Logic in Life

Seminar by Captain Bill Robertson

on 1./2. September 1990, Switzerland

Watch Video (Part 1, (1:57:13))

Advertisement. Ha! That was it. Say it in English. (To the translator) [laughter]

Translator: He's doing some advertisement.

The music you are listening to is from the Andromeda suite. And this was written to commemorate the Intergalactic Decree of 9th of May 1990. This was the meeting between the representatives of this Galaxy and Andromeda. Which resulted... by the way Elron Elray was right in the middle of that. Inside we have the entire decree normalizes relations between the two for the first time.

On the back we have what I call the movements, the names of the movements.

And that one you just heard was... oh, yes, it's all about this meeting, so that one was called "The Acceptance", the acceptance of the idea to get together and make this agreement. Now, the good news is you will be the first people on this planet... well, maybe not... yeah, but first... human being people on this planet.

Maybe some Greys have heard about it already. But you can actually hear the copy of in the commemorate music, which they won't get. Unless of course they come to Free Zone. In fact I rather suspect that their information about this is probably very suppressed. Listen a little bit. [music plays] [applause] There is nine, nine complete pieces on there.

And if those you who've heard the UFO lecture are aware that such a meeting was going to take place. Now, it's something you won't find in the newspapers, yet. However, some the old data that you've learned about in that lecture have appeared in a newspapers. Oh, but they had the date wrong. [to translator ] Hold that. [shows a newspaper] It says: "UFO army will invade Earth in 1992". And it also says, exactly says: "Advance troops are already here".

Question from audience: "They come out when?"

I don't know, but since the last UFO lecture. It's probably date on it somewhere. And it says: "Dooms day attack plan is revealed. Scientists tracked space aliens secret code." He-he. They give you a little star map here where they recon the code was emanating from. And although the expat is still in the galaxy if you look on a globe of the stars you will find that this point where they picked it from is very close to direction Andromeda.

Now, somebody is going to awful lot if troubles to sort of prepare the public in these admittedly second class newspapers, get them ready for something.

I want to show you another one. Urhh! Remember, few of those of you these who bought UFO tapes, UFO tapes which I still have one or two left. By the way there tapes only cost 50 bucks and UFO tapes cost 100 bucks, and those of you who have heard – know why. In that tape there was a stories from Russia about UFO were very problemed in the Soviet Union. I don't know is this is phoney or not, but this is it. First ever photo captured UFO. You have to see enormous UFO, looks like UFO sitting on a giant hanger. These are people down here, this little dots of people here, that's the UFO. And the whole story is about that soviets captured UFO. And that was told by, you know, the escaped soviet scientist or somebody that was to come with him from Germany. I just want to bring up to date what you already knew.

That is going to be in around 1996. A great deal of reputable press about aliens, UFOs landings and so on.

So those of you who've heard the UFO, by the way, the tapes of that UFO briefing are available from Silvie, the videos, so you can catch up on it if you did not see already. And those of you who were on that one than you probably also may have attended the second one, the second lecture last June or May. May, June? June. Where we talked about the dynamics. And those are also available, the whole thing from Silvie. They also available in Germany. But we advertising Silvie right now.

Ok, so, I have 10 albums of Andromeda commemoration music. And since it's about 50 of you, you probably have to get together and listen to it 5 at the time. No, it's... you can order them, I will make some more, if you want more than that I make some more, alright, send them to you in a mail. Ok, that piece you are hearing now remember that from the last lecture, I played a little bit of that as an example on the esthetic dynamic. It's on this album. And some people were so excited about it in the German lecture that they ordered it before it was even made, before the album was even made just because they wanted to hear that piece.

But I want to explain something about the music. Before we will get to the subject of this afternoons lecture. There are many ways to write music as you probably know. And I won't go you with all the details about how to compose, but I will like, would like to explain the viewpoint of the composer of who are you composing for! In other words, who is the public for this music, who is going to hear it. Now, many songs are written on a flow 0 basis, when the person writes it for himself, he plays it and he listens and if the sad song — he cries, you see, he writes for himself.

And some people who may have the same emotions, and the same type of happening in their life, may hear it and want it, and want to buy it or get a copy of it. And you'll – you find that a lot in the Folk music and in the Country music — they make the story of their own life and they talk about it in the song and other people agree that that happens with them too.

You can also compose a song for a flow 3, for others. You know, like to write the national anthem for the country, or a school song, or for particular group, or for even a movie that's being made by the an organization, that they want to go out to another group.

Ok, now these are various publics, which you can write music for and you can write for another person, there are a lot of love songs are written to one other person, they even name the person in the song.

You know, Sweet Georgia Brown. And ... a lot of these, but also you can get a flow 1 and 2 action going here, you sing some songs where a man sings a part and the girl sings a part, and they sing to each other, back and forth.

So, you see, there are many ways to write the song. And to a degree this determines its popularity. To a degree, because there are other — quality of the music, is it... is it even sounds good or not. Does the person have enough money to even publish the thing and get it recorded or does he just have to keep it home and do it by himself. But, I have written songs like that, but this music and a lot of music I write — is not that kind of music. Not for that public.

My public is thetans who recall their time track. And that is why you don't see it in the top ten. Because this probably not... well, there is more than ten, but there is not that many people on the planet who realize they are thetans. And that they have a time track. You see, the music — is a aesthetic way to break open the connection between the thetan and his, what, pleasant memories, his more interesting memories of his life and the game. My be a lot of you did not understand that. Before.. But it's definitely music for thetans that realize they've been in the game for long time.

If you listen to it with that viewpoint, just relax, put on the music and it just get your time and the game on road. You might find all kinds of interesting things happening. Remember, pleasure moments cannot be erased. Without the concern of the thetan who considers them pleasure moments. I have found the way to erase them. But I have not put it on the Bridge. Because it requires the high degree of self determination and say: Ok, I'm finished with that — I want to erase all that.

But you can regain perhaps memories, very pleasant memories, because it's not with charge, they are just pleasant. One of your first rides in the space ship. When you belonged to group that was very together. When honor and loyalty meant something. When OT operations were happening. When there was really exiting and long lasting 2Ds. Now... admittedly the stuff you run into at session. Admittedly the stuff you run into at sessions. Is usually the reverse side of that coin. And you find a lot of charge on it every day.

But I wanted to balance that with the esthetics dynamic. So as give a chance for people on the bridge to also not only open the track by getting the charge off, but also to just sit there and recall it. The good times. [pause, conducts the music, laughter in audience] May be you getting the idea of it now, I don't know. That's what I hope to communicate. For each of you, not for me. I have to like it myself. It means something for me. But I am not the only one who is playing this game. There were good times for all. And there will be more good times for all. You see, what are we saying? We saying that every thetan judges his experience whether it is pleasurable and good or whether it is engramic and bad.

Obviously the player in this game does not want to talk too much about the times he had loses. So he withholds it. Does not want the other player to feel that he's less the player or weak or make mistakes. He might be able to tell them to somebody that was not really in the game with him.

And that is why LRH said: "An auditor should have no case". Because with that viewpoint he can sit outside. And invite the person to talk about whatever difficulties he had with the game. Now, again, what is this judging, this decision, what makes an incident ok or not ok. Well, now we are getting into the subject of this lecture. Which the title is Logic in life.

You see, that decision of whether it is a good experience or bad experience... it's the end of this... [music playing] so, we are into the subject, this decision is based on logic. And what logic are we talking about.

We are not talking about something that somebody invented.

We are talking about the logic of how the thetan plays game. We are talking about how he judges his life. How he judges his track. How he decides something, I don't want to tell to nobody. However the things he wants to do that again. And knows no matter how many times he got into it or overrun it. For instance how many times have you eaten a good meal. You don't stop after first one and say: I don't want to overrun it.

How many times have you experienced a good second dynamic? You don't after first one and say: I don't want to overrun it. But if you had a real bad one next thing you do you might be going into monastery. I don't want anymore.

You can say: Why? Why? What is this? What is this logic of life? Good. Well... so, what is this logic... logic of life?

Well, it is actually the values and importances that the thetan is putting on his experiences. And that's how he judges. And judges others. According to the game he is in. And it's very important to understand that. The values and importances placed upon the experiences of the game he is in. Because, as you know, if people playing different games they have different values, different importances, different decisions.

If you walk into Buddhist Monastery and they are playing their game of religion on the Seventh Dynamic. And you walk in there and start playing Rock Music they will try to throw you out, no matter how nice they are. You see? And if you are a policeman, playing the game of law and order and you walk into a Rock concert to arrest all the guys who are taking marijuana you might be thrown out, and your ass too may be beaten up. Now you starting interfering their fame with force. You see? But those are examples within the games on the Dynamics good or bad. The higher level of logic in life is just the logic of the game called Life for living, livingness.

Now, LRH says that life is basically a game. Now, what game is it? You better know that! Well, everybody does know that actually. They all agreed to it. The parts of this game called Life are these dynamics we talked about the last lecture. The Dynamics One to Twelve.

And those are the parts of it, now, we know also that was interfered with another games that come in were a bit... nobody likes them or most people don't like them. So, by this we can start to give an idea of what a thetan is considering to be good or bad.

But you need one other criteria and that would be a direction or vector of which a thetan is trying to achieve. In other words it's not a stable... it's not a fixed in time game, it's moving all the time. Moving. Action.

Okay, so, it's not only how he judges his experience. And what value and importance he puts on the experience. It is also the fact that they are the whole line of these experiences in the past. And to end the game or to win the game or to finish the game there is going to be the whole lot more in the future.

Now, the question that needs to be answered here is what is the direction, what is the vector, what is the purpose, what is the goal of all these experiences? And when we answer that we can get exactly what the logic is based on. You understand what I'm saying? It's not just the judgment on PT or one event. That can have many opinions or many judgments on it. And that's you have things like law courts and legal cases and all that kind of stuff. Was it right, was it wrong, was it good, was it bad. But when you add in that vector WHERE are these players in this game going, what are they trying to achieve, then you can make more logical decision. And before I tell you... by the way, it's something you already know, but before I tell you what that is that going toward, I will give you an example of a very controversial, which means some people say yes, some people say no, some people say right, some people say wrong, some people say good, some people say bad, event that happened very recently.

Have you ever heard of Doctor Death? Ok, this is American doctor. He was an specialist in pathology which is the science of death, the study of death and causes of death Yeah. And he made a machine, just a pedals and a timer and needle to allow certain people who had incurable disease on the body to end their life in the body, so that they wouldn't go down tone into being a vegetable and lying there with all kinds of tubes and so on. Now, one of the first people to use this was a woman who was very uptone, active and very intelligent. And she had a disease which was eating away her brain. And she found this doctor and said: Yes, I want to do that. Did all the preparations with her family and everything get them all in agreement everything and did it. She had to go to another part of the country she could not do that in anybody's house, she had to do that in a rented van in a park, so nobody would be legally responsible.

