, plus point... you still don't know whether the data is true or not. But you did get the data correct... apparently from somebody else. And then this would be like firsthand, but on via or for knowledge of area.

The person himself, who was giving the data, may have seen the event. But he did not understand much about what was happening in there, because he's not an expert and say whatever they were doing with a gun and or car, or having it with a auditing, and so he reports, you know, they put a box on the table – one guy said and that said and that said – I think they were putting electric charge into the other guy, may be hypnotizing him.

See? Well, he did observe that, but he could not interpret it right.

So, this is how you would rate data sources and the data itself. This is not... remember, this is not yet whether it's outpoint or plus point. This is just a rating of whether the data is valuable enough to be used in the eval or not.

Because if you add it into your eval... no matter whether you try to find the plus points or out points... if you have dishonest, poorly observed data and it's questionable accuracy, it might throw your eval off. In other words the data itself could be irrelevant. It's not part of this eval. It might be an eval of the observer or the guy who gave you data. You might start a whole eval on him, but it wouldn't be relevant to your eval.

You know, you've always heard people doing this when you try to find out what happened. May be with a kid fell over on a bicycle or something. And you're trying to fix up the scene and find out what happened... And a neighbor's kid comes over and he says: "I'm glad that happened to you, because you stole my toy this morning". Well, that may be another eval of what the overt-motivator sequence is on these two kids. And this kid is trying to get your attention and says... "You see that happened to him and pa-pa-pa-pa he stole my toy". Now, in the last this kid had thrown the rock and knocked him from the bicycle. But you don't see any bump on his head or anything... This is irrelevant to this eval of handling the accident with kid and bicycle. Because if you add that in, you might get into the idea of agreeing of maybe it was karma or the overt-motivator sequence and maybe it was a correct thing that kid got hurt. So the kid 's laying there and he needs a touch assist and the parent picks him up and start beating him, you know, for stealing the kid's toy. Or you should be doing contact assist and keep everything quiet and you are yelling and screaming at him.

So, this is a way you can rate the sources of the data and the data itself as to its quality, no matter whether good or bad data, no matter whether it's plus point or out point data, but just how valid is it, how relevant is it to what we're doing.

Now, there is an interesting other use of this rating system. Because generally when you're investigating an area you're coming into it from outside.

So you only get the outer data... the outer fringes of data about it. Nobody's going to come forward to you and tell you all the truth about this town for the last 100 years. All you hear is the comment of the store keeper, or the fact that he did not give you back ten franks in your change. So, there is an interesting thing here that you're only getting poor observation and possibly dishonest data. D. And it may be 4, D4 data, which is second hand or rumor data. You got to question that, because the guy says... "we hate tourists".

And he got to tell who 'we' is? That as easy – got to tell you who WE are. When you ask him... "well everybody around here hates tourists?" Well, the trick is, and you learn this from HCO investigatory tech. You attempt to get specifics and improve the data itself and the source of the data by walking backwards on this way.

In other words you break down the generalities of this and get the next two on a line to talk to. In this case of D, as I gave in an example of a shop keeper, you could say – who is your boss? I want to talk to him.

So now you get to the next guy. You still don't know whether he is honest, but you have the next level...

Then on the other side here, on number 4 you can bring it up to this, by getting up 'who told you that?' or 'who else says that?'.

Give me a specific of everybody or 'we'.

So, you realize, that this guy is D4. You try to prove your knowledge of the area to evaluate it by getting up to at least to C3. Then maybe you get up even to a B2 and then A1 and you get all the data you need for eval. It does not mean that A and 1 go together all the time, because analysts could observe and can hear this rumor data and a questionable accuracy, but he would usually tell you it is, so you would mark it out A4.

And even this guy D could give you a 1... he can even say, "well the reason is my boss comes and puts a gun at my head and say, you better cheat at least 50 tourists today". That's true, I mean, he really did, it was first hand and he got right there.

In that case you can figure, it's a pretty criminal town.

I just want to give you that as a system you can use. They use it in Intelligence Services and the old Guardian Office... rating of data sources and the data itself.

Okay, that's another useful thing you can use for logic in life, so you don't get fooled, tricked and loose some of your money in odd places.

Now, since we are on the subject of intelligence a little bit... There's a little group of a areas of expertise that you should have on your personal org board of life. And LRH found that those three sort of go together and he gave a lot of this to the GO to use in their own divisions.

Realize that this also was misused in some cases just like the ethics tech was misused and the tech was misused. Sometimes this sequence was misused as well.

We are talking about here is a part of a logic to make sure that when you put a product or a service or promotion of any kind into society or into the dynamics... here you have a public of yours, out in one country or another. But people, they might want your service. And you have your product here. If you just introduce your product and service into that public without any evaluation you may get a lot of trouble.

Remember the example I gave in Sweden... the girl wanted to introduce the product... selling E-meter and telepathy to the medical profession? "Thoom!" Right in the crazy house. Obviously, she did not evaluate the area.

How do you evaluate the area?

Intelligence is first... the gathering of data. Overt... covert... or... what they call a special branch of special services ... garbage. I mean, they look in the garbage can to get data. Overt data is data that you can get by normal means of talking to people... reading it in a newspaper... reading people's letters if they want you to... what is allowed for you to have. Overtly. Even looking into government records. Or newspapers or libraries... any source that's open.

Covert is the next side down where they usually use what they call private detectives. When you find your mail was opened and somebody photocopied it and put it back in the envelope, or your house was broken in and they took this and they took that or they cut pictures of it, it's covert. It's against the law. In other words it's against the normal rules of the game. Or with the long range telescopic camera... looking through your bedroom when you are in the divorce case...

It's violation of some rules of the game, some law or some aspect of your privacy.

And this garbage is what you have thrown away, but it may be useful to someone else as data. You throw away your letters.

In a copyright case for instance... You spill the coffee on a photocopy of some copyrighted thing and you just crumple it up and throw it in the garbage. That could become an court case, because somebody picked it up out of the garbage can.