Now, once the news was out about that, this doctor erupted into public infamy as being – he was recommending suicide, which was a cardinal sin. On the other hand there were people who said: Hey! That's not so bad! I had person in my family and they hated being kept alive, you know, they wanted to die every day, but doctors would not let them.

Yeah, and it caused the family of the people who were not allowed to die but wanted to very much anguish and hate to the doctors and everything.

So, they even had this guy in television interviews and so on like that... The whole story was given with the family of the lady and so on. And they all agreed to it, the family have totally agreed to it, they did not interfere with it but there was a lot of people who did not like that idea and so on... and criticize the doctor and wanted to throw him out of the medical profession and everything like that. Interestingly enough, they let the doctor speak on one of these programs, to give his side of the story. And he was trying to make it into an ethical practice with code of ethics so would not be misused. And it had to be a certain types of patients who were rational enough to make their own decision before the disease go too bad. And then the other side, the critics of that, the people who were criticizing that, said that doctors supposed to save life, not take them away.

He said, also the doctors supposed to relief suffer, not prolong. Anyway, the argument still goes on, still goes on, still goes on. And they even had a vote in the studio audience in the program I saw, and 53% of the studio audience were in favor of what the doctor said... 47% - against. So, it's about half to half. Now, there is an interesting example of logic in life. Its right on the subject of life. Now, looking at it as a trained evaluator I recognize immediately that the reason this could never result... because there was a lot of omitted and false data in the arguments. And the biggest one of course was the omitted data that the person was not a body, he was a thetan. And just because he loses the body it does not mean he's out of the game.

And knowing that... the rights of the thetan... one of them says: you have the right to live the game, even if it's a part of the game you don't like.

Now, when you put that extra data in there from the overall game, it makes what the woman did was just exercise of her right of a thetan. What the doctor did was providing her the painless and easy way to do it. What the opposition was saying: "There is no thetan, that's the end of the game for that person".

Now, when you run or you C/S a lot of people on their track, you find that thetan has lost bodies many, many times. Now, in the times of loyalty and honor and all that stuff, they would do that in amore ferocious or war like way, you know. They go up against the enemy, you know, up to number of hundred to one with a sword in their hand, something like that. And they would became a hero!

Now, what's the difference? That's suicidal to go up against the hundred guys, probably with weapon, you know, gun and everything, but with a sword! But I know many of you probably have that experience on you track and that was pretty good.

Or maybe some of you have crashed the spaceship into a implant station. Sure, you certainly destroyed the body you were using. And that could be looked at a suicide. You see? So, you have experiences and most people do have experiences where they have voluntarily used that body in an attempt to get something done.

Many examples in history. In science. Yes... Madam Curie. She worked around radiation all her life and realized: Ah, I'm dying from radiation. But actually the thetan there probably realizes some danger about this stuff: My hair is falling out or something. But they kept on doing it! Slow or fast the same effect happening – they lost a body.

But they got something done! Now, you see the vector there. There is a purpose. What are they trying to do?

Obviously we are not sitting in this game called life to be protected and safe and secure and totally ok all our lives. And not do anything. If that was true... Mother goes to a hospital to have a baby, then the baby would just be kept in the hospital it's life protected given food every day and dies.

And the mother would not have to go to the hospital she's probably in it already because she was another one to protect species. Sometimes with these national health programs you think that that's what they want to do. But, the game of life is not that simple. It has all these dynamics, yes, it has all these experiences.

But let's look at now where is it going. Ok, so, let's look - Logic of life.

Well, in the basic of that you have you have to go back in 1950 when LRH said that all life is trying to survive. And therefore you can take a single incident and the logic of life would be that it's... whatever that incident is he's trying to survive or persist through it and get out on the other side ok. On one or more dynamics.

For instance the father may die protecting his family from a burglar or the guy with a gun. But, he helped his family to survive. He tried to take away the threat to the family. And if he was successful he would also survive himself but his consideration was that he wanted to protect the second dynamic so he went up against the burglar and maybe he got killed or the burglar get killed – no matter, he still thinks he was doing the right thing.

So it's a little more complex than just personal survival. You have to look at it in the terms of the dynamics.

The starving artist... Now, he could probably take a job in his brother's shoe factory and survive a lot longer. But he chose to just do the paintings and nobody want him, nobody want him, nobody want him, and he got starved to death, he got a disease and died.

But his pictures survived. Because, whenever he's finished them he put them in his brother's safe in the shoe factory. And a hundred years later they were opened up and thought to be masterpieces. You see, so that kind of things happens.

So, he was a guy sacrifices his own first dynamic for a ninth dynamic. This can happen on any combination of dynamics. Now, this gives you an idea. Logic in life. Survival.

But there must be something better than just fighting for survival. That's very primitive. So, what is desire, what is the goal, what is the purpose, what is or where thetans going for in the game? Now we get it.

Now we can get to it, because it's just another part for the very valuable technology called the Data Series. And it's called ideal scene. The ideal scene. Now, an ideal – something the person has decided on or postulated or wants to achieve on that dynamic. And the scene which is means living in it, experiencing in it, be able to copy it, picture it, whatever, but it is an actual arrival at that time when that is an ideal.

Now, to begin a game there has to be also the agreement on what would be the end phenomena of that game. So the ideal scenes which are on the dynamics at the end of the game are already sitting there at the beginning! Already conceived by the thetan. You must understand that. Otherwise you can make no sense of what people are doing in the game. Realize that the thetan before or at the moment of coming into the game agreeing to the rules and all that like we talked about at the last lecture. Has at that moment already decided or postulated the ideal scene of how it will be when the game is over.

That may be a new data to a lot of you, but I guarantee you it's there and it comes up, it comes up on the Games Basics course. That is really there.

And there is an ideal scene for every dynamic. Postulated at the beginning. And a guy will keep playing the game until he achieves it. Even if he goes aberrated and gets interference and gets knocked out and try... he would still try to make those ideal scene. Whether he tries to jump backwards to another game, whether he tries to wait, whether he tries to keep low profile, whether he tries to do one over here or beat the bad guys here so he can't make it or whatever. He's going to try to do that ideal scene and that is the reason logical for all of his actions!

So, many people operating with the data of one lifetime may not realize fully, we could find it on the e-meter of course, and they would say when they would cognite it: Ah, I knew that all the time, really.

They do not realize they are working toward those exact ideal scenes that they postulated at the beginning of the game.

Translator: They might or might not?

They might. They might not in that lifetime, but they would realize that when they cognite. This is a pretty amazing data. He transcends in one's lifetime. He goes over the whole track of the thetan in the whole game.

Let's take an example of guy in this lifetime. And he says: "Well, I'm going to get into stock markets and I'm going to make a billion dollars, that's my purpose, I really want to do that".

Was that his ideal scene from the beginning of the game? No, absolutely not. Because, remember, at the beginning of the game you have not even created all the particles in it yet, you haven't even named them, you haven't even said it's a money and it's a dollar and here's million of them is good and you haven't said that yet.

No, but I'll guarantee you that that urge or that desire to make that million dollars IS some kind of action which will bring him toward the ideal scene he did postulate, and so handle the difficulty he ran into when he couldn't make the ideal scene he was trying to make.

Because, you can then ask the guy, let's say he does make a million, or you ask him in a session and say: "What you going to do when you make a million dollars?" And he says: "Ha! I didn't ever tell anybody this but I will then try to find the princess I lost in a past life and marry her, because the last time her father would not let me do it because I was not reach enough". You see?

But that is not even his ideal scene yet, that's another step, but now, you see, it's moving into a second dynamic area.

And then you might find out if you ask him few more questions of the auditing nature that this princess he wants to find is not just from one incident in the past. But way back on the track he had very ideal relationship almost, almost ideal scene. But it was interfered with by the implanters. And they did something in that society to split that up, it was too powerful.

So in behind the million dollars, in behind the princess from the past and whose father who would not let her get married because he was not rich enough and behind all of that he is fighting to get back to that almost ideal scene and all he has to do now is to handle the implanters. And since he knew they were very powerful he used their technology to make his million dollars. He got overwhelmed by their cheating technology and how to implant people and all that stuff. See, you find the guy's case in this lifetime, no mention of this other stuff. He doesn't really recall all of that clearly, he just knows he's going to that ideal scene. And you find that to do business and get this money he uses drugs on people and hypnotizes them and he third-parties them and he implants the wife of the business partners and he causes 2D troubles of everybody, you see what I mean?

And if you look at the guy just as an example of humanity in the 20th century, he's absolutely crazy. Or he's a brilliant executive, whichever viewpoint you have. Based on your own ideal scenes. Because if you ask the guy personally without auditing, and believe me, I've seen interviews with some of these guys, that they finally cached, you know, on doing some illegal things in the interview on the television. They asked the guy: Don't you know you were doing against the law and you were interfering with people here and you were doing this and were doing that you were cheating and you were stealing money from the people and you were faking you reports and getting in loans that you didn't have any backups for and you never paid them back. Didn't you realize that? And they actually had interview with the guy who did this in America on television, and he sat there, totally calm, totally unperturbed. And he said:

"Well, I was just trying to make my way in the American way of life, and make a million dollars like everybody should want to. And nobody stopped me."

"They could have any time... they all agreed, you know... they could have gone and check and found out that I was really cheating them and all that, but they did not do that."

"So who's fault is it? This is the way we live here. And I guess, it's my only... the only thing I am guilty was that I got caught doing that. But I think all my cell-mates should be all these other people that believe me. Yeah."

So, you see this guy or a person like that... he had another reason for doing that and to him it was totally the right evaluated logical thing to do! And he's probably got it all figured out for next lifetime. He can't do it in America because the government can find out and they could catch you. So, my next lifetime I will BE the government! "I'll become Saddam Hussein! And if I want money I'll just take over a rich country. Nobody says nothing. And if they do later, well, then I'll take hostages and I'll do this and I'll do that."

Now, you see, how crazy this can get? Now, all this time, remember, the guy is withholding what the real ideal scene is.

It, it may be that so much interference has come on the guy that he can only concentrate on just the illegal act he is doing at the time. He is out of agreement with all other survival and all other dynamics. He is just concentrating on that one that he could not quite get, and he's got to get that one. So, his logic, his game logic has narrowed down to one dynamic and the hell with the rest. And that's why he feels no guilt, feels no consideration of ethics on any other dynamic.

Now, this is a picture of what you can get on this planet today. You got Doctor Death, you have these business bandits, you have Ali Baba and forty thieves. You have all these what we call scenarios going on today.

Now, if a person doing it individually... well, it makes an effect, but this not a big effect. In the whole game. It just means those people need auditing and training. And application. We going to that in a minute. But it does show that if somebody can organize, see, this is more like a third dynamic concentration to get everyone in a third dynamic believing that their ideal scene depends on helping this guy make his ideal scene. And his ideal scene is influenced by implanters or something. Then you can get these crazy dramatizations like you get in Middle East. You see what I mean?

You getting whole bunch of people dramatizing "Kill these guys, kill those guys! Burn the flags of these, burn the flags of these, we hate those!" You see, what of mean? That is a very aberrated game. Because now you have groups doing that.

And that is also what LRH referred to as a group think. Or reactivate - reactive on a bank agreement type thing. And also as contagion of aberration. And then you can get a really crazy looking world. Welcome to Teegeeak!

Now, I'm giving you like a world picture here. Don't get scared, because Switzerland is a place where the most of the dynamics are rolling along are quite fairly normally.

But, remember, Switzerland also shares the climate, the atmosphere, the whole planet's resources. And so, there is a responsibility that is becoming clearer and clearer that when the scientific, political and business dramatization start wrecking the planetarial survival potential that's going to affect Switzerland too.

So, what we are saying here, there is the responsibility to help make the ideal scenes on all dynamics and now with that to help others to do it too.

Now, Switzerland, some of the people in Switzerland, may be they are not Swiss, may be they are Markabians or something, but they always for a quite a while been able to sell weapons to whoever is fighting over there, and keep money for whoever is fighting over there. And in the, in the past it may been totally logical thing to do for the survival of Switzerland's third dynamic. You see?

Because if you keeping the money of both sides, then they not going to attack you. If you sell weapons to both sided they not going the attack you. And if you charge high enough war rate interest on the loans and money and everything like that you win. One side wins - you win. Because you make both the winners and the losers to pay off the dept. And pay for all the weapons. This happened after Second World War. I can't blame that on Switzerland because I know that's not Swiss people that are doing that.

But, do you know, there is a part of Switzerland that is really not Switzerland. And they got it after Second World War. And that's the little biz area in Basel - Bank of International Settlements. And that is a little off-planet area of the planet which belongs to no country. The Swiss authorities have no, have no legal or police authority in that area. It was given to the Bank of International Settlements by the Swiss government at the time of 1930s. Given to them without a voting of a Swiss people. We found that out a long time ago.

We were trying to get some newspapers reporters to make a big story about that. Silvie was involved in that. I was and some others. And all it resulted was investigation of who have done this... who tried to expose this. Nobody published the stories. They just told the police and they started looking for who is investigating this.

So, we know that fifty years later it was still a big secret and it was designed to be kept a big secret. A withhold from all the Swiss people. And there is a little withhold that is keeping the Swiss nation from achieving it's ideal scene.

But there is some of those in every country. For instance, I think mentioned Sweden. If you go around in state to a policeman or to a doctor that you believe in or recieved telepathy communication you will be declared insane and thrown into a crazy house. And that agreement in Sweden is preventing the Swedish people from achieving their ideal scenes.

In Denmark they are all for human rights, criticizing the hell out of South Africa and criticizing the hell out of America's treatment of blacks and Indians. Yet, they own the Greenland and they won't any Eskimos come to Copenhagen because they are low life form! That's preventing Denmark, one of the things that's preventing Denmark from achieving their ideal scene. Or a Danish citizen as a member of the group of Denmark. Your understand.

I'm not saying that every bodies ideal scene is the same. But in terms of the game it is very positive and it is very theta. Not harmful. It's rather like these pleasure moments I was talking about. And when you have a pleasure moments it's quite alright for other guys to have pleasure moments too. You see, what I mean? All the players can have their ideal scene. Without taking away from the ideal scene of the over players. And this is the way it was originally postulated. Each person postulates their own ideal scenes on all dynamics, and yet according to the game, according to the rules everything would fit together to be totally an ideal scene for the whole game.

Now, it is possible to obtain your own ideal scenes on the dynamics knowing that on some of the dynamics everybody else has not yet obtained their ideal scenes. However, by obtaining yours you understand and can help the others to obtain theirs which then allows you to achieve yours. You understand what I mean? It's a vector, it's a direction.

If you have that as a total certainty that it can be done and it will be done. Then you can achieve your own and move into another game. To assist the others in obtaining theirs. That is a very unaberrated state. Guaranteed.

In that viewpoint you can't close the door on anyone. When you see things from the viewpoint of a C/S... any emotion or negative emotion you may have felt about the person, when you see the whole reason for that in the case, or the handling that's necessary to handle that... it's like - "that's very logical". You see? "I see why the guy ripped off the country, I see why the guy invented the death machine, I see why the businessman ripped off everybody." You see it from the logic application of the person how he got twisted and became illogical in terms of the game... but to him it was still logical. But that illogic could not exist unless the guy have logically been trying to achieve those ideal scenes.

Because he would have no drive, no push, no vector to do go on. If everybody had an illogical direction or vector or ideal scene, in other words if man was basically evil or bad, he would be evil or bad on all of his dynamics. And, since most people like the easy way of life, the easiest way to handle that is just to kill himself as young as he can. That would destroy all his dynamics from there on.

And pretty soon there would be no people to take bodies anymore, there would be no thetans to take bodies, because they would not want it. Because they would not want to live, they would not want to play the game. If they accidentally got in one, they would kill it as soon as possible, would not even grow it up to have another one. If they did grow up a little bit and they got a car and they would always drive the car up the mountains here and die. Pretty soon there wouldn't be any insurance companies. With many cars - nobody sell them to. Nobody would want to eat anymore because that would be to survive, so they don't want to survive - they would die. The whole society would collapse. And there would just be people going around and committing suicide. For no reason at all, apparently. From a logical viewpoint no reason. From a survival viewpoint no reason.

But that would only be if their ideal scene was to wreck the game, to destroy it, to not play it. You understand. You see?

Now, that would be a situation where the game would end. It would be over very fast, but there would be a lot of the debris and broken pieces left. Now, from the media reports of how many people do this kind of things it's not a very big percentage actually. But if makes other people wonder. What do they do... why did he do that... why did the guy get drunk and drive his car off the cliff? They don't understand! The game has been interfered with.

If you picked that guy up in his next lifetime and get him up to where he can run that incident and you'll find that he did it in this feeling that was very logical! That was the only way he could get out of these situations, so he could achieve his ideal scene in another situation, may be in another body. You'll find out he could not afford the payments on the car, he had two ex-wives demanding money from him, his family had disinherited him, he had loans in the bank he couldn't pay, he even borrow the money from his best friend to by the whisky.

He did, "The hell with it. I can't do it anymore... can't make this game go anywhere... no ideal scene possible this lifetime. Over cliff!"

Also, however, if you audit this guy and go back a little bit you might find he's adopted some false datums into his game play at an early age which allowed him to grow up and to think it was ok not paying the debts, and ok to marry two women at once, and all the stuff. And he put himself into situation by not having the basic truth-data on the game.

So, one of the ways we can help people achieve their ideal scenes is to give them more truthful data about the real game they are in. So that they can use that data in their logic. And so they can really start achieving their ideal scenes. They can evaluate their life. Remember, to put the value and importance on things, made the correct decisions, work toward the ideal scenes, help others to do that, because the others are on some of their dynamics.

And just because one can obtain the ideal scene, does not mean that the others can't obtain it. And when that can happen we get a new definition of logic in life. Not just survival.

Survival is just making it through the day... still being alive at the end of a day from all these crazy things that are happening.

No... coming to a new idea of viability. And viability implies able to live and to persist and to continue to live. And it means that you overcome the basic survival thing... into valuated progression toward the ideal scene which can continue... and reach it. I hope that puts a sort of a idea there of what we are talking about of logic in life and how logic in life to most people is just "How do I survive?" But to us and to anybody that is understanding the game it can mean viability and the ability to attain the ideal scenes. Alright?

Now, before we'll take a break I will explain you three things that are vitally necessary to do this. And I told you them before. Auditing, training and application. Because these are the three things that were missing before.

You had no way to find out whether the guys logic is bad or got interfered with. You had no way. You could not get him back on the road towards his ideal scene. You see, in auditing what are you looking for is the EP of each process. Regardless of what process. There is an EP which contains three things.

A good C/S looking for that three indicators of EP... and especially of return of the game playing logic. See, whether the realization that that was not logical, that was interfered with. Or whether it's "now understand how to do it." Or "now I realize that this is the game here, not over there". Some form of rehabilitation or improvement of the game logic is in the cognition.

Now, may be you have not heard... Auditing looked at so logically... but basically your auditor and your C/S are trying to make you able to play the game better. And it's going to lead toward those ideal scenes you want.

Training: Remember what I said. It's ok for others to attain their ideal scenes. In fact they are on your dynamics and they help you to attain yours. So, if you get training, now, I'm talking about training on a broad sense, of any training that allows you to help another actually in the game. Then you can help others to attain their ideal scenes. And it will be easier for you to attain yours. But... Where did all this aberration come from? In life. The game of life. See?

Now, we know that auditing is a sort of a "take a guy out of the game, put him into a safe space, auditing by somebody who has a viewpoint outside a game, so he could tell all his secrets".

And the training is done in a little room where you are studying. You get all this knowledge and data and what to do... so you could demonstrate it.

Now, realize, that's a little like substation, a little station on the edge of life. Or a safe space in the game. But to really make it effective, you want to apply it in life. Okay? So, if you just take the auditing and just do the training... I mean for many years I was the trained auditor and I could help others... And I was doing missions. And, man, that was tough. I did over hundred missions for the Sea Org. And that was application!

It does not have to be a mission, but it's putting into the life game what you have learned in the training and what you have cognited on as a better player in the auditing and applying that in life. And by putting it into the game you get people to understand that there is a better way to play. They may not be on the Bridge yet, may be untrained, but they sort of realize: "Hey! There is a better way to play. This guy helped me survive!" They don't even know about the ideal scenes yet, but: He helped me survive! He gave me some useful data! He made me handle my 2D! He made me talk to people! He told me about scenarios and I avoided them! See? He told me what's behind those news stories about the UFOs!

You see, whatever it is if you can help people to survive better out there in life that's improving their game a bit. Because, remember, before you helped them they were wondering if they are going to survive much longer. So, by putting the application in you can bring up the tone level and the quality of the game. And this is a gradient process. You see, what I mean? It's something you do. I mean, it may be even a small gradient of omitting to do an overt when possible.

Example. A guy is all keyed-in at the cash register. You noticed this and when he gave you the change, he gave you ten Franks too much. So, you put a good TR on the guy and say: "Hey! You gave me ten Franks too much". He goes: "Wow! Thank you!" That helps him survive better! He may go home that night and say: "Wow! That guy helped me to save my job. I would have had to pay ten Franks out of my pocket. My friend, who told me there is no honest people left in a world, he's wrong! There is a guy who is honest!"