The way that most intelligence agencies handle this one, to prevent that from happening to them, is called "shredder"... You can't just depend on this one or this one. You got to do them both. You cut it in little, tiny strips and then you burn it.

Remember, when Iranians to go into the American Embassy 10-15 years ago? They got all of their expert peasant carpet weavers... they bought them in there. They took all of the bags of shreds, and they put them out at the courtyard there with all this paper. And they worked for days... putting the little strips back together. And they found out ALL the secrets of the CIA operations in the Middle East. And you could go to the Iranian Embassy in any country after that and buy complete copy of it. They photocopied what they put together again. You could buy a complete exposé of the American CIA operations in the Middle East, directed against the people of Islam, for a misery sum of fourteen dollars.

And you know the big fear of the western countries and the whole intelligence service, the whole press and all over-controlled media, was, that somebody would published this in the US... in the West... and they did everything they could to prevent those copies into the hands of anyone in the West.

They photographed everybody going in and out the Iranian Embassies. They went in there to buy copies and destroyed them. The Iranians weren't too stupid. They will only sell one copy to one person, that's all. They spent a lot of money trying to prevent that stuff from getting into the papers. A lot of pressure was put on a lot of people. So, there is an interesting example or garbage intelligence.

You don't have to do any illegal things. You can do a survey. You can find out what the reality level of the people is... and what the legal situation in the area is... what is considered crazy... what isn't crazy... what's against the law... what isn't against the law. What people consider good public relations... what they consider bad public relations... what their image is of a product or service or a business... and conduct your product or service, based on data you get from intelligence to use the correct PR to protect yourself legally.

What we're talking about here is a evaluation BEFORE you actually do the product or service. This is not what I was talking about... this or that going up or down... you haven't even started yet!

Tech comes later when you're IN here delivering the product or service. Then you have it's either going well or it's going bad or if you need an evaluation to find out why.

A lot of that depends on the quality of your product, the viability of your product, how trained your delivery people are, and how good your reception and your salespeople are. Yes, and how happy are the people with it and how they exchange for it? Do they all owe you the money and you go broke... stats go down because they don't pay you? It could've been that you moved into the area and no one has any money.

You should have found that out first by your intelligence. I can tell you that right now. We use that. You use it in life!

The reason I'm giving a lecture here and not in England... the price for a live lecture, for spending over two days, eight hours... would be about two Pounds. That's what they charge people to come to the lecture. This is about a hundred and fifty Swiss Francs for the whole thing. I paid the gasoline just to get here. So I mean, I don't get nothing out of it. I got to pay for my own food... I got to live.. why would I go? And they probably will say: "Well, you don't get all that anyway, because we have to hire the hall and we have to have a coffee, because the guys won't let us to have the hall unless we have coffee and that's going to take at least one and a half pound So we can give you fifty pence".

So I would be doing this with no exchange... out-exchange from the English public.

So, that's why I'm lecturing here, not there. I already knew that was their havingness level on being able to have a lecture. That's why you don't get English video recordings of my lectures in England. But perhaps if they get together and put in one pound each, they could buy a video tape of this lecture. And have it in somebody's house. Okay. Male voice: They can always cut this out... Yeah! Cut out this sequence. That's good. Omitted data... that would be the logic in there. So, they hearing the lecture of logic in life and then they make it illogical by taking out the point which applies to them.

Just one other little point I want to make, and that is useful in your life and you probably already know this.

It's also called the Tone Scale.

This helps you in evaluating data sources. Let's just take the part from four to zero, because this is where you find most people. In fact we want to draw this position of – what you call them – distribution curve of it would probably be more like this. There is a little slump in fact down here, lower lump.

Here is 1.1... 0.5...

Your reliable data sources like above 2 and conservative and 4 and mild and strong interest... these guys would be pretty much in minority in terms of what you would run into in a normal civilization.

This whole block right here... it's also indicates to you the progress of the game. Because we are looking at... let's say the GI start around here, VGIs up here.

We don't have many people that are winning in the game. There's not that many that you are going to find that are really winning. The 1.1 can have a false 4, he can have the smiling, but sticking the knife.

In order to survive a lot these people have taken a social valence, which in most countries is a valence somewhere around... conservative... a little interest here and not so much there.

But it's not a real tone level. It's a social valence. And remember also that those false triangles I told you about... status, conforming and being monitored all their life.

So that also give them a sort of a valence to be in. And it might be in addition to the social valence of people say... "that's how they act on television... I got to do this to get along with this". They don't want to know "I'm afraid all the time" or "I'm trying to hurt people all the time" or "I'm in grief" or whatever.

So they make a false valence for themselves, based on a false triangle, which keeps mixed up with the social valence that other people are doing they... got it from their father or mother or something... or the teacher at school or somebody.

And so it looks like to the untrained eye that most people on the planet are ok. They sort of doing their thing and they are all somewhere around here three point up. And if you have people on the Tone Scale Course... that's the first thing they are going to tell you... "oh, well, it looks like everybody is very conservative in this country", and, "yes, everybody's says it's conservative and everybody acts conservative, so I would say, our country is at three point up".

But you as a person, who is trained in the basics of Scientology and auditing, TRs... if you talk to one of these people, - I think I told you this in an earlier lecture - you talk to one of these people here and after they tell you about the weather and how nice the food is in this restaurant, all that. They kind of get that you are listening and you are acknowledging. And it only takes a few minutes and all of the sudden they are way down here tell you about how sad they are, because this happened and it's all terrible and life is terrible and all these problems and they are afraid of this and they are freak about this and, you know.

You audit their case, in other words. Or they are angry about this and bla-bla-bla.

So you get them falling to their real position on the Tone Scale after getting a nice sort of session. Session atmosphere.

And that's what Scientologists been doing for years, they are trained to spot... "Oh, there's the social tone, and there is the real tone" and so on. And when you do this a few times, you'll be able to draw this curve and see it's that down here and there aren't so many really up here. You also have people that are not only at this social valence, but some all the way up here pretending enthusiasm all the time.