So already you've knocked out one false datum. Saved the guy ten Franks. Saved his job may be. And all you did was to make sure your change was proper. And omitted doing an overt that you could've done very easily. That is an application of the ethics dynamic. See? You understand?

So they say you don't have to be doing missions every day. But that's the way you can start - just being honest! It's a very rare commodity in some countries.

Now, on the over hand let's take the next step. I've had both of these – just coming to this meeting – I've had both situations happen. That's the one it just told you about.

This is the other one. I paid for a thing... coffee or some food or something and the guy gave me back too little. See. About ten French Franks short. I counted the stuff, I just stood there and looked at the guy. I picked up the money and I said, Hey! Pointed the cash registered figure and pointed to the money. I just stood there like that giving him a good TR0 you know. Sec Check TR0.

Part 2 (1:59:11)

Watched the guy's gears go around and saying: "This is a tourist I can't fool". So he opened up the counter and said, Oh, oh, oh. Put another ten Franks on it. That was the other side of it.

But, now, look at the EP that might have been on this guy. Somebody told him, "all tourists are stupid. You can screw them out at least ten Franks every time you do a deal". Now he knows that's not true. So, that's one thing. And the other thing might have been... wonder where that guy learned to look at me like that, he looked like he knew everything about me. [laughter]

He might've gone to bed that night thinking of all his overts and stuff like this, deciding, "maybe I'll cut down a little bit", you know. "They might catch me". You see what I mean? So you can create effect out there. I mean that was just little example of applying ethics on normal exchanges every day.

So, it's a nice gradient on application.

Well, we've coved what means logic in life. How you can approve it from just survival, all the way to viability toward an ideal scene. In fact the ideal scenes on all dynamics. And the value of auditing, training and application and how can you do this. And I think that the next thing to do is, think over what you've learned while we all take a break and have a coffee...

I hope you had a nice dinner. And I hope that you will learn something from this that you can apply in your life.

So, welcome to part 2... of Logic in Life. And I hope that you enjoyed your dinner. And it has made you a little happiness. Because that is the first definition I want to go over in the second part here. Remember, we talked about what makes the person go through these various situations and approach his ideal scene.

And for making this journey possible towards the ideal scene there must be some reward, or the game would not be any fun. And as we know very well, people don't play the game very long when it isn't fun. If they don't have any wins. And if they don't get accepted by the other players. That was in the Dynamics lecture. And remember, there were also three parts that made a game. Involvement. Interest. Intelligence – use of Logic. And Improvement. So, obviously this game had these three qualities, isn't it? And the end of the improvement, what everyone's improving toward, is these ideal scenes we were talking about.

And since they were self-determinatedly made at the beginning of the game, then it must have been the decision of the player or the potential player, that this would be an interesting game. He would get a chance to use his logic or intelligence. He would be able to improve, and when he would get out of it, he would get fun or have fun during the playing.

He would get wins. And he would get acceptances from the other players. Now, you might think that – as we said in the Dynamics lecture – that some people will tell you: "I'm not having any fun... not having any wins and now nobody likes me anymore and I want to quit the game". And that is true in some cases because there was a lot of interference, as we said. And we've looked at some of the consequences of that.

But if we are also on a project to rehabilitate the game, we can measure the rate of rehabilitation by the amount of these things coming back into the game. Those of you who have been able to... well, you know, the win you have in the end of the session for instance, to return some of the native logic of the game. You know that part of the EP called the cognition. It's a happiness thing, you know, VGIs... It's fun.

What did LRH said about happiness? You'll find this in Volume Zero. Of the Policy Volumes. Toward the end, where he's talking about the theory of Policy. I will attempt to quote him without the book here. Hoping that nobody will hold me responsible for the copywriting material.

Happiness: In English it's not the same as luck. You must explain that. Happiness is a state of feeling joy and good feeling about something. Uptone. Enthusiasm. Okay. Not just luck. Remember that in the last lecture... we talked about people who thought, everything that happened to them was because of luck. They could never find the "why" of the good thing or the bad thing because it was either good luck or bad luck and that was the answer.

Happiness is the overcoming of not unknowable obstacles toward a known goal. Now, let's see how that fits in with logic in life in a game. To "overcome something".

And remember, it states in LRH's definition, "not unknowable obstacle". That means, if you try you can get the data about that and you can evaluate it. It's not unknowable. And you can overcome it by finding the right why, doing the right handling.

You know that after LRH developed the Data Series Technology, he was very reluctant to change or to handle anything that he did not have the right why of. Because of the simple datum that he found out, that the application of a "wrong why" does not just leave the scene unchanged, but it can worsen it.

Now, if you going to improve in life and make your ideal scenes, you don't want the stats to go down. Better to leave it unsolved and unhandled than to use the "wrong why" on it. But all the time trying to get more data to find the right why.

Some people think that may be Free Zone moves too slowly compared with either other groups or the former Church. That perhaps we should be running around and putting an arbitrary ethics all over the place. Doing a lot more projects but unevaluated ones. Doing things that we don't have a resources for. And in general making fools of ourselves. With the end result of disappearing from the scene. Because if you operating on a wrong why that is what you'll do.

So, back to the definition... "overcoming of not unknowable obstacles toward a known goal".

Now, what is this "known goal"? Well, you can have a short term, medium term, a long term goal, or you can have the ideal scene. In the very important policies of the evaluation tech it is usually worked from an existing scene, either a good or bad, or plus or minus scene, depending on the circumstances. The idea being, that if something is going very well, you want to find out why to reinforce that. If it's going bad you want to find the "Why" to remedy it and bring it back up.

Again, remember the axiom, "Good and bad, beauty and ugliness are alike considerations".

And I might add, "In the context of the game you agreed to."

See, in this game good things are the things that move toward the ideal scene that you have set at the beginning on a personal and on the dynamic basis. And bad things are those things which are obstacles or hindrance or keeping you from getting to that ideal scene.

So therefore we have to look at the existing scene, the one right now in present time. You may separate it into dynamics. And get the data, find out whether it's improving or not improving. Find the reasons. Reinforce the good things... reason for the good things. And removes or handles the ones that are making go down. Nothing could be simpler. Except the very few people can really do evaluations of a broad nature. Many people can do them on a small scale. Especially in the area of the expertise. Why? Because they are able to evaluate yet an evaluated data, because there is the value of the expertise. Have you ever seen or experienced, you know, the wife said, "I cannot understand why this washing machine does not work."

And a man comes along and says, "Ah, it's something very simple, we did not put this switch on the back". He has some area of expertise. He knows there's a special switch on a back. A safety switch which you have a fuse on. You turn it on and then the thing works. He knows this data. He observes. Sees the outpoint that the switch is not on and turns it on. The wife thinks this is miraculous.

The thetans with preferred female bodies at this time and male bodies at this time. We now make an example on the other side.

The family is having guests for dinner. The woman is still out shopping. So the husband comes in and says, "ah she's not here". "I will prepare the table and the arrangements and the decorations for the guests." He has omitted data about where the nice table cloths are. The woman has carefully preserved them from moths and from decay by putting them way up high on the shelf. So he frantically searches around and finds, "Ah! I use the satin bad sheets for the table cloth." This is red. And he finds blue candles in the drawer and puts them in the holders. And he tries to get the dishes from everywhere and puts them down with a forks and knives. Does not know that the wife has also hidden the good dishes for guests up somewhere, where the children couldn't break them. Wife comes in. She looks at it. She says, "what are you going to have here, mystical meeting or something?" So, immediately she changes the whole scene, you know, "get that out of here, get that out of here"... gets the real stuff down... puts it out.

The husband is amazed. You know, it's a nice white Belgium lace table cloth with a thin blue ribbon in it. Matching napkins. Goes just with a blue candles. Then comes out the nice delftware plates and everything for the guests, you know. And a special thin glasses. All the sudden the room is totally upstat. Much more the ideal scene. See, the husband looks like an idiot. So, he goes: "Huh, fantastic". Same thing with the wash machine... the other way around. There is an expertise. You can be an expert on it or an idiot, you know.

That's an example, of knowing the area "not unknowable data". Overcoming the obstacle and heading towards a known goal... whether to wash the clothes or to have a good dinner. So, there's an example – Logic in Life.

But what we are actually talking about is

Most people even in the Church... even who have studied Policy, think that the Data Series and this technology only applies to the organizations.

LRH took it right out of their game track. That is the logic of life.

That's it. As I explained in the Dynamic lecture, all the Red Volumes and the Green Volumes are the result of evaluations made about cases and organizations... at the time they were made on the data. They are the end result. Sometimes giving the why and the handling, sometimes just giving the handling, but they are there as a result of already made evaluations by LRH before he wrote the Tech Bulletin or the Policy Letter. Many people do not know that. They think he just invented them. They think he just he wrote them after, you know, "aah, I think it's a good idea", you know.

Now, these are the cases who are the clutses... idiots... The people who say, "Well, sometimes tech is okay, but policy – I don't ever use them". And other people say, "the tech is just LRH's idea. I don't use it. I go to Avatar... I'm going to do Dyanesis... to somebody else who did not believe that LRH was always right".

LRH was more right than anybody else because he evaluated! He used logic of life. He would take a process off and cancel the bulletin if it did not work on a 100% of people. He would change or cancel a Policy if it was crashing the stats. What was he doing? Obviously the cycle toward an ideal scene.

Now, you've heard that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. That is a stable datum from society, right? Or sometimes you only know half the truth and you go in and you make mistakes. These statements, out of game experience and said by others, are actually very close to mark. For instance, you can take one policy and push it in to the exclusion of all others. And crash the stats.

I've done missions in orgs who did that. I found one guy in there who was an Ethics Officer. This was in Goteborg in the 70s. He was totally fixated on the PTS Policy. And what he had done? Because the Tech Division did not have enough auditors and the public could not have as many sessions as they wanted, or they had to wait – wait until the other pc was finished. He would go around the Org and sees the guy's sitting in the chair in the waiting room. And he sees that the indicators were not so good. And he would say to him: "Come into my office for an interview". He would say: "You don't seem to have such a good indicators. What's going on?" He answers: "I am waiting two hours for my session, and I was right in the middle of the very important – important part of the program". This guy would say: "Aha, and were you – before the program started – were you happy?" "Oh yeah, I just finished Grade 2". See: - "Aha, then you're rolling coastering! You are PTS. Go home. When you find the SP – come back".

He did that all day and then auditors would come out and say: "Where's the other pcs?" - "They are on Ethics lines! Can't go into Tech until the Ethics is in! That is the Policy". The auditor says: "Ahh... Well, okay, well, anyway, there's no more pcs today".

After this went on for two weeks they would notice that the stats were very bad in Goteborg. I went up there on a mission to find out why. We could get no sense out of their reports. All they said was, "Well, we don't have a pcs to make the hours and the completions". And from the technical area that's all they could say. And reports from the Ethics Officer was: "I'm doing very well, you know, I'm having a lot of cases and trying to get them back into the org". And so, I thought he was doing well.

And the promotion guys were sending out promotion to these people who were sitting at home trying to find an SP. So all stats looked good except for Div. IV, for the technical stats. And they had tried to handle it by getting some of the other staff to pay for auditing so they could count them as public. They sent them out to take the loans from the Bank. Guaranteed loans, by the way, from certain rich public in the field, who were declared PTS. And then the Ethics Officer had called the staff members and said: "You can't take the loans from this guy because he's PTS, he may be connected to SPs, and that reflected on the Church".

And therefore he also stopped that and stats went further.

Now, we knew none of this when I went there. And I just checked, I started up my investigation with the technical people looking at their pc scheduling board who were supposed to come for sessions.

And showing me the folders because I wanted to look and see if it was out-tech in there or people had blown or whatever. And I kept coming across these two ethics notices in the folder. So I went around to the Ethics Officer. By the way, he had been trained, you see. He was enforcing these policies. And I had only looked through may be a dozen folders by the time I went to him. I saw there were outpoints – too many people were going to Ethics. And I asked him about each one of them. And he pulled out the file and showed me: "you know, this guy is Roller Coaster, this guy this, this guy this". For the first three it sounded reasonable.

Then he started getting into, "And this guy was PTS, because he was connected – he did not agree with this other guy, who was PTS and therefore he was a friend of his so he left too." And then I asked, "How you handling all this?" He showed me his policy and I said, "Yes, but that's not the handling! That's only the first step of handling the PTS."

He did not know all the Policies about fixing this – he only knew couple of them.

And I suddenly had the cognition. And I asked the guy the right question, "Since you've been back from your training how many people have you declared PTS? And show me their files." "Well, on that", he says, "I'm not quite sure, but I have all their files here in this cabin." There was like a closet, you know, you open the door like this. He opened the door and there were at least 60 to 70 files in this pile. And I said, because I already knew from the Tech Division: "How many people you had on lines before, is it 60 to 70?"

And I also knew the very stable datum that at any given time in a normal grouping of people there's no more than 20% of PTS. And I said: I got it. I got it. I know what happened in this org. The concentration on one policy to the exclusion of all others. And this guy was the "Who" in the Org, and there might have been another one at the personnel training.

So the handling was very simple... once I knew the right "Why" it was very simple.

I just got all of HCO together. We took all the ethic things out of the guy's files. It was a start over on this again... gave all the names back to Division Two and had them call all back in for auditing.

I got all the auditors back and they arranged receivement and next day the org was full again. And there was another Policy that the Tech Guy's did not know and they had violated, so it was also an omitted policy. Not only one pushed too hard but an omitted one.

That one is simply that the correct routing to Ethics from Tech is through Qual. Of course this Org was too small to have a Qual Sec. It was held from above by somebody who was not even tech trained. And so, they had blown all the Org apart for six weeks. And they have therefore failed to get 60 or 70 people move toward their ideal scene. As it turned out there were no PTSes there. Except the Ethics Officer. It was a question between whether he was an SP or an PTS. I mean he was seeing indicators of rolling coastering in just the guy sort of getting a little bit sick of been waiting for the session. You see, what I mean? He was trying to be more than he knew. He was trying to operate on one Policy.

Any auditor will tell you that before the process is run, the guy does not have as good indicators usually as when he finished the process. Especially within the middle of it. Of course... yes, you have to fly rudiments and get VGIs... you have to get him "in session" before you run it. But remember, he's on the Bridge and he knows the next area is coming and "Aha, wonder if I can handle that and what is it and so...", so he's not going to be as logical as he is when he's finished process and he gets his cognition.

So the Ethics Officer was mistaking technical indicators for PTSness... which is the roller coaster in life on the Dynamics! And it's caused by invalidation of a person's gains! By someone with suppressive intention.

It is true, that an auditor who brakes the Auditors Code and makes the guy to wait for the session, is in fact doing a little bit invalidation on the pc. That does not make the auditor an SP. But it certainly does put the situation in the org where invalidation can happen just by failure to predict, and failure to be able to handle the "start of the session" with the guy.

The interesting thing is, I found the Why for that too. And that was simply he did not have a properly hatted Tech Service's guy to schedule the pcs and put in the right priorities and call in the extra auditors they needed from field to handle the back-log. So when I finished handling of all those things – Qual, scheduling of the pcs, calling in of extra auditors and the Ethics Officer himself, then the statistics were up to and above again, above what they were before.

Now, that is what evaluation of an Organization can do when you know Policy and how important they are and how they relate. What's wrong with that? But you find these clutses... idiots... going around and say "I don't like you know what!"

They are throwing part of a logic in life away. And what's so interesting – it's already evaluated for them. The only thing is not to overwhelm with Policy and throw it all at somebody at once that can't handle it. And not to concentrate on just one in the exclusion of all others. They all have relative importance. Across the organization. Now, when you understand that, one can appreciate and use Policy to run any kind of organization. Any king of group. But remember, the Data Series happened to be written in green on white, is the actual Logic of Life. It's far senior than just the Policy.

It does use a lot of examples from Orgs because that's where LRH first applied it. But the logic that is in it, is taken directly from life... all the dynamics, all game. It's right there. Do you understand why the Church did what it did... went as it went. Why other organizations come and go, why governments rise and fall... or getting economic troubles and they have a boom and then the depression and then worse and worse... It's simply because they cannot evaluate, and second of all, since the Technology is here, they can't recognize the Technology.

Now, that is an example of a very important technology coming into the game. And a game being so interfered with and so crazy that very few people recognize that it is a technology of life.

Even people who had exposed to it, who studied it, who spent years working with it – they still did not recognize what it was! You can get away with a few mistakes in life. But if you make some big ones it goes very bad. And as I said before, you find the "why" of a bad situation you can correct, you find a "why" of good situation you can reinforce. And you know not to operate on a wrong why, but to get more data, to get the right why. Now, that's a little technology here.

But suppose a guy does not even recognize that as a technology, does not use any of it! What's going to happen to this person in a game? Ask somebody, "Yeah, it's all luck, I guess, ha-ha! God's will or Allah will decide. Or, I hope the government will do the right thing." You see. That's how it goes. So, that's how far the game is gone, past using the logic in life.

Realize, it's still there a little bit. People do get their washing machines fixed, and the dinner parties do come off pretty good. But the more important things, like your future – where should it be, what economic plans should you follow, how should you handle some of the planetary scenarios that are going on. Very few people have the expertise to evaluate that. And the ones that usually do have that expertise, work with the insiders, so they know what's going to happen. And so they always seem to come out alright. Because other people cannot recognize that it's a plan. They think it's just, "You never know what's going to happened... today was alright, but tomorrow the oil crisis went up and the Middle East War... wow!" And they think it's all accidental.

No. Absolutely not. You know what it takes to plan a war? You know what it takes to plan a crisis, and oil crisis of any country? Do you really? Do you understand really what is the oil crisis is? You understand it really from the basis of an evaluation? Well, in case you don't.

Do you remember the oil crisis we had in 1974? You must remember, I mean the oil price went up four times in Europe and twice in America. The Commodore, LRH was concerned about that. The newspapers were saying all over, "It's because of these Arabs over here and they are forcing it up and they are not letting us take anymore oil until the price will go up. It's all the fault of these guys there". And the governments were going... "Oh, we must cut down speed limits... it must be 55 in America and... don't use your cars... don't buy so much gas... take it easy."

Did you ever see the other explanation for that? That was what was written in the newspapers at the time, in all of the newspapers. LRH knowing the Data Series and knowing that these things don't happen by accident sent the mission to go to England where at that time all the reports about the oil crisis were been released from. To find out what the real reason was and also to get us an oil contract for the coming year to fuel the ship... a guaranteed contract.

The first mission that went up there to do that, could not get an oil contract. No ship was getting one, no company, not even the largest shipping companies. Nobody was getting the oil contract.

And they could not find the real reason. They just accepted what people were saying at the oil companies, "Ah, it's too unstable, we can't make any contracts now".

And after three days they came back with a failed mission. By that time, to conserve fuel, LRH had all of the people on the ship working with candles. The ship was – I think it was docked at Madeira out of Portuguese island, off in the Atlantic at that time. If we did not conserve the fuel we could not get anywhere from there. We would just run down of the fuel... there would be no more. So, he right away, "Okay, that mission failed, we send the review mission." From Qual. And I was chosen as a missionary. I had with me a second missionary who was an English person.

And it's tough doing a review mission because already the first guys had failed, right. And since they've send the trained missionary at the first place and he did not make it – it looks like it's tougher than a regular mission.

Now, at that time I was a captain of the ship, so LRH was sending me because there would be no need for the captain if we would not have any fuel. A very smart move, because to preserve my post I had to get fuel to the ship, you see.

We went up to England and we went to the same person that the other missionary was going to, to find out about the oil contract first... just to verify that.

And this was in the Shell building. Shell International headquarters building, right across the Thames from the Tower of London and Westminster. Interestingly enough, as we were up into the lobby, there were sea captains and merchant captain sitting with a four stripes on the arm. I had my four stripes on the arm too. Well, these guys were sitting there in low tone, grief, crying – actually some of them were crying.

And I talked to couple of them. And some of them were talking already, I just listened. All of them had the same problem – they could not sail because they had no fuel. Other said the worse problem... they had refrigerating cargo, and the generator they kept refrigeration going, were running out of fuel. Some of those cargos were worth several million pounds each, which they could lose for the company. You imagine that, I mean 50 thousand tons of raw meat – who wants it? That's why they were crying. And all of them said, "you can't get a fuel contract, they don't guarantee no fuel until this crisis is over".

And you could start to see why the other mission failed. Here were experienced captains sitting in a row, crying like their best relative had just died in operating room. Believe me, captains feel quite strongly about their ships. And the ship, without fuel and the engine is not going, the generator is not going, is not alive. So they were all in grief from death of their ships. And may be their jobs too. I went to the agent for a contract. And he said, "Absolutely nobody gets a contracts. No guarantees of any fuel." I said, "Okay. We will handle that." So, I said, "Alright, now it's time to find out who is running this crisis."

This is a simple application of the Danger condition. Knowing an Org-board... And this guy was a junior. The contract man was a junior. You go up the Org Board to the Senior.