But they gray on you a little bit... everything is "happy-happy"... Usually with those people you can just say... "Wait a minute... sit down here... what's really wrong?"

And they cry right away. "I've been putting on a brave face, but really, I'm wrecked, you know, my husband left me and my children in a home, but I can't get any money and bla-bla". Because you notice they are enforcing that tone, to put a valence up over a lot of counter-effort in there. To make them down this far... so a lot of couter-effort there. So therefore they use the effort to push that back here and put this other valence up here.

So, instead of finding conservative or enthusiasm you would find like an enforcement of it. A little pressure one way or the other and they plump back down. So, the tone scale is very useful in evaluation.

Even the tone levels of individuals or tone levels of publics you may be interested in selling or giving a product to. There is more you can study about that in the books you can buy at the Center.

All I'm doing here is telling you how you can apply it. In your life and may be make your business go better or the personal relationship.

Sit closer there. We talk about fifth dynamic in here. We are coming toward the end here where I want to get to the important point of showing you how all this, what we been telling you, how you can organize it a bit.

We go back to some things that LRH wrote. In the green on white Volumes he talks about the org board. He used it for the organizations. But there is a policy on it in Volume 0 which is very interesting. I think, it's called "Theoretic Org Board" or something like that. You find it in here: It's towards the back. He talks about how this org board was in use in this sector... in this galaxy for many millions of years. Many millions. And that the only problem was, it did not have a Qualification Department (Qual). Well, it only had six divisions but it should have had seven. He put Qual in there, see?

And he also mentions that everyone has a personal org board. In other words it's applicable to a person's life, to an organizations, life, to a life of a large government or a large planet. It will expand to have millions of people on it, or just a few.

And you get from this, that it's a pretty important thing and it must be something... if not a games basic... it's very close to it. I know a lot of policy. I'm not going to give you policy. You can buy them in the books and you can read it all, study it all, use it all.

I'm just going to go through division by division and tell you some of the ones that I think are very key in application in all areas whether it's personal, organization or planetary in, in life, in all areas, you know... there are others. But I just can see these to be really key to know and to help you out with.

We have here Division one, Department one. This is called "communications" in LRH's orgs... Hubbard Communications Office. This is the one that is in charge of setting up the comm lines and the establishment of the organization. The First Department has to do with the personnel. It's a very good policy in there, I mean from what we've said before, you probably already guess it, but that if you are going to have personal working for YOU in your org it's best, one, to have them above 2.0 on the Tone Scale. Because remember in Dianetics... above 2.0 is survive... below 2.0 succumb.

Viable - not viable. So if you want to have always problems with the business going down this way... enviable... then put a lot of people in there that are below 2... it will do it. If you always want to be doing the outpoint eval then, stuff low tone people in the org and you'll do a lot of them.

In this context, when we are talking about logic in life, that's very important. It applies to every dynamic. Once you come on the second, third, fourth... you are including more and more and more people... other individuals into your sphere of operation. And you got to be in close relations and in comm with a lot of these people. But you got to select which one you are going to deal with, because you are at cause over what you are going to do on your dynamics. So, that's one of the criteria. There is another policy, which is interesting... that if you have such a big organization that you have a personnel who does this... a personnel officer or hiring officer or whatever you call them here. A recruiter.

I thought that was very interesting because even though you are getting people above 2.0... if you put the person on this post you better put a person on that's at 4.0. Otherwise... from this guy you only get people at 2.0 and below.

A lot of businesses do not know this. A lot of businesses do not know that the same datum applies to a receptionist, to his "allowing customers coming to you into your business".

It's even worse in that case, because now they are only letting in the customers who are below their tone level. And the rest they ARC brake and send away... They are on anti-survival, so they won't have money, they won't pay their debts, they cheat on you, they lie to you... So simple, so easy to apply.

You are introducing a whole situation into your business by not following one of these already evaluated Policy Letters. That applies to any person who is hiring, or any person who is welcoming people into your business, if you have that kind of business. So I thought that would be applicable in life.

There's one of the criteria that you should know about personnel. Regardless of tone level they should also – any staff member should have a clean needle on help. In other words what we are talking about here is if you running an organization or any kind of group... if the person has charge, a lot of charge on helping, any charge on help, they are going to be trouble in your business. They are not going to help! All of the time! They might help only when you watching. And when you don't watch them – they don't help. Or they might help you by breaking your machinery. Or misfiling you files, or loosing things like money.

You don't like to check it on an e-meter... you can actually ask them to do certain things that would be help.

Or ask them how they would do in certain situations, requiring help. And see how they answer... how they react to that. You can check it out. You can watch, see, observe... can they help or not. Is there aberration on it or not.

I think those were very important in selecting people to work with.

Department Two, Communication Department:

The interesting policy I thought that you could utilize in that would be: "Don't use a broken comm line"... find another.

Now, simply stated like that, says: "Yeah, okay, yeah, if I don't get him on telephone, I call his friend and see if he's at home, or I write him a letter" or something. That simple, isn't it? You see, in this day and age there's many ways comm lines can be broken by the government, or by the phone company, or by the post office, or by the person themselves, by their family, by somebody else using the telephones all the time... there's plenty of ways.

But it's does not only mean the line itself... if you are trying to get terminal A and something is broken here... and you try to find another one here to get to A... or get another telephone number from a neighbor to go and get A.

Now, it does not say you have to use another one to A, that's what you got to realize, you can use a B over here.

So, for instance if you have a list of people you're trying to call, to get them to come to the event or to pay their bills... And if this line does not work... if you get a busy signal or no answer... you can still go on and do the next one. But that's a simple idea of using it in a system to handle a certain thing like bills paying or inviting on to the event or a party or something.

But suppose you are trying to get something important done, like a mission or some vital action. Maybe some subcontract, or making a part of your product that you got to get out... making a photograph that has to go in your book you are publishing, anything like that.