In this case to the top, where was the guy in charge of the oil crisis. At that time I did not know how far we had to go. By all newspaper reports we would have to go to Arabia. Saudi Arabia and all those places.

In actual fact that was a wrong why. In actual fact it turned out we did not have to move out of that building. And this is how it was done. I sent my second missionary to the Company's house. They are all registered there – all of the people in business in England are registered in the Company's House. And I said, "Get every major Oil Company pulled out. Find out who was on the Board of the Directors. Find out who had at a Connecting Board. Find out who had a people at the top of this owned oil companies and who these people are. I want to know who they are. The data he brought back. He worked for two days on this. But I did more intelligence work around the oil company itself.

In other words, I wandered around the hallways... sort of wandered around and talked to people about the crisis and what do you know about it, what have you heard and all that. And I looked at the newspapers to see who is saying what from the oil company's side. And by the end of two days we had gathered quite a list of names and statements – data.

From the Company's house we had the evidence of the thing referred to as The Seven Sisters. Which means the cartel on the monopoly oil company which is really shows it's face in seven different oil companies. Shell, Exxon, Texaco, Mobil all those guys. Now, we had about a dozen names that controlled the whole thing. Some of those names were American. You ever heard of the Rockefellers? There were. Price Bernard the Netherlands. And a couple guys in England. Very interesting. I found out the man who made all of the statements to the press that was reporting all over around the world as truth. He was the Public Relations official of the Shell Oil Company... the top guy on the Board of Directors and he was the Public Relations official. By walking around the halls of the building I happened to run across a security guard standing in front of the room. Since I was wandering around the building and nobody had stopped me. Remember, there were many captains always going up and down and asking for a oil. So I had already a story, I'm just lost, I'm looking for my agent, you know.

So, anyway, I walked up to the security guard, because I wanted to know what he was guarding in the room. And it said on the outside "Conference Room". So I walked up and had watch at the time and I looked at it and say, "is the Conference started yet?" Simple question. The guy looks at his watch and says, "No, not yet, they have not got the telex yet." I said, "Ah! Ah! Of course, you mean the telex from uh-uh-uh-uh". He said, "Yeah, yeah, New York." I said, "Oh, yeah, I understand, I understand, that's Rockefeller and his boys", he said, "Yeah, yeah, it's from Chase Manhattan Bank."

I knew the data. Here's guy on the top... Rockefeller is one of the names. Now the guy had confirmed that Chase Manhattan Bank sends the telex. Daily. And I just waited at the end of the corridor, and watched who were in the room. Only three guys. The president of the Shell International. Because, you know, I had all of the names of the Board of Directors. And the other guy... one of the vice presidents. And the third guy was the one who was giving all the statements to the press. He has picture in the paper and I recognized him.

Now, if you know Excalibur, I had a plug, you see... went up to this guy, then it went over here to the telex, then it went over here to the Rockefeller's bank and then it went to Rockefeller. So, the oil crisis was being run from New York. NOT Saudi Arabia.

Now I could analyze, evaluate where is the weak link in this chain. The guy who would be harmed the most, would be the guy who was releasing false datums to the press. And he was right there at the building! He was the Public Relations man for Shell International. You might wonder why Shell releasing all the data? Or actually they lifted off The Seven Sisters if somebody had recognized. They even announced in papers, "We're all coordinating on this and allow this man to be our representative for all data." So I formulated the plan of handling for the next day. And when I told my second missionary he started shaking. He never thought we would be handling actual the scenario top guys, you see. And I said, don't worry, don't say nothing unless I tell you, just sit there, you know, because I had experience with earlier missions when a guy got scared, you know, he was liable to not do what he was supposed to do.

And then I made a joke I said, "I just want you to be a witness in case they kill me." Had to make it look more official, you know, I had my yeoman there, my aid, you know.

Okay, so next morning, before the time of the telex, before the next announcement, we walked right up to the office of this man who was PR relations for Shell Oil and all the Seven Sisters as it turned out. Walked right into his secretary's office. I said, "I want to see Mr. So-and-so" The secretary said, "Well, who are you? Do you have an appointment?" "Captain Robertson, OTC, this is about the oil crisis. He will see me." And she said, "Well, I don't know, he's got to go to conference", I said, "I know all about the conference, just tell him I want to see him."

By this time – the door was a little bit open to the guy's office, he heard some of this, I was talking very loud.

And when he heard that about I knew all about the conference voice comes from the other office, says, "Sure, come in!" So we went in there, I sat down right in front of his desk and the second missionary was sitting over there. And I plucked an oil contract on the table... old one. I just looked at the guy with the TRs, you know, and I said, "I want a new one of these." And, of course, he said right away, "Oh, that's impossible, you've probably seen your agent, that impossible, impossible, we don't give them out right now until the oil crisis is finished."

So he gave me PR smile and said, "So, if you please, you know, uhh.." I said, "Wait a minute, you don't understand."

I said, "I know, you got to go to the conference. You got to get the telex from Chase Manhattan, you got to get the Rockefeller's instructions of what to tell to press next, we know that all our oil crisis is being managed from New York not Saudi Arabia. And my company trains business managers on the ship. We have 170 business managers on board right now from all a major companies in America and England. I've already sent a telex containing all of this data to release – to be released by my first officer to all these businessman at four o'clock this afternoon if we don't get our oil contract. Can you imagine what will happen to the press contacts in America and England when this data is released by several important businessman."

The guy, for the first time he looked, "Ah... Ah... Ah.." Like that. Started to reach under his desk to press a button. And as he said, he said one thing, he said, "What do you want?" Ah, he was shaking a little bit. I said, "All I want, believe it or not... I understand what are you doing. I understand why are you doing it. I understand what you are and who you are. I just want the oil contract, so we can continue our thing, you understand? If you do that, we tear up the telex, nothing more said."

The guy stopped his finger and he said, "Really?" I said, "Come on, come on, you know, you don't want your scenario blown, we don't want our scenario blown, so give us the oil contract!" He thinks about a second, put his hand back on the desk, he said, "Who is your agent?" I gave him a name what lower floor and number he was in. He picked up the phone and called the guy. He said, "Give the gentlemen from OTC his oil contract." On the telephone could hear "What?!" Because here an order, "Nobody gets it, we got to make it a real crisis."

Even if all the world ships stands still and every meat running in the wholes they don't give any shit, these are implanter types here...

They betray everybody. So, they understand betrayal. So I threat to betray them.

Anyway, he said, "Go down now, it will be handled. You promise you will tear up the telex."

I said, "Don't worry, we don't mind if you do a few billies, just say you don't interfere with our operation."

And for a first time he gets the smile and said, "Yeah, okay, yeah, right. Good, well, glad to see you, captain, thank you very much." And I could also pick up the question he wasn't saying, in his mind. Which we always used to get in the Sea Org missions when we get some big ones like this. "Who the hell are these guys? We weren't briefed on these guys, who are they?"

So we went down to the agent. His eyes were about this big. He said, "I've been ordered to give you oil contract – here it is."

He says, "I cannot understand, as you not a big company, but you are the only people in the World who have an oil contract from the – from us", meaning all the Seven Sisters.

And now down this level I just told the guy, "Well, we have a few friends, you know, in high places". He said, "Oh, really, really?"... He called his secretary and bring us some coffee... And the second did not want to drink, he thought it was poisoned, you know. Because, you see, all the time the second knew, I've never sent the telex. That was a bluff. They could have killed us and nobody would been wiser. I did not want to send a half done mission report... some mystery telex back to the ship... "what the hell is this". He would probably throw it away.

And the 170 business executives where really FCCIs [*]... they sold beach bags or something like that... PCs. They wouldn't know a scenario if one hit them in a face. They had no influence in government. May be one or two did... they knew a senator or something. But they would have been afraid to do anything like that. So it was all a bluff. But based on a very accurate evaluation. And it worked. We got our oil contract. Made sure we weren't followed. And we went back to the ship.

[*] Flag Case Completion Intensive, a term used to refer to public individuals desiring or receiving services from the Flag Service Organization.

And when LRH saw the debrief three things happened immediately. He turned back on the generators, commended the missioners and signed his Power Mission.

You see what I'm talking about... "scenarios in the world"? And see how dumb people are about them. Do you see that there was two hundred million Americans driving at 55 miles an hour. Totally the effect of the scenario. The governments all accepted the price rises. Even the European government. They still have them. Now they get more from the new Middle East crisis. And nearly twenty years later they are still the effect of it.

But you see how one mission with the knowledge of the Data Series could change the whole situation. All I had to do in my mission was to get the oil contract. But it would have been just as easy to get ten or twenty million dollars from this guys, to keep my mouth shut.

That's an application. An application in life. On the dynamics, concerning a scenario that had the press, the governments, the citizens all fooled. Their people were protesting it, of course, but they were not evaluating it! Quite a difference. Since they did not evaluated it, they could not handle it. You see? Or we could have asked for free oil for the next twenty years and they would have given it to us. That was not in my mission orders so I did not do it. They were very lucky.

Without evaluation or without the Data Series and knowing what the handling would be for that mission, I could have gone into a sort of a rabble-rouse handling and contact reporters and get them investigate this. But that would've been outside the scope of the mission. We did not need that, to handle what I was supposed to do. And that would have required another evaluation. One on "who controls the press". And if you do one of those, you will find out that they are controlled too.

They all accepted this one man's statements about the oil crisis and no one printed anything different. That in itself is the beginning of another eval, "what's the matter with these, quote, 'investigative reporters' they are supposed to have?" They are tamed sheep. They can be heard along the road like the farmers hear it in Switzerland. Wah, wah, wah-wah-wah... "I'm sorry if this upsets your view of the world. I'm sorry if this make you realize that you've been taken a lot of money out of your wallet for twenty years... that if somebody had wanted to handle it they could have."

I know two ways right now that you can buy refined oil, gasoline or kerosene for you jet plane at about one quarter of the price you paying for right now. I found that out as extra data on a mission. I don't know if it's still holds true, that's for sure. It did hold true for at least ten years. You could buy it directly from the Russians or from the Libyans. They were selling it cut rate during the oil crisis. Because they weren't in the scenario. So we could've done a mission to Libya or to Russia and bought oil contract with them. But I did not think that was a good solution because it might make bad press for us, being associated at that time with the Russians or Libyans.

So, you see, things are not as they seem. There's always these scenarios going on. And the very few companies of our people or off-planet guys getting their fun and their wins at your expense. And that is what I'm here to teach you about. Logic in life. Not just to fix the washing machine, not just to set the table, but to really handle some things here! How to evaluate. Or at least how you can learn how to evaluate.

I'm not giving you a Data Series Course here. I'm telling you it is available. I'm saying you can use that technology. I'm saying it exists, no matter how many times you've heard from earlier Scientologists "Oh, green on white – we don't ever use that."