In this case instead of using A you can use B. You don't get fix to A, because if their line is broken that's going to add time to your product. Every situation where you're adding time to the production of your product, is time that that product is not on the market to be sold. And just because you're waiting for this guy... might have to wait for two weeks before he's back from vacation... then he makes the photograph. You have all had situations like that occur when you tried to get something done with business or company.

Look at the application here. Maybe you haven't seen all of it yet. This means in your personal account department you better have a list of the telephone numbers, the addresses, and not just one supplier for each thing you have, but about three or four supplier for each thing you need.

So you cannot get stopped in putting out your product or in contacting your customers. I'm not talking about just the phone numbers out of the Yellow Pages. I'm talking about you... or somebody has gone to that company, talked with the managers... they know what your job is and that you will call them if you need it. You understand, you have terminals there.


So, that means you have such a thing as files.

Remember, before we had a logbook there, so you could keep the sequence of the time, place, form and event. Well, that can go in here too, because that's communication about what happened when. But you can also have your list of all your suppliers, all the public, all the various names, addresses, telephone numbers, telefax numbers, everything you need to get anything done at any time. And if you go on a trip, a business trip or something like that, maybe you ought to have also a copy of that reduced down, so you can put it into your wallet or something. And then you have it with you all the time. So you have your comm lines with you as you go.

Because one of the broken comm lines you might find is calling back to your own office after you left, nobody answered the phone. You know, "the cat's away, the mice will play". Especially if you did not put in these policies here and they can only operate while you are there watching, and you go out the door and they all go: "Ah! Let's take a holiday, the boss is gone. Let's go swimming..." You got to know a lot of stuff to survive in this game.

So, now we have the "Inspections and Reports Department" (I&R). These guys also handle Ethics matters... keep Ethics files. So, these were the knowledge of for your personal org board... but the knowledge of ethics conditions comes in. Right now we've already talked about upward and downward situations and what happens if you don't use the Tone Scale in selecting personnel and all that. You can get these situations going down...

So you must know very well, in this game, at this time, very well the Danger and Emergency conditions.

We've already talked a little bit about part of a Non-Existence formula, where in the other case before, you moved into the area you find out what they needed and wanted and what was legal and what was okay.

But when you're in business, these are normally the problems you will have. In your unviable downward conditions this is a sharp graph and this is a shallow graph. Level or down. But the level does not stay, it always either goes down or up, depending...

But this is also, not just by statistic, the Danger can be when there is a missing person on the Org Board... somebody not there to handle it, as I said. There is a broken line or broken terminal. Mary Jane was just taken to hospital with stomach ache. And she was the receptionist. So, how do we handle that? Who do we put there? And later on: "Why the hell did she get the stomach ache?" Some guy came in... he was below 2.0, and gave her a piece of candy that was not good.

Yeah, a low tone person. So you have to know these conditions very well. And this would of course by-pass and handle. And then reorganize the area so it does not happen again. I mean, you might welcome in the next two customers and then you get somebody else there that will do it. And you got to handle all the danger in the area. You know, the stomach ache, Mary Jane, and all that. And then later you have to have results of all that data and investigation and adopt a firm policy so it does not happen again. See, because it was a down condition in that area.

Now to adopt a firm policy what you need to do? You need to evaluate.

As I told you before, all Policy Letters are evaluated from actual experience or from Data Series Analysis. So, you would adopt a firm policy. If the receptionist happens to go off post, than that person over there always moves in and a report is given to me by this guy so that I can come and see that that person is there to handle.

And you also know, two other people who work in a factory who could also do the job.

So that post got to be there because it takes the customers in. You make sure that all the guys that were going to hold it were free needle on help... above 2.0 and recruited by somebody that made sure that they were okay.

Now, emergency condition not quite as serious, but, it's interesting. LRH says the first thing to do in that, is promote. It looks like a leveling or down trending of the statistic. Not this abrupt where you can find exactly why it's happening, but the first thing to do is recoup the losses.

See, it was usually going okay up like that normally, but these leveled off.

The car factory, there were 20 cars coming out last hour and only five came out this hour. What happened?

So it's leveling off, so you got to promote, so you actually increase whatever this is measuring. You actually have to put some personal either verbal or written or any kind of promotion in there that makes things increase.

Now, while doing that, you might find the real reason behind it. You might find that in the car factory for instance, they ran short of a part. And the cars coming out are only the same as the measurement... you know the stats are the same as measurement of this specific part coming like the steering wheel or something. They can't make the car without the steering wheels. They all backlogged. And you go back on that line and you find out that the guy who drives the truck to pick up the steering wheels from the subcontractor, he got a stomach ache and went to the hospital.

Part 6 (1:21:48)

You see? So you better promote to the factory over there, say: "Look, we give you extra thousand marks... you drive your own truck over with the steering wheels so we can keep the line going". Or if the guy did not wreck your own truck when he had a stomach ache, you can get somebody else to drive it, promote to him, say: "Look, you're going to get a bonus if you drive the truck... you do it", right?

But in general, if you don't know where it's coming from yet and it's in business since... in other words, the customers are not coming as much as they were... Oh, don't just think it's because it's a football game tonight or because they all stay home to watch the World Cup on Television. No-no... You grab a few people and get them on to the telephones and these addresses and telephone numbers you have here. And you call up your customers and you say: "Hey! We giving a special offer today... you buy five more of these things and we give you coffee at the same time and we give you tickets to the football game". The product you selling costs a thousand Pounds and the football ticket costs five Pounds... And they come. So you can reverse the thing. And while you are doing that, you might find the real reason that the customers did not come.

And it might come back to this area. Because you could have in your organization or on your lines a third party. Another car company... you know, not Mercedes, but may be Audi sending over some guys: "You know, this year Mercedes is bullshit, you know, we have a much better car over there". Or you might have an SP on the lines, who is invalidating all you staff, say: "Hey, you are not getting you Christmas bonus this year". Or: "I've heard they are going to lay off ten percent of the work force and your name is on it". And you might have some of your staff roller-coastering because of this, you know... The guy: "Why should I work here after they are going to fire me"... Very interesting, huh? They all fit back and forth, dealing with the players in the game. At this time you run into all these situations. Now, these are gradiented in the effect on your organization or your org board in this direction.

This is more powerful than that.

Because a PTS is just roller-coastering. He'll do well in the presence of theta and in a presence of entheta he fails.

Well, you can handle that by putting more theta into the area and you might find who's making them do poorly, which is, the SP is normally invalidating the games the guy got on this cycle.

"The boss just gave me a bonus this morning!" The SP comes along, says: "That's because you're on the list, you going to be fired next week". But that's between both. This person is very much effect anyway. You see, they are not stable. They don't have their stable datums right.

Now, why is the third party worse than that in cause and effect? Because it works on the basis of taking two ABLE thetans above 2.0 on a tone scale, stable... and bringing them into oppterm situations... so that they fight each other, use their energy, instead of working for the organization or making products or getting these curves going up. And since they are both stable and very able, you just lost their services to the company. And whatever they were in control of, is now been neglected, while they carry out their little war. And they never spot the source of it, see because this data has come to him about this guy, the data has come to him about this guy... they are fighting. They don't spot that there was third party. See, that can cause much worse effect in your company.

You see this often in business between labor and management. In many countries you do have this. Maybe not so much in Switzerland, but you do have this in other counties: Labor and management... and if they were in somehow in different companies... they were not in the same company... but labor and management... is just executives and staff of the organization.

They are on the same Org Board and they usually select the top manager here and the head the labor union here and they go blup-blup-blup-blup.

And there's usually something modifying that... usually money or power or something. That's why in some countries, more advanced on stability and so on, they do a reverse third party thing in, and they end up with a guy called arbiter, who has to be on the scene whenever you get this labor-management party... problem.

And if he's a good arbiter, meaning that he is not involved in either side... but he's called in as a arbiter... could be a lawyer, he could be an ex-worker in the factory or ex-manager, but he's out of it now. He's impartial.

So he could know with his knowledge pull out all these little datums that they saying about each other and decide: "Oh, well, wait a minute... that is not the case"... and he could get it all straightened out with communication.

I mean it could be that the labor president had believed that rumor that ten percent were going to be fired, and they demanded that nobody be fired... and not only that, but they give raise in pay.

And management says: "We can't give you raise in pay. We're already paying too much for hospitalization while just this week we had a truck driver... receptionist got stomach aches". Man, by this time you better call for the evaluator. Too many outpoints.

How can you apply some of that?

Division Two: Now, let us see, what I got there. Yeah, on this it is interesting, because a Div Two normally has the files in it... the actual files and the letters, not just the names and addresses, but the letters of all the contacts with customers of the organization. They can also keep the history and the data about the company... the old log books and things like that. He can have a reference library in there. He can also be responsible for collecting the exchange for the product.

The exchange at the moment, it usually goes to the bill collections in the next division.

But normally the people who do the correspondence for the organization are in here. They have access to the files, what the company is doing, what it is producing... and they know about that and they can write back and forth to the customers... Send them brochures of a new models and so on. Now, these are the customers they know they had name and address off. These are the people that already bought your cars. You've already done business with them.

Well, do you know that in business, in normal business, this one the most omitted divisions there is. You look at you grocery store for instance. You walk in there, you buy food, you go out, do it a few times and they never ask you a name and address. Same with most restaurants, bars... same with most shopping centers. They never know who their customers are. If they hit downtrend they would never be able to find out why. Don't even know who to ask. And if they ever had to promote, to get their income back up, they would not know who to call!

Maybe they think that people resent having their name and address put down if they come in the store, but it does not have to be monitored.

They can do it on a voluntary basis... "Put your name and address down here and telephone number... if we have a special sale on some things or any kind of extra service, we'll let you know about that".

So, put in here... product services. So you have customer handling letters, correspondence files, history brochures of products and services... so you have all the things which enable sales to happen to the people.

That is a very neglected area in most businesses. Insurance companies do it and the big car companies do it and the banks know who are their customers are... But most of the other businesses – they don't know.

Mail voice: But, is this problem solved with credit cards?

Well, I don't know if the problem is solved... I still don't think they use that. I don't know. The businesses have to pay for the service of accepting and using a credit card. Yeah, that's why you have to pay more when you use credit card and in some places they even give you discount for buying with cash, which is the other side of that.

I don't think that business itself keeps the names and addresses, the credit card companies, they keep them, because of the money.

One of the things I wanted to say about this is, that their best use in this division of promotion, is by results or happy customers of the actual products and services. So if they don't know who the customers are, then they can't find out if they had a happy result or a good service or whatever from the company.

And the best promotion is number one – results, number two the word of mouth from the people who had the results. NOT television advertisements, magazine advertisements, newspaper advertisements and sending out junk mail to the houses... that is not the best form of promotion. The two best are, results and word of mouth from the people who had the results, or from their friends. That are the best and the most stable.

We will get to Div Six later, but do you realize, that they spend millions on television advertisement? They spend thousands of pounds, franks and everything on sending out mailings to people, and they only expecting two to five percent response. Wow! That is a very expensive undertaking. And some of the advertising budgets of companies today are incredible... in a millions and millions. And they do that mostly because they don't have this division in. And as we saw before they did not survey first, to find out intelligence data about the public they were going after. So, instead of doing that and making their advertisements, they hire some super status firm that gives them the chick advertisement on the market. This month you want your product advertised with talking animals, that's totally in. Next month: Ah, you must have your product advertised with beautiful girls in bathing suits, that's in this month.