Those are false datums. Which prevent you from making your ideal scenes. So, now do you have the idea? Do you realize that you may be sitting in your game logic that may never come up in session, because they are totally accepted and you don't believe you can do anything about them, you believe it is true! And it is affecting your ability to play the game of life.

So the first thing I will now give you... some things you can use to help with your logic in life. And one of the things is what I've been using like 'false datum', 'omitted datum' those are called outpoints.

That's easy to understand. Some data is hidden, or it's not there, see, you have to find. I can tell you right now that that is one of the most difficult things, to spot or to realize that something is omitted. It is not there. You cannot finish an evaluation if there is omitted data to be found.

I have seen LRH put aside an eval for six months because he knew number one, that putting in the "wrong why" would worsen the situation. And that there was more data, but he could not find it at that time, so he would wait, putting the lines and the communication in, trying to find that omitted data.

And he finally found it after six months, completed the eval, found the why, put it in, doing the handling and it worked toward the ideal scene.

One thing that people don't know about LRH is that he followed the Policy and the Tech. And people did not know that it's because they did not know the Policy and the Tech and they thought he was acting arbitrarily.

Interestingly enough that evaluation that he put aside for six months was an investigation of "why no Policy Volumes, green on white, were being sold by the org bookstores". The only sales he could find were to some staff members, but no public were buying it. And he couldn't get why that was. After six months the data finally arrived. After he had asked a lot of questions to a lot of areas and so on. Finally the omitted data arrived. It was the Guardians Office who had prevented the bookstores from selling them to the public. Nobody wanted to say that. They did not want to get to trouble with the GO. Or they had done it for the perfectly logical reason, in a small, condensed logic, actually. They felt that if they sold these books to the public then the other side could easily get a hold of them and use them in court against the Church. So, all this knowledge was not made available to the public to help their play in life, to help their games.

Because they were afraid of maybe having a court case where one said: "A-ha-ha, we see, that's your policy letter". They even did not have a case like that. Now, look at the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics. They were stopping several thousand Scientologists from understanding something about how to live better or to handle business better because of a fear of maybe having a court case.

Well, let me tell you, there are already enough guys that left the orgs or blew from the orgs that took the Policy Letters with them. If they wanted to, they could use them in a court case. By 1973 the entire materials of the Church had been taken by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Yeah, through infiltration and so on. And direct theft and everything. Including all the OT levels. By 1977 they raided the complex in Los Angeles and they have all of the intelligence files and everything. So they did not need to go to the bookstore and buy something. They already had it.

The only people that was hurting was the public. The public of the Church... Public from Scientology.

Yeah, we all know that, if you read the Sector 9 book you see how Church got taken over. But I bet, you don't really understand why LRH did not order a resistance to that infiltration. That's because you probably have never understood LRH's whole track evaluations. The Sea Org was really an earthly copy of a thing called the Galactic Patrol. Now, in Space Combat LRH often stated that a good commander never lost anyone in a battle. Or if they did so, it was because of an accident, the guy bumped his head or fell down and hurt himself or something. You've all seen Star Wars movies and all that, you know, those big "zzzt"... the ship explodes... it's all gone.

I mean, a good commander gets in there and he does this "zzzt" before the other guy does. And a good commander is one who comes out of the battle to report that the battle is over, the other guys never come back.

Part 3 (1:00:35)

So he applied that philosophy on the Sea Org. That strategy of battle. He could have said: "All those people were put in to destroy us. Kill the bastards!" That would be a typical Earth response. But he knew who sent them in, and he knew that you touch one of those buggers and they send a hundred others. Because they were the government and they weren't to be fooled around with by some little cult. So, if they were going to take it over, if there was any resistance to that, they would call in police, FBI, the CIA, the National Guard, the Army, everything they needed. And there would be a lot of death, not just of a few, but many. And the whole thing would provide an incident in which the reputation of the Technology and everything would be worsened... far worse than the press stories.

The attention spent on death, the grief, the secondaries, yeah, Dianetic term, the secondary, the sadness because of the loss, as you and LRH well know from auditing, is still there on the case for years later. Press stories normally only catch the attention for a few weeks.

I mean, I brought up just now the scenario that was going in 1974 and probably you think, you remember it: Oh, yeah, the oil crisis went up in that year and I did – I had to drive slower, oh yeah, I remember.

But I already said, it has not come up on many cases as a secondary or anything. Except may be my second missioner. [laughter]

Okay, so, in true space commander style LRH saw that the way to avoid the major incident with the accompany of secondaries, was to try to preserve the importance of what he was doing. NOT the surrounding... MEST, facilities and money. The Tech, the Policy, the Data Series is forever. It's for the whole game. It's for everybody. The building, the money and all that stuff is transient, very short lived. So, the question that he answered was how to preserve the valuable important Technology. And now you could probably understand how he did that. Who's preserving it now? Yeah, okay, well, that was one of my last missions for the Church. It was called The Planetary Org Board mission. LRH's last instruction to me was, when I asked him about that, because I knew, all these infiltrations things were happening, I said: "When do we start The Planetary Org Board Mission?" See? Because we already knew there were scenarios that were trying to control the whole world. We had to put in the organization that would bypass ALL and coordinated on a worldwide basis for everybody, so the Tech would be available, Policy would be available, all of this mission Tech, everything, available for everybody. Not controlled by certain groups. Not just concentrating on one or two Policies or Tech Bulletins.

You probably all heard the rumors... David Mayo, he wants to do just the Grades all the time, another guy wants to run Dianetics after Clear all the time. Concentrate on just one thing. Another person runs just GPMs, just GPMs, that's all you need. Another person: goals, goals, all you need is goals. Yeah. And others in the "green on white". There are a few out there going: "We just concentrating on some of this Management Technology and make some money with that". You see, and some guy says: "Oh, we just doing the Comm Course and make some money with that". There's hardly any place you can find all of it.

That is why I can say to you – you are at or in a Free Zone Society, free from these control mechanisms of the scenarios and these different groups. Free to utilize, when trained on of course, but the Technology, the Policy, anything.

My only advise to you is to make sure you know enough to evaluate what you're going to do with it. Because you might run into the scenario like the person in Sweden did, that I told you about. Did some Excalibur, realized what was going on, tried to hat some people in Sweden on E-Meters and telepathy, got thrown in insane asylum. No evaluation, you see. Did not know any Policy, just tried to go up against the whole scenario in the medical profession, psychiatric profession and the government of Sweden.

And we now have our C/S in Sweden... He has worked out the whole thing to get her out and not only that, but free of having to go back and report in. And that itself took a lot of evaluation, because he could do it... a lot of evaluation, a lot of handlings, a lot of legal, a lot of communication with the Swedish authorities and getting the definitions of what is sane and what is insane, what they would accept and what they wouldn't accept and so on, just to get her fee of that. The entire cycle has lasted about a year and a half.

You see, what I'm talking about. A wrong why. The girl acted on a wrong why, was thrown into that house, so it took a year and a half to handle it properly and get her out. Just to get her back to where she was before.

During that time she could have maybe finished the Bridge to OT 16 and done the Data Series Course. And he could have worked out all evaluation on how really to handle these guys. Do you understand? Logic in Life. You don't use it right to be fighting all these scenarios. If you use it right, you'll be going uptone and handling them.

Now, sometimes they come in unexpectedly. But, that in itself is a reach, is a data. You can start gathering more data, doing evaluation, do a handling. And those guys always saying: "Who are those guys? They never briefed us on them". They never heard about us in Marcab, they never heard about us in the grey encampments or in Andromeda. "Who are these guys?"

You see, I meant the article I showed you... "1992 Invasion... Advanced troops are already here". Well, already the handlers, the guys who going to handle that invasion are already here too.

That's the one thing you won't see in the papers. Because the papers are run by the scenario groups. And the less you have to do with them the better. You see? Very simple. We don't invite any trouble. We just do the correct Technology and do the right things to get everybody that's in the Free Zone more able than anybody else on the planet. In those three areas of auditing... auditing, training and application.

That are a couple more outpoints. You find them all in the Data Series, but that is the "omitted datum".

And I told you couple of "false datums"... that the oil crisis started in Saudi Arabia... no, not true, started in New York.

This is also a good one, called "altered importance". All of my lectures I try to give you the important datums for the game. If you have trouble getting those, then look for some other datums that you may be thinking are more important. And trace them back to where you got them. May be in school, may be in religion, maybe from the press, whatever. But remember, altered importance can stop you from acting.

There is also a thing called altered sequence, putting things out of sequence to confuse you.

They say, the oil crisis started by the Arabs over there. The oil companies got together afterwards to handle it. "Altered sequence". The real thing was the oil companies were already together and planned it. Then they made it appear that the oil crisis started over there. See?

Another one – dropped out time. That means you say something happened here on the track when in actual fact it happened either back there or up here somewhere. You dropped out all that time in between.

That one's used quite a bit in scenarios and in life. You see any of these examples in court cases and trials and things like that. You know, the guy telling his alibi, where was he on that night: "I was with my girlfriend all night. I could not have gone over across town and kill that guy". You investigate that with the Data Series, you find out that he only called with his girlfriend at 5 o'clock in the morning and told her to say he was with her all night. And he was with her from five-thirty to six, but all the rest of the night he was across town killing the other guy.

There is another one, which in this day and age is a REALLY "want to be knowing". And that is called "wrong source". Not exactly false, but wrong, wrong, not correct. The other guy may be a source too, but not with the thing which you ascribing to him. The different source from the real one, you see.

You can combine the wrong source and the omitted data and make all kinds of strange statements. That's what you know is maybe "taken something out of context". For instance a guy says: "I have understood that when Hitler was in power", he said, "you must kill all of the old people and all of the people of this religion and of these people, who are useless. And that shows he was crazy and really interfered with... and really on a downward spiral for his dynamics".

Now, the guy who wants to make a wrong source and a omitted datum on that, addressing an audience of elderly people, could take what I just said there: "I heard Captain Bill at a lecture saying 'you must kill all the old people". And then to put and altered sequence in there and he says: "And he, he recommended Doctor Death's machine". You see, that was in the other part of a lecture and in totally different context. Now, put all that together and now you have a startling news story. And terrific for the press: "Captain Bill recommends death for old people and to use this machine from Doctor Death. And since we all get old he's recommending death for everybody. So, therefore you see why the Free Zone is crazy".

A lot of the stories you read in the papers are like that. You see what I'm talking about using outpoints too. That is why when you hear something a little strange... it does not exactly ring true. Go get more data. Don't spread around, just investigate it yourself. Or at least report it to somebody who can. Your Free Zone org, your C/S, somebody.