Next: Oh, this month it's done with neat little plays on words and jokes advertise... make a joke type advertisement. Next it's with your product animated on a cartoon. Next month, oh, it has to be space stuff this month. You got to show it coming in from a far planet and exploding in a nebula.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the actual product, the service, the survey, the public... I mean, they make some very interesting advertisements. Very clever. But, you know, I did not check backward with my own experience, I said: "How many of those products do I buy?" I'm not even interested in any of them.

So, I don't know, maybe you can do a survey... Find out, you know... but how many people do buy products that are advertising these super chic ways. Again, maybe it has to do with the Tone Scale... Maybe some people are down the Tone Scale. They are getting a whole bunch of sales from them.

But if they are that much of the effect and other-determined they probably do just as well, by having authoritarian figure come on from the implanter side, like a psychiatrist or something and just say: "Buy this product. It's in your own best interest, I say so". He probably sells millions of them to all these people at that tone level... and hypnotism and other-determinism.

Let's look at Division Three: This takes care of the financial income and outgo and the reserves and the financial records. Now, you may think this is stupid but there is a very important datum that LRH laid out in a Policy Letter about Div Three and about the company or even your own life.

It's so obvious, of course, but when you look at how many people and how many companies violate this... It's absolutely incredible. And it's simply states that "income must exceed outgo".

Sounds logical? If you going to do a good business you must take in more than it's going out. If it's going out more than it's coming in... of course you going down one of these hills again and you going to go out of business.

How many people violate that? how many companies violate that? And once you've mastered that bit of logic, which many people have not, remember that... how many people are going deeper and deeper into depts... and they can't pay off, they have no assets, nothing and how many people going: "You are spending more every month then you make".

How many governments are doing that? Look at your list of debts of nations, you know. America is at the top.

The next one after you mastered that simple logical thing, the next thing is... LRH recommends that people keep ten percent for reserves.

And I tell you, that is because of the way the game is at this time and how much interference is in it and how illogical most of the players are. You have to keep reserves, because no matter how good you doing, they can also always throw some kind of weird scenario curve at you where you got to have some extra money to keep things going... on a personal or business level.

I don't know how many bankrupts this will cause in England by them introducing the poll tax. They just put in the poll tax all of the sudden. They caused a lot of riots with that. It was a bomb coming in as a new expense on everybody.

You see, it can happen. Those people did not have reserves, and most of them lost their houses because they could not pay the mortgage. That's what you need reserves for. It's always good to have those. It does not have to be in money. It could be cash, Swiss francs. It could be in gold... it could be in assets, that you could sell easily, anything like that, but you should have reserves.

Here's an interesting exercise for you. Just take your last ten years of business, income making job, whatever you do. Add up the income you made during all that time. Divide it by ten. Look how much money you have in the bank and how many assets you have that you could sell, like a house or something. And see, if you have ten percent. Do I hear some people sweating? I tell you this is logic. You may need ten percent just to buy gasoline this year. If it keeps going up like that.

There was another little point of the finance there. There is a lot of good policies on this, on running a business, but in your life I thought you might be able to apply this little aspect of finance.

Based on my own knowledge of finance policy and my experience in Europe of the last five... six years, I found out that expenses go roughly in this sequence: housing or accommodations, number one. You can say: housing and accommodation. Number two transportation. Figure that out... cost of your car divided over the month and so, all the gas, all repairs, all the insurance...

Food and clothing. Communication.

Although if you do a lot of it this can come up to number three. If you use a lot of letters, a lot of telephone calls and all that like some families do, you know, talking along...

This accommodation of course also includes the gas, the water, electricity in your house, the rates you have to pay, all those things. And the type B which we call the movable assets, your furniture and all that stuff, although it usually stays there for long time, if you divide it into the number of years you use it, it adds up to this.

No transportable bottom-lines in the house, which is the furniture and things like that. But divided over the number of years you see. Translator: Is that for private? Yeah, for a person. Business would might have another. They may have salaries in there and taxes and all kinds of things.

If you have children, you might have schooling costs and all things in there. But I'm just saying one person or two people or a family, a small family... this usually goes the order in which they pay things.

If you figure this out for yourself, what it costs you per month you can make adjustments... Say the curve of distribution... like this... a lot of money for this and not so much here and not so much here. If comm is number four it would be sort of silly to cut down your comm just to save money. Would be much better to cut down on something to do with your house... Maybe renting of house is too expensive, so you make a deal to do some work in it to lower the rent, or you go buy house, that's very reasonable, or you move to a place that is cheaper. This can creep up on you. I know in Germany the rents were creeping up like that. And it was far too expensive to buy a place. But all you could do is move further out into the country.

But then you need more expense for transport. The next thing you thing you think about is learn to ride a motorcycle. But then you find out the insurance costs more. Oh, man, they got you in the box, let's face it.

What I'm saying is, you can plan with your monthly expenses, your monthly income. You can plan how to either better your situation in housing, by buying the place, by finding place out further that's cheaper to rent. Well, in Germany one of the ways we used to do it, is be very alert of bulky waste. See, because you... your house includes the furniture in it, but if you got a bulk collection, you can get all this free furniture laying out on the street. See? Start going to the flea markets.

One thing you got to watch about these two I found out is that housing... if you own a house, it usually will increase in value. If you own a piece of transport, unless it's a vintage Rolls Royce or something and you keep it in the garage all the time, it'll go down in value. So I always recommend the people if they going to and buy car or transport that they know that the curve of the value of the thing goes down like that. For the first year it drops like 20 percent and then it goes down about five or ten percent a year after that. So, the best thing to do is to find a kind of car you want that just came out, you know, say, wait one year, and then buy used one. You just save twenty percent or more. So, things like that you got to really look at these days because of the inflation, because of all the tax, because of the various price rises unexpected and so on.

Expenses we try to cut that down in the Free Zone by using telefax. It's actually sometimes faster and cheaper than a mail, using letter or telephone. All of these things can be evaluated individually and together to help your personal financial picture. And then you might have some more left over for entertainment. You know, taking your vacation every year and going to the movies you want to see and all that.