Because this kind of stuff, put out several steps from people who understand and were at the lecture here. Now we put this out on a relay and we tell somebody Portugal there, or France, or Portugal that this is what Captain Bill said. And they go: "Huh, I just came in to the Free Zone, but now I don't want to be in it anymore, because I don't want to die". They got no data. They weren't at the lecture. They haven't received the video yet. They can't see all of it. We're not translating this into the Portuguese. But I do have a guy who does translate it into Portuguese. But for a quite a few months this guy might go into the whole thing because he doesn't want to be in a Free Zone. And he might miss out a lot of gains, a lot of wins, a lot of "being able to play a game of life better". Do you see what I'm talking about – Logic in Life!

Why are there so many out points in this game. Because it's been a lot of influeing, interference and influence into the game from implanters. So much, that some people have tried to copy it as a successful way of operating. Also, I would like to point it out, that in every contact, in sessions or in life with implanter controlled groups, we have not found anyone who was not betrayed on the actual game and on their own lines in the Implanter Organization. If you have run Excalibur, you understand what I mean. They've all been betrayed. Not only that. Their logic has been so screwed up that they even think they are doing alright. And they are not even in the game anymore. They operate on no dynamics that you would recognize.

And a lot of people have gone into agreement with that and some of these examples I gave you before... about the American businessman. He made the whole American Dream about betraying everyone. He just takes the operating basis of the interference in the game and then they mess up the game for themselves and others.

It's time for a change. It's time that we get back to the real game, that people can make their ideal scenes on all the dynamics.

Now, let's move on. This will help you in your logic in life. Some more tools to use. You might know them as ARC and KRC triangle. You've probably all have studied those, realize they have an interrelationship affinity, reality, communication. And that is the basis of the association with other players in the game. And the understanding which is the sum of all those of others in the game.

As you improve the ARC, the understanding goes up and as you lower the ARC the understanding goes down. That's a real basic of the game, it's the same agreement as the dynamics. It's in there. It's in the game.

And above that there is another triangle called the KRC triangle.

Knowledge, Responsibility and Control. As that goes toward better and better knowledge, better responsibility and better control you get more power in the game. And as it lowers, you get less. In these lectures I'm trying to give you a lot of knowledge. It's up to you to take the responsibility, put in good control and that how we handle the guys in ethics and "do we get the wrong change".

Control the guy. You don't just go berserk and say: "Hey, you give me a wrong change". Appeal to his logic. Hand it up there, "look what you gave me. That's wrong". If he does not handle it for you, you go to his boss. Don't handle it there you go to the police. See? You can handle it. You put the ethics in. And you have done something to help the game. The same, if he gives you too much, say: "hey, you made mistake there". So, may be you save his job and he thinks there's honest people around.

You know ARC, KRC. That's good stuff. That's agreements in the game.

Do you also know that implanters are habit to disseminate false triangles, so they can run their scenarios better. Instead of the KRC triangle, they have one that is called Status, Conformity and Monitoring, or Control by Monitoring. Funny enough if you run into Implanter type organizations... and even the Marcabians have used this as well, because they were controlled by the implanters formerly. You will find that they are all sitting on a status hierarchy. And to stay there they have to conform at their level and the guys under them have to conform even more.

Wear the correct color suit to work. Drive the right kind of car for your status. What is it, "I'll have two point three children", or something like that.

And everything is closely monitored. The wife has to join this club she has to monitor... "don't go over there... don't associate with that, don't buy that kind of magazine".

All that is monitored totally. Lovely. That is not an expanding fun type of game, I tell you. They tried to get that in America too, did not work so well, but they tried.

It works in some parts of the society. But in others... forget it.

Now, the substitute for the ARC triangle they put in, was "Admiration", "Forced Agreement" or "Bank Agreement", in other words "Consensus", everybody has to agree by their bank and "Automaticity".

In other words it's the exact thing you must say, instead of communication formula. When somebody says this, you must say this. And you see this in the same societies that do the Status, Conformity, Control Monitoring, you see the people talking. Say, the automatic communication... They say: "Did you see the play last night?" The other person has to say: "Oh, how dreary!" Or: "Absolutely boring!" Because when they read the magazine they were supposed to, the critic who was hired by that group said: "The play was absolutely boring". So, they have to say at a party: "It was absolutely boring". That means they have automatically repeated what they've already put in the magazine, that they are supposed to say the party to be accepted.

And the Admiration thing is, whatever is conforming, is admired. See, they are using the most valuable particle instead of a real communication. So, they all molded up with particles. The woman wears the Dior Dress, the Dior Dress is a part of the Conformity thing.

"Oh, I really admire that creation, so wonderful!" See? So, you have to admire that just because of the label. It may be a terrible looking color or something, but just because of label...

Next, we have this Agreement thing, enforced Agreement, it's a Bank Agreement, not a real reality.

And that goes along with a well used thing, there's a characteristic of suppressive, which is called the generality. That perpetuates the enforced agreement. "Everybody knows, that he's not really of our class". "Everyone's using this perfume this year". I guarantee, if everyone was using it, the people who want to be different, would not use it. Or when you have a status oriented society, if everybody in that society is using it, you must use it too... to conform. So, you then get the Bank Agreement. "They are not be different". It's dangerous. Now there are certain areas, they let them do little excursions in, of course. This is considered chic.

But, since this comes from the implanters, guess where these areas are. And they usually say: "Oh, how naughty. Oh, you experimented with a drugs". Ha-ha-ha, how naughty, having cocaine in the kitchen. Going to Doctor Carma, the psychiatrist for analysis of your love life. "How chic". Oh, trying to handle the death of your pet dog with hypnosis. "Oh, how dearly", yeah, having your husband beat you with a whip.

Now, what have we got here is pains, drugs, hypnosis. Male voice: "How chic!" [laughter]

How chic! It's about as chic as is the whole track interference, because that's exactly what they use, the whole track interfere with a game, pain, drug, hypnosis, that's what causes implants, engrams.

LRH referred to that in some of his earliest works... Dianetics... PDH-ing of people. PDH, yeah, pain, drug, hypnosis. Those are the chic things in those kinds of society, so you know which way they are oriented. When you know that these things are going to lie on a chain. And since it's going to lie on a chain, it goes all the way back to their basic implants. It is a super control mechanism. By restimulation. To keep the people from playing the game better. Keep them conforming and you see, the other thing on it, since a lot of this is a bit weird or illegal, they also have the mechanism to betray you later with it.

Because if you get out of line... don't conform somewhere, or you join the Free Zone or something, they can release these little tiny-bits to the press or to your relatives, they cut off your money, they cut off your PR. Or, maybe they can arrest you, throw you at the crazy house or the police station

It's amazing how many wealthy top-level business people, politicians and everything are involved in blackmailable things. You don't believe me. Oh, you do believe me? You do believe me. Oh, alright. I haven't done a full eval on this but in England they started lifting the lid on a really gross, really gross entire dynamic action.

Goes under the name of pedophilia. Pedophilia, which means ... it's not only the making of 2D with little children, not only that.

Yeah, from five, six years old up or even younger, but actually the killing of them ritually. And, I don't know why they are lifting the lid on it right now, because it's already become apparent from the data I got. You know, you would think: Oh, who are these people that are doing it? The most customers for this kind of act are wealthy or middle class, upper middle class lawyers, doctors, businessmen and government people. These acts cost more than being the drug addict. They have to buy the child. And pay up to 4000 Pounds for one shot.

One shot, yeah, one time. Kill them... I mean, they got to get another one. They have a whole record of this going across from England, America, to the Philippines, where they get the kids. They have tourist agencies that are specially set up to do this. The introduction into this is probably showing you picture of a naked child. If people try to infiltrate... they kill them. They also have connection over into Holland, Amsterdam, buy from there. This started to come to the surface as sort of a big business. You can see the potentialities of that on these false triangles. Restimulating somebody to get them to do that and then using it, having pictures of it and all that stuff, to use for potential blackmail, you can get the guy whatever profession he is in, to do anything you want. Now, two those are example of one of these 'everybody gets betrayed' actions and restimulation of bank agreement and all that.

And this is all part of the implanter scenarios. Anybody who's study up on the implants on the upper levels above clear, they will know that a lot of these things are already contained in a lot of the implant pictures. That's not to say, they aren't worse scenarios going on the planet. I mean, how about the AIDS scenario. How about the fact that perhaps from information we have, that the preventive and the cure were discovered before the AIDS was released. This came from one ex-intelligence officer. And his statement was that these... these preventive and the cure were only given to top politicians and business guys on the planet.

I haven't evaluated that fully, but I did know this one outpoint that fit exactly with that. I noticed when they started promoting the danger of AIDS in Germany few years back none of the politicians who were interviewed seemed to be very worried about it. But the normal people got a bit concerned. And you just kept looking at the tone levels on these people when they heard about it or when they were talking about it. And the top guys, they just talking about: "Oh, yes, well, we going to do this, we going to do that, we will get some money to handle that".

They weren't even concerned! And I remember picking off the television screen from the guys own thoughts, it was a live interview. He was thinking during the interview: "Of course, we already have the cure". And I just filed it away as a little piece of data. You see?

Okay, maybe it's just a depopulation thing. They just want to lower down the population a little bit, so they can monitor everybody more easily. The less bodies there are to monitor, and the more thetans needing bodies as there are, the more concentration of bodies there are, the less attention there will be on scenarios.

I guess you know there is a project called Global 2000. Where the population of the planet is supposed to be lowered to two billion 500 thousands.

It's about half of what it is now. Through the mechanisms of war, famine and disease. Sounds like the four horseman of the apocalypse. That whole story in the bible and so on... like that that's all the prediction that was put in by the same scenario makers, to make the prediction of what they were going to do, so when they did this it would be classed as the prediction and not a new plan of somebody who is trying to wreck the planet. You understand what I'm saying? These are plans. They are not prophecies. They are plans. And if you think it is just a prophecy becoming true and therefore you have to accept it. Then you can't play the game too well. And the other guys are controlling the game.

What you are getting here is more data about logic in life, than you'll probably ever find in a library or in the newspapers. Even if you went through a several thousand volumes. All of this has been verified by people auditing and realizing it from their own track viewpoints. But as long as you have a society which believes they only live once, they cannot conceive of a plan that lasts more than one or two generations or for a thousand or so years or even for longer.

You see what I mean, so what for those the long range plans, don't tend to think it's just happening accidentally.

Any questions to this point? We'll have to knock it off for tonight. I did not realize it was so late. Tomorrow we will come to some more pleasant help for you to play the game of life logically. Get more fun, wins and acceptances. And what you all like to do – add to your store of unerasable pleasure moments. Thank you very much.

End of the day (video position 1:00:30)

Continued in part 2.

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