But I tell you, people are going to be pinched by the economy the way it's coming... the way it's shaping up now... higher gas prices, more taxes you got more coming. Well, you are not on the common market, but the common market people have to have some more taxes by 1992.

So, it's good to know, how to evaluate these areas. And apply some logic in your life.

Division Four: This is the one who does the activity and production of your personal org board or your business. I just have some hints on this which is based on policy letters.

Department Ten here it's the prediction area. To predict something you make a plan of how it's going to happen. So, you should very carefully plan out what you are going to do or what you are going to produce or how you are going to operate. So that you don't come half way through a cycle of action and then find out you can' complete it because you don't have enough money. How many people's houses have you gone into and found a half completed project in there somewhere? Or how many businesses have you gone into... that they had a good idea, but they could not finish it. They ran out of money or did not have enough personnel or something happened and it did not get produced. You have to plan these things out pretty carefully.

Because one of the things in a inflating economy... you have to do, is stay ahead of the inflation. To do that you've actually got to either increase the volume of your production or get more win which may become increasingly hard, because the high cost of communication, mail and all that stuff. A gasoline and trucks to hold it around and so on. Or you've got to diversify and make some other products, that you can make more win with. Get into some other fields as well, so you secure your income at higher level.

One on the ways people do this in most common market countries is this. They take another job at night, a black work job. You don't have to do that. You can just diversify. You can expand the amount coming in by diversification to the same customers maybe even. Just add 'now we have a new product here'... New service.

Now, why I'm saying that is if you don't plan it well, you end up in the activity part here with half-dones, not-dones and backlogs, you have to have incomplete cycles of action.

Now that is the insult to the game. Incomplete cycles of action are what the whole aberrated game is made of.

Essentially a case is a series of incomplete cycles of action. We know that because you can apply process to it and the guy goes "taka-taka" and he completes the cycle of action, has the cognition and all thing disappears.

You see, it was incomplete.

From one viewpoint you could look at the whole MEST universe as being a big incomplete cycle of action with all of the particles in it. And that's one of the things we are here to do... is make sure that the game will finish because it can't finish without completing this cycles of action.

The real cycles of action, you know, when you start creating something, you also at some point as-is it.

Don't add to the confusion and case of the entire game. If you have an incomplete cycle – complete it. That way you feel better. You might find that it in some of these areas of the you personal organization or business organization. You start getting more flow coming in. I mean flow of customers and money and so on.

By completing cycles of action you are putting yourself at cause over one of the greatest problems in the whole game... that people can't complete the cycles of action because of interference and so on. By doing that you actually attract to you the more up tone, the more viable elements of the game. If you are not going to complete some, don't even start it. Do something you can complete.

A final product or service in this day and age when the communication lines are so fast, should be of very good quality. In other words the best tech you can put into it... do so. That does not necessarily mean expensive, that means care, taking care to make sure that everything works right as it is supposed to work. Make sure that the service is done, the cycles are completed, the plan was completed... make sure it's done professionally.

It does not mean that if you are making furniture you have to buy a high tech laser to cut the boards now. It just means that you got to keep your saw sharp and have a nice good pencil to draw a line to cut on that line! It's using the tools of your tray in the best technical and professional manner you can.

I know that there are companies around that would try to sell you very high tech machinery to do what you can do normally with your own hands and your own knowledge. And you end up being in debt for this company for their service contracts and for paying off the machinery for years. So you better evaluate that to see whether it's really going to increase your production or your quality or just being expense.

Div Five is this new division on the org board. Qual. For that in your personal Org Board and in your business I would say, the best policies I found out about in the Dive Five Volume... and that is make sure you take responsibility for any failed product or service. If the person complains about and it was done wrong, then make it right. Otherwise you see it's a not a good result, you are going to have bad word of mouth.

And that hurts your promotion. And your business.

I give you an example. I mailed five Teegeeak books. I actually mailed twenty five. Twenty of them got there. Five of them, all addressed to the Bern area, did not arrive. We don't know who stole them or who took them off the line, or why the post office never got them... But I had to verify that the people who audited... I had to get them five more books. I printed off the books but then I could not send them because of "don't use a broken line, find another". So we had to mail them to here, to Walchwil and then they had to get the guys and distribute them to them from here. So they were late but they did get the product. I still don't know what government agencies stole these things, but somebody, some people around somewhere here in Switzerland or somewhere in Europe reading five Teegeeak books. I'm not mad about that. They should just make sure they send me the money for those books. And if they are going to remain out of exchange, I hope they had a lot of misunderstoods.

Taking responsibility for your product there is... make good any failed product. The next is putting quality control inside so that you make sure that all these cycles are going well and that your products are good quality. That way you have an information gathering cycle going all the way through all the time, so you can also spot outpoint situations coming on the lines of your organization very quickly. If you want to get very brilliant, you can apply from the Certificates and Awards Section... you can put little stickers, labels or give certificates with these things that they are of inspected highest quality.

A lot of products are sold on the basis of that alone. You look at some of the bottles of whisky and wine and everything, it says: 'By appointment to the high court of the king' or something. It's like the king has approved that this stuff is good enough for him. Or, you know, they show a famous racing driver driving their car, so it's like he has put a stamp of approval on this. He's certifying. And they failed to mention that they gave him a car and they gave his wife a car and they gave his son a car and all that and he said: "oh yeah, I'll do the deal for five thousand, yeah, okay".

But they did get that: "Oh, wow, now, he certified that, that's good". I'm talking about you do it inside your own org board, so you make sure your own products alright.

Division Six:

By the way, you can see why org boards did not work so good before, without this divisions. They did not make good the failed products, they did not do the quality control, they did not certify anything as being good, so a lot of worsening could go on in the organization and then there is no way to correct it, because Qual does the correction.

These guys have to be a good evaluators. Be able to see the outpoints.

Now, we go back in Div Six here. You have the Public Division. This is where normally you would get new customers from. Now we talking about advertisements and promotion.

That's making your product known and well thought of. This is where you have to go back to the other thing I was talking about because Public Relations is in here. We already went through this cycle how it's connected to the intelligence, legal, surveys and all that, right?

So it is important and it's also important to do it precisely.

So, you have in the organizational thing here you can have in any business. You have a successes, well say... by customers.

From this you can franchise others. In other words, if you are running an org, if you've been training auditors and have them go out to also make more products in field.

And you could have field salesman or field staff members out there, helping you get a new business in. All this will help to bring a new business.

We get to last one here. By the way, remember, this is just my idea of few things that might be helpful in your life and in your business. Here's a lot of good policy in there you must read it, if you to really master it all.

Executive Division: This is where the thetan at the top sits... the guy who is running it.

Here we have what we've been talking about before. The guy, he may be the source of the product in the area. He may be the guy who is running the whole company. He may be sitting there, but one thing he does have to know is how to evaluate.

He has to be able to evaluate a situation, handle things with good KRC and ARC. Know how to put in the stable datum and eliminate confusions. He must know in fact all of the things we've been talking about... must be a good player in the game if he's going to succeed.

He also must know all the things going on in the other divisions.

So, another thing that must happen in here is... the rate must be planned. The rate of expansion must be planned. You can get in just as bad a situation by over-expanding too fast, as you can from a scenario knocked around you, that makes you lose money. Because both of them will cost you a lot of money if you expand too fast. And you can read examples of this in the press. I mean, this company, you know it bought this, it bought that, then it bought that, then it bought that, then it bought that, next news story – it's bankrupt. You see it? Like that. Expanded too fast.

A lot of reasons for that... but in actual fact the probably simplest one LRH talked about, is over-expansion. Can be dangerous to the basic organization you've set up, because you tent to try to stretch the people you have already and use them in too many different places at once. And you may tend to use your own reserves and the money coming to your first basic organization to start handling the others with. Waiting to the final deal to go through and the stocks to be sold and the money to come from the other place, you see, the names to be changed and all that.

Meanwhile they start having the war in the Middle East and your firm... you just bought a contract for five billion pounds with Iraq. Now they can't get paid. Now the people had supply to the materials and the basic stuff to sell to them are asking: "Hey, where is the money?"... Pooh! Bankrupts. Not only the new firm, but of the old one too. Because you bought the new one. It's now part of yours.

So, one thing LRH tells you in policy, if you have a new area of expansion in an org, or new public or something to take care of... put it under a separate organization. If it's small or it is a pilot project, but keep it separate... Don't let it mess up the operation you already have going on.

So this would also apply when you diversify to be de-inflation. Now this is product one. You decide you need product two. It starts off a little low and then it starts up. But if this contacted with this one, the stat will go like this and it make it to go up, and suppose this one does not go and it starts going down... if you put them together it will go like this and bring you own stats down.

Where is this one... if it starts to go bad, you can just terminate it... end cycle on it or sell it or whatever. And this one still left okay. You got to be using that principal when you diversify as well.

The next... the probably most important thing about the expansion is HOW do you expand as a thetan controlling these areas. Now, here is your area control, with your org board here.

Alright? I think, problem with the most important thing that LRH taught there's totally at variance and different from most business stuff in the world... is that most companies in the past have tried to expand by putting force down this way. Trying make this bigger and bigger, see more people, more people, more product, more product, more people... tight control, the more product the more tight control you need.

So finally get the old dictatorship.

Now, LRH, if you read about how he progressed by reading the policy, by reading the history of what he did, you know, he did not do it that way. The way to expand is move off the top of the org board. Hat somebody to do that post as a replacement and make, create a new org board senior to that. Which may have several orgs under it... or it may be and this just becomes a one division of a new org.

In other words this is the way to expand. It's called a Power and Power Change formulas. You hat this guy to come here and move up and take a higher position.

This is not the same as kicking you upstairs as you hear about in business. It is not the same as golden parachute which you hear about in business. You know they pay you a lot of money and you just jump out.

You utilize what you have created here, turn it over to somebody who's competent and now you have this operating and you may also have another part over here, you have another one operating, another one, another one, another one. Or you use this as a one part of a new org board. And as soon as you feel any pressure on necessity use effort to hold everything together, you just put the guy there: "Okay, you run that and we move up here another step". See, you train these guys to evaluate too and all that, see what I mean?

When LRH says: 'Turn over the hat', he means everything you know about doing that. Now, you probably might not have heard of that and you probably don't believe that this will work, because it's not known in the society... guarantee.

But I wanted just draw you attention to one thing. I can prove it. LRH did it for you.

All the time in this whole lecture we've been talking Green Volumes, Red Volumes, Legal, Intel Tech and the Data Series Technology. That was Ron's hat. You can buy it, you can read it, you can study it, you can learn it, he turned it over to you.

And that is why the whole thing did expand and why it's still expanding. Just look at the Free Zone within the last year. We've had some our people doing projects and so on, getting worldwide television coverage. Doing things, that much larger and richer the organizations could not even do. And handling situations that again much larger and more richer organizations could not do. And finding out more about the game, and finding out more about a life in general and what's happening now in the scenarios and giving it out to people so that more people know about the game now then probably ever before.

And doing research and piloting technical areas that most scientists and other people only think might happen in a future sometime... if things go well this century and we don't all get killed. We are doing it now. Without all of their resources and government project help and grants and all that, we would do it without all that.

Why is that? Because when LRH moved off the post he turned over his hat. He's working at the galactic level now, but he' s turned over the planetary hat to all of us! We have them. It's very simple. You can expand! It's quite alright! You can get fun, wins and acceptance in the game. We can overcome the interference. We already have. We just now have to apply more and more on the dynamics, to the other people who have not. Do you realize that all the things I've talked about in the whole lecture were all based on my training, my experience, my hatting by LRH and now I'm trying to turn over this all to you! In a usable form you can use for your own logic in life.

And both LRH, Elron Elray and I wish you success and viability with it. Thank you very much.


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